1820 - 1904 (84 år)
Has ingen forfædre men 25 efterkommere i dette stamtræ.
Navn |
John Roberts |
Suffiks |
Jr. |
Fødsel |
6 jan. 1820 |
Dolgelly, Merionethshire, Wales |
Dåb |
18 jan. 1821 |
Dolgelly,Merioneth,Wales |
Køn |
Mand |
Bopæl |
1851 |
Bedwellty, Monmouthshire, Wales |
Bopæl |
1861 |
Merthyr Tydfil, Glamorganshire, Wales |
Indvandring |
4 okt. 1863 |
Deseret, United States |
Død |
20 jun. 1904 |
Lehi, Utah, Utah, USA |
Begravelse |
22 jun. 1904 |
Lehi, Utah, Utah, USA |
Obituary |
23 jun. 1904 |
Utah, USA |
L51W-8JJ |
Person-ID |
I130432 |
Sidst ændret |
6 jan. 2021 |
Familie |
Adelaide Ford, f. 22 maj 1830, Athlone, County Westmeath, Ireland d. 7 apr. 1909, Lehi, Utah, Utah, USA (Alder 78 år) |
Børn |
| 1. John Roberts, Jr, f. 20 dec. 1847, Woolwich, Royal Borough of Greenwich, Greater London, England d. 19 okt. 1931, Lehi, Utah, Utah, USA (Alder 83 år) [Far: natural] [Mor: natural]
Familie-ID |
F27644 |
Gruppeskema | Familietavle |
Sidst ændret |
6 jan. 2021 |
Begivenhedskort |
 | Fødsel - 6 jan. 1820 - Dolgelly, Merionethshire, Wales |
 | Bopæl - 1851 - Bedwellty, Monmouthshire, Wales |
 | Død - 20 jun. 1904 - Lehi, Utah, Utah, USA |
 | Begravelse - 22 jun. 1904 - Lehi, Utah, Utah, USA |
 | Obituary - 23 jun. 1904 - Utah, USA |
Notater |
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- John Roberts was born January 6, 1820 in Dolgelly, Merioneth, Wales. He was the son of a soldier. His father, John Roberts, was a bugler in the Royal Merioneth Militia. Little is known of his mother, Mary Darcy. She was born in Ireland and the records
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