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 Elizabeth Stanley

Elizabeth Stanley

Kvinde 1657 - 1657    Har 4 forfædre men ingen efterkommere i dette stamtræ.

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  • Navn Elizabeth Stanley 
    Død 1657 
    Fødsel 1 apr. 1657  Farmington, Hartford, Connecticut, USA Find alle personer med begivenheder på dette sted 
    Dåb 5 apr. 1657  Farmington, Hartford, Connecticut, USA Find alle personer med begivenheder på dette sted 
    Køn Kvinde 
    Søskende 6 søskende 
    Person-ID I143536  AALT
    Sidst ændret 6 jan. 2021 

    Far John Stanley, II,   f. 18 maj 1624, Ashford, Kent, England Find alle personer med begivenheder på dette stedd. 19 dec. 1706, Wethersfield, Hartford, Connecticut, USA Find alle personer med begivenheder på dette sted (Alder 82 år) 
    Tilknytning natural 
    Mor Sarah Scott,   f. 1626, England Find alle personer med begivenheder på dette stedd. 26 jun. 1661, Farmington, Hartford, Connecticut, USA Find alle personer med begivenheder på dette sted (Alder 35 år) 
    Tilknytning natural 
    Ægteskab 5 dec. 1645  Farmington, Hartford, Connecticut, USA Find alle personer med begivenheder på dette sted  [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
    Alder ved indgåelse af ægteskab Han : 21 år og 7 måneder - Hun : ~ 20 år. 
    Familie-ID F32127  Gruppeskema  |  Familietavle

  • Begivenhedskort
    Link til Google MapsFødsel - 1 apr. 1657 - Farmington, Hartford, Connecticut, USA Link til Google Earth
    Link til Google MapsDåb - 5 apr. 1657 - Farmington, Hartford, Connecticut, USA Link til Google Earth
     = Link til Google Earth 

  • Kilder 
    1. [S950], FamilySearch Family Tree, "Family Tree," database, FamilySearch ( : modified 31 December 2020, 21:12), entry for John Stanley II(PID; contributed by various users. PersonID 9CDQ-YZM.
      John Stanley II

    2. [S950], FamilySearch Family Tree.
      The Stanley families of America as descended from John, Timothy, and Thomas Stanley of Hartford, Conn., 1636. by Warren, Israel P

    3. [S950], FamilySearch Family Tree, Book Title: The Harvey book : giving the genealogies of certain branches of the American families of Harvey, Nesbitt, Dixon and Jameson; and notes on many other families, together with numerous biographical sketches.
      North America, Family Histories, 1500-2000

    4. [S950], FamilySearch Family Tree.
      The history of ancient Wethersfield, Connecticut : comprising the present towns of Wethersfield, Rocky Hill, and Newington; and of Glastonbury prior to its incorporation in 1693, from date of earliest settlement until the present time

    5. [S950], FamilySearch Family Tree, FHL #4,241.
      Records of First Church of Christ, Farmington, CT,

    6. [S950], FamilySearch Family Tree, FHL film #1,022,251.
      File 5131, Hartford Probate DistrictFile 5131, Hartford Probate District

    7. [S950], FamilySearch Family Tree, by Leslie Mahler in "The American Genealogist," Vol 80 #3, pp. 217ff.
      "Re-examining the English Origin of the Stanley Brothers of Hartford, CT"

    8. [S950], FamilySearch Family Tree, edited by Nathaniel Shurtleff, (Boston: William White, 1853 - 1968 reprint) p. 134 [p. 135].
      Records of the Governor and Company of the Massachusetts Bay in New England, vol 1

    9. [S950], FamilySearch Family Tree, "Connecticut Births and Christenings, 1649-1906", database, FamilySearch ( : 7 January 2020), John Standla in entry for John Standla, 1647.
      John Standla in entry for John Standla, "Connecticut Births and Christenings, 1649-1906"

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