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151 1St Presby. Church Cemetery  Platt, John (I119364)
152 1st Ref Church  Polhemus, Catherine Disborough (I57468)
153 1st Ref Church  Nevius, James Schureman Hon (I24884)
154 2 different men have been given the same birth date/place & parents. One of them was later married in the same place where he was born (i.e., K8Q1-58C) and on that basis seems more likely to belong to this family & have this birth date than does THIS James Gardiner who married, instead, in MASS. I do not descend from either of these men, so I am leaving it alone. But for those who do descend from this family, be aware of this conundrum & the possible need for further research to solve it.
2 different men have been given the same birth date/place & parents . One of them was later married in the same place where he was bor n (i.e., K8Q1-58C) and on that basis seems more likely to belong to th is family & have this birth date than does THIS James Gardiner who mar ried, instead, in MASS. I do not descend from either of these men, s o I am leaving it alone. But for those who do descend from this famil y, be aware of this conundrum & the possible need for further researc h to solve it. 
Gardiner, Dr. James (I61841)
155 2. Ehe fuer Susanna Schmidt mit Andreas Strack.
Strack, Anderas (I20831)
156 2019 10 29 - according to Church Membership Department, his records show his father was Jonathan Patrick Ellsworth and mother was Sarah Gallea.

Just a rough outline written by Orval Ellsworth:
Family life: He was a polygamist, had 4 wives and 42 children.
Leadership: Captain of the 1st handcart company, Alderman on Salt Lake City Council, Major in Nauvoo Legion.
Church Service: Missionary to England, 1854-6, Seventies Quorum President, Bishopric Counselor
Builder: Superintendent for road construction, Utah Central Railroad bridge building, track laying, Nauvoo Temple Rock Quarry Worker.
Farmer: Rancher
Actor-Musician: Played in brass band, Nauvoo, Salt Lake, Acted in the Salt Lake Theatre.

Edmund Lovell Ellsworth was a Mormon Pioneer with 4 wives, 42 children, about 252 grandchildren, over 750 decendants in the following generation, about 1,500 in the next and 3,000 in the latest generation.
Edmund's father Jonathon died the year Edmund was born, in 1819. When Edmund was 37 years old he led the first company of 250 handcart pioneers from Iowa City, Iowa to the valley of the Great Salt Lake.

Notes from Minnie Jane Fisher Ellsworth (granddaughter in law): Edmund was a veteran of the Walker war, counselor to bishops; missionary to England. Member Nauvoo Legion; alderman in Salt Lake City; superintendent of construction of Utah Northern Railroad and lumberman 
Ellsworth, Edmund Lovell (I104682)
157 23.11.1729 75J. 2m. 14T. alt.

Besegl til forældre: @I307@ 
Gretschel, Tobias (I21203)
158 242. Henry Died at Mobile.  Judd, Henry William (I35382)
159 243. Maria Married John H. Cook of New Haven.  Judd, Maria Mix (I35322)
160 244. Philip Samuel Lived in New Britain Conn 1850 Had a family.  Judd, Philip Samuel (I35317)
161 245 Thomas S Graduated at Washington College 1831. Was a minister of the Episcopal church, in the State of New York.  Judd, Thomas Stanley (I35385)
162 2nd wife of Ezra Parmele (from online gravestone info at  Lay, Jemima (I91948)
163 2nd wife of James Jens Mortensen. James and Ida Pease Mortensen met her. She helped Ida in the home. Family learn to love Elizabeth. During polygamy years, from family stories, it was Ida that encouraged James to take Elizabeth as wife in marriage.

MY MOTHER'S LIFE STORY - Elizabeth Mears Hawkins Mortensen
1 March 1867 - 22 January 1911
By Zetta Fern Mortensen Sanders (daughter)

Elizabeth Mears Hawkins Mortensen was born March 1, 1867 in Salt Lake City, Utah. Her father was Thomas Sunderland Hawkins and her mother, Elizabeth Mears Hawkins. She was born under the Covenant with her parents having been sealed and endowed in the Endowment House in Salt Lake City.

She says she remembered playing on the temple grounds when the temple had only stones cut ready for building. The family moved to Lehi, Utah and then to Arizona. They lived in Pinedale. Shortly before mother was seventeen years old, she went to work for Ida J. Mortensen, wife of James Mortensen, whom she later married. In telling about it, she said, "I wanted more clothes than father could buy, so my folks consented for me to go to work. Sister Mortensen needed a girl, so it was agreed that I go there to work. It was in the winter just after Christmas that James Mortensen, with his sister Mary came in the wagon for me. Father came out to the wagon as I got in and said, 'Well, Brother Mortensen, why don't you do like I did. I hired Elizabeth's mother to work for my wife, and married her'. I said, 'Why father!' Brother Mortensen said, 'Thanks Brother Hawkins, I think I will think about it'. By then I was so embarrassed!"

