1613 - 1687 (74 år)
Has ingen forfædre men 16 efterkommere i dette stamtræ.
Navn |
James Rawlins |
Fødsel |
1613 |
Cornwall, England |
Køn |
Mand |
Indvandring |
1632 |
Arrived in Ipswich, MA settlers from England |
Beskæftigelse |
1st generation of Rawlins from England |
Bopæl |
1632 |
Ipswich, Essex, Massachusetts, USA |
Bopæl |
1634 |
Newbury, Merrimack, New Hampshire, USA |
Bopæl |
1634 |
Dover, Strafford, New Hampshire, USA |
Bopæl |
10 jul. 1644 |
Bloody Point, Rockingham, New Hampshire, United States |
Død |
13 aug. 1687 |
Newington, Rockingham, New Hampshire, USA |
Person-ID |
I86177 |
Sidst ændret |
6 jan. 2021 |
Familie |
Hannah Fry, f. 1617, Weymouth, Dorset, England d. 29 apr. 1692, Dover, Strafford, New Hampshire, USA (Alder 75 år) |
Børn |
| 1. Thomas Rawlins, f. 14 jul. 1641, Exeter, Rockingham, New Hampshire, USA d. 19 okt. 1706, Exeter, Rockingham, New Hampshire, USA (Alder 65 år) [Far: natural] [Mor: natural]
Familie-ID |
F18004 |
Gruppeskema | Familietavle |
Sidst ændret |
6 jan. 2021 |
Begivenhedskort |
 | Fødsel - 1613 - Cornwall, England |
 | Bopæl - 1632 - Ipswich, Essex, Massachusetts, USA |
 | Bopæl - 1634 - Newbury, Merrimack, New Hampshire, USA |
 | Bopæl - 1634 - Dover, Strafford, New Hampshire, USA |
 | Død - 13 aug. 1687 - Newington, Rockingham, New Hampshire, USA |
Notater |
Klik på pilen til venstre for at vise noten. |
- In 1632 James emigrated from England to Ipswich, Essex, Massachusetts.
In 1634 he was a proprietor residing at Newbury, Essex, Massachusetts; where on 14 May he was fined on 5 August for charging too high a price for the labor of one of his servants whom he had let out to another man.
In 1640 he signed the Dover Combination.
He moved to that part of ancient Dover called Bloody Point (now Newington) where he received a grant of land on 10 July 1644.
He received various grants of land at Dover.
He was very active in his community and held various offices at Dover.
On 16 December 1685 he prepared his will; 'James Rawlins of Dover ... in body very sick and weak' bequeathed to 'my well beloved loving and dear respected wife Hannah' the use and profit of all my household goods, chattels and lands during her life.
On 25 July 1691 his will was proved.
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