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 Anthony Shaw, I

Anthony Shaw, I

Mand ca. 1595 - eft. 1630  (> 36 år)

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William Shaw
Mand 1690-1767
Content Wood
Kvinde 1694-før 1756
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Content Irish
Kvinde 1691-1751
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Mary Shaw
Kvinde 1692-1730
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Anthony Shaw
Mand 1694-1759
Rebecca Wood
Kvinde 1696-1766
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John Palmer
Mand 1694-1785
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Israel Shaw, II
Mand 1697-ca. 1746
Abigail Palmer
Kvinde 1702-1790
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Hannah Shaw
Kvinde 1699-1734
William Wood
Mand 1700-1773
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Jeremiah Shaw
Mand 1700-1764
Ruth Shaw
Kvinde 1701-1721
Peter Shaw, I
Mand 1704-1775
Elizabeth Shaw
Kvinde 1706-1766
Grace Shaw
Kvinde 1707-1755
Edward Church
Mand 1706-1761
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Comfort Shaw
Kvinde 1709-1785
Deborah Shaw
Kvinde 1711-1766
Israel C. Shaw
Mand 1660-1711
Abigail Tallman
Kvinde ca. 1666-eft. 1711
Ruth Shaw
Kvinde 1660-1737
Elizabeth Shaw
Kvinde 1656-1748
Mary Shaw
Kvinde 1658-1688
Sarah Church
Kvinde 1691-1750
Deborah Church
Kvinde 1697-1759
Sarah Church
Kvinde 1689-1745
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Innocent Head
Kvinde 1686-1778
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Caleb Church
Mand 1701-1769
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Israel Church
Mand 1707-1735
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Richard Church
Mand 1703-1740
Mary Reynolds
Kvinde 1710-1784
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Alice Church
Kvinde 1693-1718
Grace Shaw
Kvinde 1666-1737
Alice Stanard
Kvinde 1632-1705
Anthony Shaw, I
Mand ca. 1595-eft. 1630
Kvinde før 1613-eft. 1630

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