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Killingworth, Middlesex, Connecticut, USA



Breddegrad: 41.3581, Længdegrad: -72.5642


Match 1 til 50 fra 63

1 2 Næste»

   Efternavn, Fornavn    Fødsel    Person-ID   Træ 
1 Beach, Richard  19 okt. 1677Killingworth, Middlesex, Connecticut, USA I94302 AALT 
2 Bidwell, Grace C.  1871Killingworth, Middlesex, Connecticut, USA I126385 AALT 
3 Davis, Emme  1893Killingworth, Middlesex, Connecticut, USA I67335 AALT 
4 Davis, Ira A.  1868Killingworth, Middlesex, Connecticut, USA I67288 AALT 
5 Denison, John  22 nov. 1744Killingworth, Middlesex, Connecticut, USA I91909 AALT 
6 Griswold, Bathsheba  5 dec. 1682Killingworth, Middlesex, Connecticut, USA I135 AALT 
7 Griswold, Benjamin  26 sep. 1691Killingworth, Middlesex, Connecticut, USA I7 AALT 
8 Griswold, Daniel  25 okt. 1696Killingworth, Middlesex, Connecticut, USA I24897 AALT 
9 Griswold, Daniel  9 mar. 1722Killingworth, Middlesex, Connecticut, USA I9862 AALT 
10 Griswold, Dorothy  4 maj 1681Killingworth, Middlesex, Connecticut, USA I241 AALT 
11 Griswold, Dorothy  23 sep. 1692Killingworth, Middlesex, Connecticut, USA I431 AALT 
12 Griswold, Elisabeth  1661Killingworth, Middlesex, Connecticut, USA I20157 AALT 
13 Griswold, Grace  2 apr. 1734Killingworth, Middlesex, Connecticut, USA I9605 AALT 
14 Griswold, Hannah  25 okt. 1677Killingworth, Middlesex, Connecticut, USA I167 AALT 
15 Griswold, John  22 sep. 1679Killingworth, Middlesex, Connecticut, USA I528 AALT 
16 Griswold, John  4 dec. 1683Killingworth, Middlesex, Connecticut, USA I10 AALT 
17 Griswold, John  4 nov. 1688Killingworth, Middlesex, Connecticut, USA I124306 AALT 
18 Griswold, Josiah  19 nov. 1731Killingworth, Middlesex, Connecticut, USA I9783 AALT 
19 Griswold, Lucy  24 jul. 1686Killingworth, Middlesex, Connecticut, USA I325 AALT 
20 Griswold, Margaret  10 dec. 1673Killingworth, Middlesex, Connecticut, USA I18259 AALT 
21 Griswold, Martha  1 jun. 1689Killingworth, Middlesex, Connecticut, USA I36 AALT 
22 Griswold, Martha  16 jun. 1694Killingworth, Middlesex, Connecticut, USA I263 AALT 
23 Griswold, Samuel  4 apr. 1685Killingworth, Middlesex, Connecticut, USA I268 AALT 
24 Griswold, Sarah  22 okt. 1723Killingworth, Middlesex, Connecticut, USA I9815 AALT 
25 Griswold, Walter  7 mar. 1700Killingworth, Middlesex, Connecticut, USA I259 AALT 
26 Grisworth, Bathsheba  20 okt. 1725Killingworth, Middlesex, Connecticut, USA I9438 AALT 
27 Hull, Sarah  10 okt. 1738Killingworth, Middlesex, Connecticut, USA I117807 AALT 
28 Joy, Deborah  23 feb. 1673Killingworth, Middlesex, Connecticut, USA I42161 AALT 
29 Joy, Jacob  1645Killingworth, Middlesex, Connecticut, USA I42327 AALT 
30 Joy, Jacob  14 mar. 1675Killingworth, Middlesex, Connecticut, USA I82082 AALT 
31 Joy, Mary  17 sep. 1680Killingworth, Middlesex, Connecticut, USA I82200 AALT 
32 Joy, Walter  14 aug. 1677Killingworth, Middlesex, Connecticut, USA I81912 AALT 
33 Kelsey, Elizabeth  28 dec. 1724Killingworth, Middlesex, Connecticut, USA I100410 AALT 
34 Kelsey, William  30 nov. 1697Killingworth, Middlesex, Connecticut, USA I91704 AALT 
35 North, Bathsheba  25 dec. 1654Killingworth, Middlesex, Connecticut, USA I18289 AALT 
36 Norton, Sarah  15 nov. 1674Killingworth, Middlesex, Connecticut, USA I42187 AALT 
37 Parmelee, Ezrah  28 apr. 1714Killingworth, Middlesex, Connecticut, USA I126778 AALT 
38 Pierson, Heman  1825Killingworth, Middlesex, Connecticut, USA I63461 AALT 
39 Pierson, Lester Cook  1864Killingworth, Middlesex, Connecticut, USA I63309 AALT 
40 Pierson, Mary  10 feb. 1713Killingworth, Middlesex, Connecticut, USA I117864 AALT 
41 Pratt, Anna  1764Killingworth, Middlesex, Connecticut, USA I6270 AALT 
42 Pratt, Denison  5 aug. 1766Killingworth, Middlesex, Connecticut, USA I6061 AALT 
43 Stevens, Jerusha  19 okt. 1704Killingworth, Middlesex, Connecticut, USA I25120 AALT 
44 Stevens, Josiah Capt.  8 dec. 1670Killingworth, Middlesex, Connecticut, USA I25167 AALT 
45 Ward, Abigail  15 sep. 1672Killingworth, Middlesex, Connecticut, USA I42024 AALT 
46 Ward, Andrew III  1 dec. 1669Killingworth, Middlesex, Connecticut, USA I42125 AALT 
47 Ward, John  16 mar. 1671Killingworth, Middlesex, Connecticut, USA I42086 AALT 
48 Ward, Mary  18 okt. 1678Killingworth, Middlesex, Connecticut, USA I42178 AALT 
49 Ward, Peter  14 okt. 1676Killingworth, Middlesex, Connecticut, USA I42088 AALT 
50 Ward, Samuel  2 maj 1684Killingworth, Middlesex, Connecticut, USA I42049 AALT 