My mother told me about many cases of women asking her to marry their husbands in plural marriage. While working for Aunt Ida, when Ada was born one night, she felt impressed that she should marry Brother Mortensen, as she called him. The next morning he told her that he had been impressed to ask her to marry him. She told him she felt the same.

Arrangements were made during the summer of 1884 and in December, a party of people went to St. George. One wagon in the company was drawn with a team of mules. The driver was my mother. Father drove a buckboard with his first wife and little family riding in it. My mother Elizabeth and father James were married December 12, 1884 in the St. George Temple.

They made their home in Taylor, Arizona. They lived there about two years and then the persecution was so bad for polygamists that my Grandfather Hawkins took his families and moved to Mexico.

To remove trouble from my father, my mother took her baby 'girl, Alice and went with her father's families to Mexico.

The Hawkins' settled in Colonia Juarez. In Mexico, mother helped in any way she could. She gathered straw in the grain season and wove straw hats that she traded to other Colonists in Mexico. She knitted, crocheted, embroidered, hooked rugs, made candles, raised bees, did gardening and raised chickens. She made delicious butter and knew how to store it for use when milk and butter were scarce. She made a lovely graham bread .... the best I have ever eaten.

Her motto was "An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure". Her life was guided by the principle. She was helpful with the sick, but she tried hard to keep us all well. She was really ahead of her time on health rules. She learned nursing from my grandmother Hawkins. I guess most of the things she knew was learned from her mother as she had no chance to go to high school or college.

She read such books as the current church magazines, Book of Mormon, Bible, Doctrine Covenants, Voice of Warning, and a doctor book. She also read the American Mother's Magazine and the Deseret News.

She worked faithfully in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints when she could and when health would permit. Father followed her to Mexico two or three years after she went.

My brother Jesse was born in Colonia Juarez, August 29, 1890. Mother had hived two swarms of bees and done her Saturday cleaning when a cloudburst came and my brother was born about 1:30 P.M. Alice was about five years old and she did not fancy the little intruder, but later she became very devoted to him. Mother buried her next to three babies before they were two years old when Alice was accidentally shot and killed August 13, 1897. Mary, the baby just older than me died August 1898 and I was born the following March.

My mother was very fond of me and many say she spoiled me, but we were constant companions until her death, when I was almost twelve years old.

Elizabeth Mears Hawkins Mortensen was gray-eyed, her hair was gray and she was five feet four inches tall----weighed about 125 pounds. She was quite slender even though she had given birth to nine children. She was a good mother, faithful wife and a good neighbor. She loved the gospel with all her might. Her Patriarchal blessing said she would rise on the morning of the first resurrection and I believe she will.

Had mother lived two more months, she would have been exactly 44 years old. On January 22, 1911, she was shot in the back by some banditos at Guadalupe, Mexico and was buried at Colonia Dublan. The last word she spoke in this life showed she was thinking of her children's welfare.

In her short life, she had lived in two states of the United States, Utah , Arizona and Chihuahua in Mexico.

Elizabeth Mears Hawkins Mortensen gave birth to nine children, buried three before they were three years old, lost one at age eleven by an accidental gun blast and the child fell dead in her lap. She hived bees, tended a drive-on scale, told the lumber freighters where to unload the lumber for my father's lumber yard, knitted socks for some wealthy Mexican officials in Casas Grandes, and when the branch was organized at Guadalupe, she became secretary, treasurer and librarian for the Relief Society.

My father bought Uncle Willard's place for her and it had a lot of young fruit trees, strawberries, rose bushes, black willow pomegranates, berries and grape vines. This was her last home, close to the school and the church. She was happy there. She made our clothes and taught me how to sew my own when I was only nine years old. Jesse and my mother worked in the garden and field. Jesse went to Juarez to school in the fall of 1910.

We loved Christmas time and Thanksgiving when the older children from the other family came to spend the holidays.

James Madison lived in a little old house back of ours. He took care of the chickens. Mother milked our cow, churned butter, canned fruit and vegetables, made soap, and other household duties, but she always had time to go to all the church activities. She taught a Sunday School class and a Primary class. She also took time to visit the sick. She did her best to go to as many of the graves as she could on Memorial Day. She was loved and respected by everyone who knew her. She never lived in a house with indoor plumbing--no electricity, no gas. She cooked on a wood stove, bathed in a galvanized tub. The water had to be pumped from the well with a pitcher pump and heated.

