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3601 Vale Cemetery  Dodds, Amanda Ellen (I80645)
3602 Valley Heights Cemetery  Cram, Charlesetta Prescott (I132653)
3603 Valley View Cemetery  McBride, Lydia Minerva (I116645)
3604 Valley, NE  Miller, Bertha Violet (I136784)
3605 var 1351 sammen med Ludeke vamme Schinkele gheheten Bredenhals Forlover for Brødrene Rumohrs Orfeide til Staden Kiel, og s.A. besegle Ludeke Skinkel Kunen og Ludeke Skynkel Bredehals som Forlovere for de holstenske Grever Forliget i Nyborg, begge med samme Signet, indeholdende Skjoldet med Søbladene og Omskriften: S'LUDEKINI SCHENKEL, var ligeledes begge paa de holstenske Grevers Side 1353 Mæglere ved Vinningaa Forliget, kaldes 1360 kun Ludeke Schinkel og var Forlover, nu paa Kongens Side, ved Forliget i Helsingborg med Hertug Albrecht af Meklenborg, Sigillet er nemlig det samme, sorn Ludeke Kune bruger 1362, er vel derfor ogsaa den Ludeke Schinckel, som 1361 sammen med Johan Schenckel var Forlover for Frøken Ingeborgs Medgift, kaldes 13G2 Lydikinus Skinkel dictus Kunen og var Ridder og Høvedsmand paa Nyborg, kaldes s. A. kun Lydeke Skinkel, Ridder, og tilskjødede Kong Valdemar sit af Svenning Iversen kjøbte Gods i Hjerup i Baag Herred, var 1363 en af Exekutorerne af Markvard Skinkels Testamente, men kaldes da Ludolphus Schinkell dictus Laem miles, beseglede 1364 sammen med Otte Skinkel dictus Skeel til Vitterlighed med Hasso Hvittensee og udstedte et Gjældsbrev til Kong Valdemar paa 100 Mrk. at betale inden Paaske 1365, var 1365 paa Kongens Side Forlover ved Forliget i Kolding.  Skinkel, Ludeke (I27997)
3606 Var købmand i Nors og i Bedsted.  Stensgaard, Niels Jensen (I106662)
3607 Var mælkehandler og boede i Nørrealle 44, Thisted. Efter han blev gift med Anne Kirstine Kristensen boede de i Havnestræde 17, Thisted. I 1930 boede de Hundborgvej 14.  Kloster, Henrik Knudsen (I111577)
3608 Var Møller først i Østermølle og senere i Vintersmølle (ligger ved Thisted).  Neergaard, Iver (I50614)
3609 Var Postexpeditør i Thisted. Da han er født 1719, har han været en ganske ung Mand, da han 1736 bliver gift med Kirsten Olufsdatter, der var Enke efter Byskriver Jakob Stutz.
Ved dette Ægteskab kom Jens Madsen ind i en pæn Omgangskreds. Ved deres Børns Daab var det det ansete Borgerskab i Thisted, der stod Faddere, men mærkeligt nok ingen fra Kaastrup. De havde 3 Børn sammen, der alle døde som smaa - Jens Madsen Neergaard blev 2. Gang gift med Johanne Tomasdatter, som var Enke efter P. Skytte og medbragte en Datter.
Jens Madsen Neergaard døde 1782, og det ser heller ikke ud til, at han har været særlig velhavende. Ved Skiftet, der holdtes i Adelgade i Thisted, skyldte han Penge væk til Steddatterens Mand, Jørgen Holst, Skævegaard, der ogsaa var Parthaver i Boet. Kr.
Vandet i Kaastrup havde 4 Rigsdaler til Gode. Hvis ikke de blev betalt, skulle han have et Chatol. For 34 Rigsdaler, som Jens Neergaard havde laant hos en Vilhelm Jensenius paa Thisted Amtstue, havde han sat "et lidet Sølvlommeur" i Pant. 