1 2 Næste»


Match 1 til 2 fra 2

   Efternavn, Fornavn    Dåb    Person-ID   Træ 
1 Griswold, Jerusha  23 nov. 1727Killingworth, Middlesex, Connecticut, USA I124958 AALT 
2 Wilcox, Mabel  6 sep. 1747Killingworth, Middlesex, Connecticut, USA I117883 AALT 


Match 1 til 46 fra 46

   Efternavn, Fornavn    Død    Person-ID   Træ 
1 Barber, William  28 mar. 1707Killingworth, Middlesex, Connecticut, USA I5949 AALT 
2 Bradford, Meletiah  24 apr. 1739Killingworth, Middlesex, Connecticut, USA I12938 AALT 
3 Buell, Joseph  1 dec. 1772Killingworth, Middlesex, Connecticut, USA I51137 AALT 
4 Bushnell, Jemima  27 dec. 1783Killingworth, Middlesex, Connecticut, USA I114321 AALT 
5 Daggett, Martha  25 aug. 1711Killingworth, Middlesex, Connecticut, USA I46293 AALT 
6 Davis, Sarah  6 apr. 1828Killingworth, Middlesex, Connecticut, USA I117804 AALT 
7 Elderkin, James  17 sep. 1738Killingworth, Middlesex, Connecticut, USA I2336 AALT 
8 Griswold, Bathsheba  12 feb. 1753Killingworth, Middlesex, Connecticut, USA I135 AALT 
9 Griswold, Daniel  10 maj 1777Killingworth, Middlesex, Connecticut, USA I9862 AALT 
10 Griswold, Dorothy  3 mar. 1690Killingworth, Middlesex, Connecticut, USA I241 AALT 
11 Griswold, Grace  13 maj 1823Killingworth, Middlesex, Connecticut, USA I9605 AALT 
12 Griswold, Jerusha  23 mar. 1745Killingworth, Middlesex, Connecticut, USA I124958 AALT 
13 Griswold, John  14 dec. 1679Killingworth, Middlesex, Connecticut, USA I528 AALT 
14 Griswold, John  1688Killingworth, Middlesex, Connecticut, USA I124306 AALT 
15 Griswold, John  1688Killingworth, Middlesex, Connecticut, USA I10 AALT 
16 Griswold, John  5 aug. 1717Killingworth, Middlesex, Connecticut, USA I21644 AALT 
17 Griswold, Martha  3 mar. 1690Killingworth, Middlesex, Connecticut, USA I36 AALT 
18 Griswold, Martha  17 mar. 1690Killingworth, Middlesex, Connecticut, USA I263 AALT 
19 Grisworth, Bathsheba  23 okt. 1737Killingworth, Middlesex, Connecticut, USA I9438 AALT 
20 Hubbell, Sarah  17 dec. 1725Killingworth, Middlesex, Connecticut, USA I25269 AALT 
21 Kelsey, William  1680Killingworth, Middlesex, Connecticut, USA I48662 AALT 
22 Kelsey, William  2 dec. 1755Killingworth, Middlesex, Connecticut, USA I91704 AALT 
23 Lay, Jemima  5 jan. 1819Killingworth, Middlesex, Connecticut, USA I91948 AALT 
24 Lay, Temperance  18 sep. 1773Killingworth, Middlesex, Connecticut, USA I127119 AALT 
25 North, Bathsheba  23 okt. 1737Killingworth, Middlesex, Connecticut, USA I18289 AALT 
26 Osborn, Mary  31 mar. 1735Killingworth, Middlesex, Connecticut, USA I56592 AALT 
27 Pabodie, Lydia  13 jul. 1747Killingworth, Middlesex, Connecticut, USA I61262 AALT 
28 Parmelee, Ezrah  7 dec. 1800Killingworth, Middlesex, Connecticut, USA I126778 AALT 
29 Pierson, Mary  13 dec. 1795Killingworth, Middlesex, Connecticut, USA I117864 AALT 
30 Pratt, Denison  23 jul. 1841Killingworth, Middlesex, Connecticut, USA I6061 AALT 
31 Spencer, Elizabeth  17 sep. 1680Killingworth, Middlesex, Connecticut, USA I42321 AALT 
32 Spencer, Marah (Mary Alice) (Alice)  22 dec. 1714Killingworth, Middlesex, Connecticut, USA I53436 AALT 
33 Stevens, Jerusha  3 dec. 1792Killingworth, Middlesex, Connecticut, USA I25120 AALT 
34 Stevens, Josiah Capt.  15 mar. 1754Killingworth, Middlesex, Connecticut, USA I25167 AALT 
35 Ward, Andrew Jr.  19 nov. 1691Killingworth, Middlesex, Connecticut, USA I42374 AALT 
36 Ward, General  19 nov. 1691Killingworth, Middlesex, Connecticut, USA I42020 AALT 
37 Ward, John  1700Killingworth, Middlesex, Connecticut, USA I42086 AALT 
38 Ward, Peter  8 dec. 1763Killingworth, Middlesex, Connecticut, USA I42088 AALT 
39 Ward, Samuel  30 apr. 1681Killingworth, Middlesex, Connecticut, USA I42049 AALT 
40 Wilcox, Asa  16 jun. 1808Killingworth, Middlesex, Connecticut, USA I117860 AALT 
41 Wilcox, Mabel  25 jul. 1809Killingworth, Middlesex, Connecticut, USA I117883 AALT 
42 Wilcox, Sarah  Killingworth, Middlesex, Connecticut, USA I117871 AALT 
43 Wilcox, Solomon  3 okt. 1802Killingworth, Middlesex, Connecticut, USA I117893 AALT 
44 Wilcox, Solomon  18 dec. 1804Killingworth, Middlesex, Connecticut, USA I117879 AALT 
45 Wilcox, Stephen  22 dec. 1781Killingworth, Middlesex, Connecticut, USA I117868 AALT 
46 Wilcox, Stephen  20 jan. 1823Killingworth, Middlesex, Connecticut, USA I117810 AALT 