Saturday morning the wash boiler was put on the stove and filled with water for baths and house cleaning. Shampooing hair and rolling hair in curlers were part of Saturday's preparation for Sunday (the Sabbath). That was the time the boys' hair was cut. Anything we could do with our limited means was done to make Sunday a real day of worship and rest. In my mother's time, if you wanted bread, cake or cookies, you had to make them because there were no supermarkets to go get things. A calf was butchered when the weather was cold enough to keep it from spoiling and the neighbors helped use it up as there were no ice boxes or electric refrigerators.

Chicken for Sunday was quite common as it could be cooked and used right away.

My mother usually had white flour and graham flour and cornmeal. She let me take over making the yeast bread when I was nine years old. Our bread was mostly raised yeast bread but we had "Johnny cake", or corn bread and sometimes pancakes for breakfast. We usually had molasses and honey which she kept in gallon cans. If we ate molasses too often, we got canker sores in our mouths. The honey was extracted from honeycomb
Hawkins, Elizabeth Mears (I126148)
164 2nd wife of Sir Frank Whittle, inventor of jet engine.  Steenberg, Hazel Ardyce (I138143)
165 3. Anna, b. May 22d, 1739, m.  Hart, Anna (I94350)
166 3. Anna, born Dec. 24th, 1759, bap. Dec. 30th, 1759, m. No. (174.)

174. "ASAHEL HART," to church Jan. 26th, 1783, son of Joseph, of Northington, now Avon, and Anna Barnes, of Thomas, of Southington, his wife, born May 12th, 1754, bap. May 25th, 1754, Rev. E. Booge, officiating, at Northington. He bought of Elisha Hart, 1791, his new house which Ezekiel Wright built, on Farmington road, near Bass River, with two acres and ten rods of land, where he lived some years; he m. No. (224.)

224.'ANNA, wife of Asahel Hart," to church April 1st, 1787, daughter of No. (200) and No. (78,) born 1759, bap. Dec. 30th, 1759, m. No. (174;) she died Feb. 22d, 1803, aged 44.

He was a brick-mason by trade and occupation, a stirring, lively man, naturally impulsive. After some years he moved to the foot of " Osgood Hill," on the same road. His wife died Feb. 22d, 1803,

when he m. second, Jan. 11th, 1804, Chloe Booth, daughter of Nathan, sen.; she died Feb. 10th, 1807, aged 44; when he m. third, July 29th, 1807, Widow Prudence Gridley, of Avon, widow of Stephen; her maiden name, Park. Mr. Hart died at North Granby. Gridley, her former husband, was drowned at the whirlpool below Farmington bridge; he had swam the river once safely, when a bet was offered that he could not do it again, and he was drowned in the attempt.


1. Anna, born, bap. May 18th, 1783, m. Samuel Cossett, of Granby.

2. Beula, born, bap. May 18th, 1783, never married, died at Simsbury.

3. Asahel, jun., born, bap. Oct. 3d, 1784, m. in Ohio; returned and drowned in Farmington.

4. Joseph, born, bap. Oct. 28th, 1787, m. Sophrona Hart; second, Laura Buel.

5. Eunice, born, bap. Jan. 3d, 1790, m. Sept. 15th, 1818, Chauncey Clark.

6. Azuba, born, bap. Sept. 16th, 1792, m. Apheck Woodruff, Nov. 9th, 1809.

7. Elizabeth Norton, born, bap. May 14th, 1795, m. Wakeman Stanley.

8. Adna Thompson, born 1796, bap. May 28th, 1797, m. Lydia Woodruff.

9. Hannah Day,.born March 20th, 1799, bap. May 19th, 1799, m. Ozem Woodruff, of Avon.

10. Ezra, born, bap. May 17th, 1801, unmarried, occasionally insane.

Memorial. Genealogy, and ecclesiastical history [of First church, New Britain, Conn.] To which is added an appendix, with explanatory notes, and a full index ... By Alfred Andrews ...
Andrews, Alfred, 1797-1876 
Kilbourn, Anna (I37826)
167 3. Anna, born Dec. 24th, 1759, bap. Dec. 30th, 1759, m. No. (174.)

174. "ASAHEL HART," to church Jan. 26th, 1783, son of Joseph, of Northington, now Avon, and Anna Barnes, of Thomas, of Southington, his wife, born May 12th, 1754, bap. May 25th, 1754, Rev. E. Booge, officiating, at Northington. He bought of Elisha Hart, 1791, his new house which Ezekiel Wright built, on Farmington road, near Bass River, with two acres and ten rods of land, where he lived some years; he m. No. (224.)

