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 Sarah Hannah Bliss

Sarah Hannah Bliss

Kvinde 1677 - 1747  (69 år)

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Sarah Hooker
Kvinde 1739-1793
Manning Brace
Mand 1774-1828
Thomas Brace
Mand 1764-1796
Edmond Brace
Mand 1768-1768
Lory Brace
Mand 1770-1825
Orin Brace
Mand 1786-1804
Lory Brace
Mand 1793-1843
Betsey Brace
Kvinde 1778-1824
Jonathan Brace
Mand 1784-1784
Henry Brace
Mand 1766-1841
Polly Cadwell
Kvinde 1771-1815
 = Ny tavle
Abigail Hooker
Kvinde 1746-1802
William Hooker
Mand 1748-1778
John D. Hooker
Mand 1744-1777
Sarah Hooker
Kvinde 1758-1844
Thomas Hooker
Mand 1756-1758
Daniel Hooker
Mand 1755-1842
Elizabeth Hooker
Kvinde 1758-Ja, dato ukendt
John Hooker
Mand 1765-1777
Eunice Hooker
Kvinde 1772-1851
Mary Hooker
Kvinde ca. 1754-1842
John Hooker
Mand ca. 1774-Ja, dato ukendt
Mand ca. 1751-1751
Charlotte Hooker
Mand ca. 1778-Ja, dato ukendt
Hannah Hooker
Kvinde 1762-Ja, dato ukendt
Daniel Hooker
Mand ca. 1730-1802
Mary Sedgwick
Kvinde 1728-1791
Eliza Harris
Kvinde 1740-Ja, dato ukendt
Thomas Hooker
Mand 1740-1764
Chloe Hooker
Kvinde 1742-1832
Rodolphus Hooker
Mand 1790-Ja, dato ukendt
Hannah Martin
Kvinde ca. 1788-Ja, dato ukendt
 = Ny tavle
Riverious Hooker
Mand 1749-før 1832
William Hooker
Mand 1797-1863
Mary "Polly" Hooker
Kvinde 1795-eft. 1870
Philer Hooker
Mand 1805-1885
Norris Hooker
Mand 1797-1882
Sarah Webster
Kvinde 1710-1796
George Webster
Mand 1704-1742
Samuel Webster
Mand 1698-1757
Mary Webster
Kvinde 1718-1777
Joseph Webster
Mand 1720-1788
George Webster
Mand 1670-1721

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