Match 1 til 5 fra 5

   Efternavn, Fornavn    Begravelse    Person-ID   Træ 
1 Bradford, Meletiah  Killingworth, Middlesex, Connecticut, USA I12938 AALT 
2 Carr, Mary  28 okt. 1688Killingworth, Middlesex, Connecticut, USA I29534 AALT 
3 Griswold, Daniel  1777Killingworth, Middlesex, Connecticut, USA I9862 AALT 
4 Griswold, Elisabeth  jan. 1728Killingworth, Middlesex, Connecticut, USA I20157 AALT 
5 Lay, Jemima  1819Killingworth, Middlesex, Connecticut, USA I91948 AALT 


Match 1 til 1 fra 1

   Efternavn, Fornavn    Bopæl    Person-ID   Træ 
1 Parmelee, Ezrah  1790Killingworth, Middlesex, Connecticut, USA I126778 AALT 


Match 1 til 1 fra 1

   Efternavn, Fornavn    Død    Person-ID   Træ 
1 Spencer, Marah (Mary Alice) (Alice)  22 dec. 1714Killingworth, Middlesex, Connecticut, USA I53436 AALT 


Match 1 til 11 fra 11

   Familie    Ægteskab    Familie-ID   Træ 
1 Davis / Bidwell  1892Killingworth, Middlesex, Connecticut, USA F13584 AALT 
2 De Wolf / Stevens  1740Killingworth, Middlesex, Connecticut, USA F3711 AALT 
3 Denison / Denison  28 nov. 1787Killingworth, Middlesex, Connecticut, USA F2159 AALT 
4 Griswold / Bemis  28 nov. 1672Killingworth, Middlesex, Connecticut, USA F1881 AALT 
5 Griswold / North  27 okt. 1679Killingworth, Middlesex, Connecticut, USA F1880 AALT 
6 Griswold / Stevens  9 mar. 1721Killingworth, Middlesex, Connecticut, USA F3556 AALT 
7 Ives / Wilcox  27 dec. 1831Killingworth, Middlesex, Connecticut, USA F11653 AALT 
8 Joy / Spencer  23 maj 1672Killingworth, Middlesex, Connecticut, USA F8343 AALT 
9 Pierson / Cook  1850Killingworth, Middlesex, Connecticut, USA F12273 AALT 
10 Ward / Joy  19 nov. 1691Killingworth, Middlesex, Connecticut, USA F8316 AALT 
11 Wilcox / Pierson  10 maj 1733Killingworth, Middlesex, Connecticut, USA F24899 AALT 

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