224.'ANNA, wife of Asahel Hart," to church April 1st, 1787, daughter of No. (200) and No. (78,) born 1759, bap. Dec. 30th, 1759, m. No. (174;) she died Feb. 22d, 1803, aged 44.

He was a brick-mason by trade and occupation, a stirring, lively man, naturally impulsive. After some years he moved to the foot of " Osgood Hill," on the same road. His wife died Feb. 22d, 1803,

when he m. second, Jan. 11th, 1804, Chloe Booth, daughter of Nathan, sen.; she died Feb. 10th, 1807, aged 44;

when he m. third, July 29th, 1807, Widow Prudence Gridley, of Avon, widow of Stephen; her maiden name, Park. Mr. Hart died at North Granby. Gridley, her former husband, was drowned at the whirlpool below Farmington bridge; he had swam the river once safely, when a bet was offered that he could not do it again, and he was drowned in the attempt.


1. Anna, born, bap. May 18th, 1783, m. Samuel Cossett, of Granby.

2. Beula, born, bap. May 18th, 1783, never married, died at Simsbury.

3. Asahel, jun., born, bap. Oct. 3d, 1784, m. in Ohio; returned and drowned in Farmington.

4. Joseph, born, bap. Oct. 28th, 1787, m. Sophrona Hart; second, Laura Buel.

5. Eunice, born, bap. Jan. 3d, 1790, m. Sept. 15th, 1818, Chauncey Clark.

6. Azuba, born, bap. Sept. 16th, 1792, m. Apheck Woodruff, Nov. 9th, 1809.

7. Elizabeth Norton, born, bap. May 14th, 1795, m. Wakeman Stanley.

8. Adna Thompson, born 1796, bap. May 28th, 1797, m. Lydia Woodruff.

9. Hannah Day,.born March 20th, 1799, bap. May 19th, 1799, m. Ozem Woodruff, of Avon.

10. Ezra, born, bap. May 17th, 1801, unmarried, occasionally insane.

Memorial. Genealogy, and ecclesiastical history [of First church, New Britain, Conn.] To which is added an appendix, with explanatory notes, and a full index ... By Alfred Andrews ...
Andrews, Alfred, 1797-1876. 
Hart, Asahel (I35438)
168 3. Ehe fuer Susanna Schmidt, 1. Ehe fuer Balzer Gretschel.

Besegl til forældre: @I307@ 
Gretschel, Balthasar Rusticus (I20877)
169 3. Thomas, born June 20th, 1762, died July 1st, 1764, in third year of age.  Goodrich, Thomas (I143757)
170 4. Nathaniel2 Cutler (John1) was born in Old England in
1630, was at Reading, Mass., as early as 1652, for "the
12th of the 11th 1653" he had been received as an inhabitant,
and then had a home lot of eleven acres, and two
lots of meadow assigned him, and subsequently four other
lots, all of which were located in the eastern part of
the town. He married, September 29, 1655, Mary ---,
who died February 4, 1708. For his second wife he married
Elizabeth ---, who died March 4, 1714. He died in
1724, aged ninety-four. Children:
i. Mary,3 b. July 15, 1656; m. Isaac Marion of Woburn,
September 5, 1682.
9. ii. Nathaniel, b. March 12, 1659; d., 1714.
iii. Hannah, b. June 9, 1662; m. Nov. 25, 1681, James Pike,
iv. Sarah, b. March 15, 1665; m. John Felch of Weston,
v. Lydia., b. April 30, 1669; m. Jan. 11, 1702, John Walker
of Woburn, Mass., and as his widow administered on her
father's estate with John Felch, January 11, 1702.

Nahum S. Cutler, Compiler, "Cutler Memorial and Genealogical History, ... " (Greenfield, Mass.: E. A. Hall, 1889), p. 320. 
Cutler, Nathaniel (I121538)
171 47 Jahre 12Wochen

Besegl til forældre: @I307@ 
Gröger, Martin (I20792)
172 4:10 a.m.  McDermott, Mary A (I44316)
173 53. WILLIAM Judd Esq. son of Wm. Judd of Farmington married in 1765 Elizabeth Mix daughter of Ebenezer Mix of West Hartford. He was a lawyer, an officer in the revolutionary army and for years before his death a conspicuous and leading man in the democratic party of Connecticut. He died at Farmington Nov. 13, 1804. I have his printed address of 23 pages to the people of Connecticut dated Nov. 8, 1804 only 5 days before his death He was usually called Major Judd.
113 William Samuel born Jan. 10, 1766
114 Bortiva 1767 Died 1774
115 William Died 1776
116 Elizabeth Olive b Married Wm T. Belden, Lived at Poughkeepsie NY
Thomas Judd and his descendants p19, p20 1858
By Sylvester Judd 
Judd, William (I35362)
174 59. ABRAHAM FOSTER (Jacob, Reginald), b. Ipswich, Mass., Dec. 4, 1671 ; m. July 2, 1699, Abigail Parsons; d. Oct. 8, 1732. Administration on his estate was
granted his widow, 27 Jan., 1720-1. He was a carpenter. From one - - I have
date of his will, Dec. 23, 1735. He d. Dec. 25, 1720. Res., Ipswich, Mass.
172. i. JEREMIAH, b. 1700; m. Mrs. Rebecca Metcalf.
173. ii. ABRAHAM, b. 5 July; d, 20 May, 1702.
174. iii. NATHANIEL, b. 11 (2) Feb., 1702; d. young.
175. iv. ABRAHAM, b. 5 (16) June, 1716; m. Elizabeth Davis.
176. v. NATHANIEL, b. 9 Aug., 1719; m. Sarah Deland.
177. vi. JUDITH, b. 15 Mar., 1713; d. unm. before 1735.
178. vii. ABIGAIL, m. Daniel Safford; 2 ch; Daniel and Abraham.
179. viii. MARY, b. 15 May, 1715.
180. ix. SARAH, m. John Rust, and 2d, Jacob Parsons. Ch. Rust. 1. John,
b. 22 May, 1732. 2. Sarah, b. 25 Sept. 1735. 3. Henry, b. 23 Aug.
1737. 4. Mary, b. 16 July, 1738. 5. Abigail, b. 6 Nov. 1742. 6.
Daniel, b. 24 June, 1747.

Frederick Clifton Pierce, "Foster Genealogy Being The Record Of The Posterity Of Reginald Foster An Early Inhabitant Of Ipswich, In New England, …" (Chicago: Press Of W. B, Conkey Company, 1899), p. 137.
(This published genealogy is provided for reference. It may contain errors.)
20. ABRAHAM 3 ((Jacob, 2 Reginald 1) was born in Ipswich, 4 Dec. 1667,
where he died 25 Dec. 1720-1. Administration on his estate was granted
his widow, 27 Jan. 1720-1. He was a carpenter. His wife was Abigail -.
She died 8 Oct. 1732. Their children were:
ii. ABRAHAM,4 b. 11 April; d. 20 May, 1702.
iii. NATHANIEL,4 b. 11 (2), 1706 ; d. young.
66. iv. ABRAHAM,4 b. 5 (6), 1716.
67. v. NATHANIEL,4 b. 9 Aug. 1719.
vi. JUDITH,4 b. 15 March, 1713 ; d. unm. before 1735.
vii. ABIGAIL,4 m. Daniel Safford.
viii. MARY,4 b. 15 May, 1715.
ix. SARAH,4 m. John Rust.

Edward Jacob Forster, M.D., "Genealogy of the Fo(r)ster Family Descendants of Reginald Fo(r)ster, of Ipswich, Mass.," New England Historical and Genealogical Register vol. 30 (January 1876): p. 90.
(This published genealogy is provided for reference. It may contain errors.) 
Foster, Abraham (I93967)
Born "on Linville Creek", Augusta County, VA, present day Rockingham County, VA.

Both the year of his birth and the exact date of his death are subject to discussion.

There are varying stories regarding his death during the 'Winter of the Big Snow', with the evidence pointing to a death in December of 1830.

His sons buried him in section 29 of the area that would be named Fountain Green Township 20 years later. 
Lincoln, Mordecai (I112954)
176 6. Azuba, born, bap. Sept. 16th, 1792, m. Apheck Woodruff, Nov. 9th, 1809.

Memorial. Genealogy, and ecclesiastical history [of First church, New Britain, Conn.] 1867 p189 By Alfred Andrews 
Hart, Azuba (I71428)
177 6. Henry, was an early emigrant to New England, and the ancestor of the Camb. family of Prentice. He was a proprietor, and perhaps a resident. of Sudbury, but settled here before 1643. He sold his Sudbury lands to John Goodnow 6 Feb. 1648. His w. Elizabeth d. here 13 May 1643; and he m. Joane (Joanna)--, by whom he had Mary, b. 25 Nov. 1644, m. Nathaniel Hancock 8 Mar. 1663-4; Solomon, b. 23 Sept. 1646; Abiah, b. 22 May 1648; Samuel, b. 3 Aug. 1650; Sarah, m. John Woodward; Henry; all these, except Abiah, were living, and named in a conveyance of real estate 31 Dec. 1713. Henry the f. was a husbandman, and d. 9 June 1654; his w. Joanna m. John Gibson 24 July 1662.

Savage, Joanna (I33633)
178 6. Henry, was an early emigrant to New England, and the ancestor of the Camb. family of Prentice. He was a proprietor, and perhaps a resident. of Sudbury, but settled here before 1643. He sold his Sudbury lands to John Goodnow 6 Feb. 1648. His w. Elizabeth d. here 13 May 1643; and he m. Joane (Joanna)--, by whom he had Mary, b. 25 Nov. 1644, m. Nathaniel Hancock 8 Mar. 1663-4; Solomon, b. 23 Sept. 1646; Abiah, b. 22 May 1648; Samuel, b. 3 Aug. 1650; Sarah, m. John Woodward; Henry; all these, except Abiah, were living, and named in a conveyance of real estate 31 Dec. 1713. Henry the f. was a husbandman, and d. 9 June 1654; his w. Joanna m. John Gibson 24 July 1662.

Prentice, Henry (I33604)
179 63. " JEDEDIAH GOODRICH," son of Allen and Elizabeth, his wife, b. July 24th, 1717, m. No. (64,) lived at the corner on East street, next east of the present school-house of south-east district. He is spoken of by the few who remember him, as a kind, " clever" man, and good neighbor; he died Oct. 13th, 1803, in his 87th year, at the house of his son-in-law, No. (168.)

64. Wife of Jedediah Goodrich," she was Mercy Hooker, daughter of Samuel and his wife, Marcy Leet, of Guilford, born Oct. 22d, 1719, at Kensington; she died June 13th, 1800, aged 81, of a cancer on one side of her head, of enormous size.

She was great-grand-daughter of Rev. Samuel Hooker, of Farmington.


1. Mercy, born Jan. 1st, 1751, see No. (120.)

2. Abigail, born Oct. 30th, 1753, see No. (154.)

3. Thomas, born June 20th, 1762, died July 1st, 1764, in third year of age.

Hooker, Mercy (I143759)
180 63. " JEDEDIAH GOODRICH," son of Allen and Elizabeth, his wife, b. July 24th, 1717, m. No. (64,) lived at the corner on East street, next east of the present school-house of south-east district. He is spoken of by the few who remember him, as a kind, " clever" man, and good neighbor; he died Oct. 13th, 1803, in his 87th year, at the house of his son-in-law, No. (168.)

64. Wife of Jedediah Goodrich," she was Mercy Hooker, daughter of Samuel and his wife, Marcy Leet, of Guilford, born Oct. 22d, 1719, at Kensington; she died June 13th, 1800, aged 81, of a cancer on one side of her head, of enormous size.

She was great-grand-daughter of Rev. Samuel Hooker, of Farmington.


1. Mercy, born Jan. 1st, 1751, see No. (120.)

2. Abigail, born Oct. 30th, 1753, see No. (154.)

3. Thomas, born June 20th, 1762, died July 1st, 1764, in third year of age.

Goodrich, Jedediah (I143758)
181 66. ABRAHAM,4 (Abraham,3 Jacob,2 Reginald 1) was born in Ipswich, 5
(6) 1716. Mark Haskell was appointed his guardian, 3 April, 1733, he
then being seventeen years old. He was a joiner, and resided in Boston
and Charlestown, and died before 1750. He married Elizabeth Davis, of
Charlestown, 5 Nov. 1742. She died 19 Jan. 1775. Their children were:
i. ELIZABETH,5 bapt. 18 Nov. 1744, at Charlestown; m. John Rogers, 27
May, 1762.
ii. ABRAHAM,5 bapt. 2 Dec. 1744, at Charlestown.

Edward Jacob Forster, M.D., "Genealogy of the Fo(r)ster Family Descendants of Reginald Fo(r)ster, of Ipswich, Mass.," New England Historical and Genealogical Register vol. 30 (January 1876): p. 98.
(This published genealogy is provided for reference. It may contain errors.)
175. ABRAHAM FOSTER (Abraham, Jacob, Reginald), b. Ipswich, Mass.,
July 5, 1716; m. Nov. 5, 1742, Elizabeth Davis of Charlestown, b. Nov. 3, 1720,
dau. of Barnabas; d. Jan. 19, 1795. 5 (6). 1716. Mark Haskell was appointed his guardian
April 3, 1733, he then being; seventeen years old. He was a joiner and resided in
Boston and Charlestown and died before 1750. In 1744 with B. Davis, etal, he sells
to R. Miller an estate. He d. prior to 1749. Res. Boston and Charlestown, Mass.
474. i. ELIZABETH, bapt. Nov. 18, 1744; m. May 21, 1762, John Rogers.
475. ii. ABRAHAM, bapt. Dec. 2, 1744; m. - -.

Frederick Clifton Pierce, "Foster Genealogy Being The Record Of The Posterity Of Reginald Foster An Early Inhabitant Of Ipswich, In New England, …" (Chicago: Press Of W. B, Conkey Company, 1899), p. 156.
(This published genealogy is provided for reference. It may contain errors.) 
Foster, Abraham (I94037)
182 68 Jahre 3 Monate 6 Tage.
Satke, Thomas (I21088)
183 7. DEA. JACOB FOSTER (Reginald), b. England in 1635; m. Jan. 13, 1658,
Martha Kinsman, dau. of Robert (r. of Ipswich), who d. Oct 15, 1666; m. 2d, Feb.
26, 1667, Abigail Lord; d. June 4, 1729.
Jacob was a resident of Ipswich, in which place he died. He was deacon of the
first church. He married, first, Martha Kinsman, who died. He married secondly,
Abiagal, daughter of Robert and Mary (Wait) Lord. She survived him. The
grave of Deacon Foster is marked by a stone rudely carved; the inscription is
"'Here lies Dec'n Jacob Foster, who died July ye 9th 1710, in ye 75 yr of his age."
Deacon Foster lived in the first house built by his father Reginald. It stood on the
south side of Ipswich river, near the stone bridge; and on a portion of what is now
the Heard Estate. The house lots as they were granted from the bridge, were
given as follows:-to John Proctor, House, built in 1635, yet stands; and is now
owned by the venerable Capt. Samuel Baker. 2. Thomas Wells, probably a physician,
as he had "phissic," books. In 1677 mention is made of "the house that
Thomas Wells built." 3. Samuel Younglove. The house he doubtless built was
taken down in 1862. 4. The Foster lot. An old "Foster House" remained on this
lot till within the recollection of the present generation. Its last Foster occupant
was an aged woman known as "Molly Foster." The house was called in Ipswich
the old Foster house, as long as it stood. It was given by Reginald Foster at his
death to Deacon Jacob, his son, and the Deacon lived on it. The deacon also owned
another house which ho sold to Abraham Perkins-son of John, and grandson of
Elder John Perkins. For in the will of Hannah (Bernsley) Perkins, widow of
Abraham, she bequeaths the house her husband bought of "Deacon Foster, dec'd,"
to the three of her grandsons. He d. July 7, 1710. Res., Ipswich, Mass.
54. i. JUDITH, b. 20 October, 1659; d. 7 January, 1659-60.
55. ii. JOHN, b. 1660; d. 1660.
56. iii. JACOB, b. 15 May, 1662; d. June, 1662.
57. iv. MARY, b. - -; d. 11 January, 1666-7.
58. v. SARAH, b. 3 August, 1665; m. John Caldwell. She d. July 11, 1721.
59. vi. ABRAHAM, b. 4 December, 1667; m. Abigail Parsons.
60. vii. JACOB, b. 25 March, 1670; m. Mary Caldwell, Martha Graves and
Mary Willis.
61. viii. AMOS, b. 15 August, 1672; d. 12 October, 1672,
62. ix. ABIGAL, b, 3 July, 1674; d. before 1710.
63. x. NATHANIEL, b. 7 October, 1676; d. previous to 1710.
64. xi. SAMUEL, b. 10 September, 1678; d. previous to 1710.
65. xii. JOSEPH, b. 14 September, 1680; m. Elizabeth Goodwin, Mary
Cressy and Sarah Brown.
66. xiii. JAMES, b. 12 November, 1682; m. Anna Cross,
67. xiv. MARY, b. 25 December, 1684; not mentioned in fathers will; d.
before 1710.

Frederick Clifton Pierce, "Foster Genealogy Being The Record Of The Posterity Of Reginald Foster An Early Inhabitant Of Ipswich, In New England, …" (Chicago: Press Of W. B, Conkey Company, 1899), p. 130.

(This published genealogy is provided for reference. It may contain errors.)
4. JACOB (Reginald 1), born in England about 1635, was a resident of
Ipswich, in which place he died 9 July, 1710. He was deacon of the first
church. He married first, 12 Jan. 1658-9, Martha Kinsman, who died 15
Oct. 1666; he married secondly, Abigail, daughter of Robert and Mary
(Wait) Lord, 26 Feb. 1666-7. She survived him, dying 4 June, 1729.
The grave of Deacon Foster is marked by a stone rudely carved; the
inscription is,-"Here lies Dec'n Jacob Foster, who died July ye 9th 1710,
in ye 75 yr of His Age."
Deacon Foster lived in the first house built by his father Reginald. It
stood on the south side of the Ipswich river, near the stone bridge; and on
a portion of what is now the Heard Estate. The house lots as they were
granted from the bridge, were given as follows:-1. to John Proctor. His
house, built in 1635, yet stands; and is now owned by the venerable Capt.
Samuel Baker. 2. Thomas Wells, probably a physician, as he had "phissic
books." In 1677 mention is made of "the house that Thomas Wells built."
3. Samuel Younglove. The house he doubtless built was taken down
in 1862. 4. The Foster lot. An old "Foster House" remained on this lot
till within the recollection of the present generation. Its last Foster
occupant was an aged woman, known as "Molly Foster."
The house was called in Ipswich "the old Foster house," as long as it
stood. It was given by Reginald Foster at his death to Deacon Jacob, his
son, and the Deacon lived in it. The deacon also owned another house,
which he sold to Abraham Perkins,-son of John, and grandson of Elder
John Perkins. For in the will of Hannah (Bemsley) Perkins, widow of
Abraham, she bequeaths the house her husband bought of "Deacon Foster,
dec'd," to three of her grandsons. His children were:
i. JUDITH,3 b. 20 Oct. 1659; d. 27 Jan. 1659-60.
ii. JOHN,3 b. 1660; d. 1660.
iii. JACOB,3 b. 15 May, 1662; d. June, 1662.
iv. MARY,3 d. 11 Jan. 1666-7.
v. SARAH,3 b. 3 Aug. 1665; m. John Caldwell.
20. vi. ABRAHAM,3 b. 4 Dec. 1667.
21. vii. JACOB,3 b. 25 March, 1670.
viii. AMOS,3 b. 15 Aug. 1672; d. 12 Oct. 1672.
ix. ABIGAIL,3 b. 3 July, 1674.
x. NATHANIEL,3 b. 7 Oct. 1676; d. previous to 1710.
xi. SAMUEL,3 b. 10 Sept. 1678; " " "
22. xii. Joseph,3 b. 14 Sept. 1680.
23. xiii. JAMES,3 b. 12 Nov. 1682.
xiv. MARY,3 b. 25 Dec. 1684, not mentioned in father's will.

Edward Jacob Forster, M.D., "Genealogy of the Fo(r)ster Family Descendants of Reginald Fo(r)ster, of Ipswich, Mass.," New England Historical and Genealogical Register vol. 30 (January 1876): p. 86.
(This published genealogy is provided for reference. It may contain errors.) 
Foster, Deacon Jacob (I94089)
184 7th Lord of Berkeley  Berkeley, Sir Maurice Knight (I125378)
185 8 mi north of  Nielson, Niels Joseph (I94998)
186 Denmark Burials, 1640-1917. Salt Lake City, Utah: FamilySearch, 2013. Kilde (S665)
187 Denmark, Marriages, 1635-1916. Salt Lake City, Utah: FamilySearch, 2013. Kilde (S512)
188 Denmark, Marriages, 1635-1916. Salt Lake City, Utah: FamilySearch, 2013. Kilde (S751)
189 Lancashire Anglican Parish Registers. Preston, England: Lancashire Archives. Kilde (S431)
190 Marriage Records. Illinois Marriages. FamilySearch, Salt Lake City, UT. Kilde (S466)
191 Marriage Records. Montana County Marriages. County court houses, Montana. Kilde (S640)
192 Marriage Records. Montana County Marriages. County courthouses, Montana. Kilde (S553)
193 Utah, County Marriages, 1887-1937. Salt Lake City, Utah: Family Search, 2013. Kilde (S630)
194 Utah, County Marriages, 1887-1937. Salt Lake City, Utah: FamilySearch, 2013. Kilde (S616)
195  Kilde (S517)
196  Kilde (S949)
197 Osborne, Samuel (I118854)

"New Jersey Deaths and Burials, 1720–1971." Index. FamilySearch,Salt Lake City, Utah, 2009, 2010. Index entries derived from digitalcopies of original and compiled records.

Kilde (S417)

Naturalization Records of the U.S. District Courts for the State of Alaska, 1900-1924. NARA Microfilm Publication M1539, 5 rolls. Records of District Courts of the United States, Record Group 21. National Archives, Washington, D.C.

Naturalization Records for the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Washington, 1890-1972. NARA Microfilm Publication M1541, 40 rolls. Records of District Courts of the United States, Record Group 21. National Archives, Washington, D.C.

Naturalization Records for the U.S. District Court for the Western District of Washington, 1890-1957. NARA Microfilm Publication M1542, 153 rolls. Records of District Courts of the United States, Record Group 21. National Archives, Washington, D.C.

View Complete List of Sources.

Kilde (S19)

Naturalization Records. National Archives at Boston, Waltham, Massachusetts.

A full list of sources can be found here.

Kilde (S785)

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