Nedergaard, Jens Madsen (I111201)
3610 Var Skudehandler og sejlede paa Limfjorden.  Iversen., Mads (I2783)
3611 Var sømand
Han døde ugift i UK 
Nielsen, Niels Larsen (I99208)
3612 var Sønnesøn af Oluf Glug og Gyde, Datter af en af Skjalm Hvides Sønner. Foruden at han altsaa hørte til en anset Slægt, beklædte han i Aarene omkring 1221 et af de høje Hofembeder, nemlig Mundskænkens, ved Valdemar II's Hof. Denne Stilling fratraadte han senest 1224, men mange Aar efter er han atter bleven Mundskænk, denne Gang hos Kong Erik, og skifter med flere andre en Arv efter Grev Albert af Orlamünde mellem Kongen og hans to Brødre. Han døde 1247 \endash efter nogle Angivelser først 1250 \endash og blev begravet hos Klosterbrødrene i Sorø, hvem han tidligere havde tilskjødet Byen Sørdrup nær ved Slagelse.

Med sin Hustru Margrethe havde han flere Børn, deriblandt en Søn Anders (d. o. 1270), der i Aarene 1250 og 1257-66 var Kongens Mundskænk, og en Datter Margrethe, som i andet Ægteskab var gift med Grev Ernst af Gleichen. 
Ebbesen, Oluf (I25431)
3613 Ved bryllupet bor hun Skovvej 69 i Korsør. Ved Fredes fødsel er de flyttet til Stenvang 10 i Korsør, og ved hans konfirmation i 1940 er de flyttet til Tårnborgvej 61 i Korsør.  Thomsen, Elise Cathrine (I107974)
3614 Ved bryllupet er han arbejdsmand i Nørhaa. I 1960 flytter de fra Svankjær til Ørnevang 42, Allerød. Både Johannes og Kirstine har arbejdet på forsøgsgården Hvidsten i Allerød.  Bach, Johannes (I102761)
3615 Ved bryllupet er han lærer i Hov.  Oddershede, Anton Marius (I105467)
3616 Ved bryllupet er han portør.  Hansen, Hans Peter (I22659)
3617 Ved bryllupet nævnes han son mekaniker.  Oddershede, Lars Bisgaard (I106998)
3618 Ved datterens konfirmation står hun stadig som ugift.  Kristensen, Maren Gade (I101053)
3619 Ved deres bryllup bor hun i Stagstrup.  Klit, Kirstine Oddershede (I102770)
3620 Ved deres bryllup var han teglværksarbejder.  Kristensen, Kristen Smed (I101144)
3621 Ved folketællingen 1885 er Mads Baadsgaard 20 år og studerende i København.
Ved folketællingen 1885 er Mads Baadsgaard 20 år og studerende i København. 
Baadsgaard, Mads Marius (I1125)
3622 Ved folketællingen i 1787 bor hun hos broderen Jens Mikkelsen, og betegnes som "Døv og dum aldelse".  Michelsdatter, Maren (I2890)
3623 Ved folketællingen i 1787 nævnes han som bonde og gaardbeboer i Kåstrup.  Michelsen, Jens (I126895)
3624 Ved hendes død i 1939 er hun skilt fra Peder Kudsk Vigh.  Jensen, Ane Marie (I106663)
3625 Ved kongelig bevilling den 21/03/1905 navne ændring til Mikkel Larsen Lynge  Sørensen, Mikkel Larsen (I112353)
3626 Ved navnelov af 1905 ændret til Carl Gustav Aggerholm
Ved navnelov af 1905 ændret til Carl Gustav Aggerholm 
Poulsen, Carl Gustav (I111025)
3627 Ved navnelov af 1905 ændret til Jens Christian Aggerholm
Ved navnelov af 1905 ændret til Jens Christian Aggerholm 
Poulsen, Jens Christian (I109306)
3628 Ved sin død boede han i villa "Anker", Grænsevej, Hasseris, Ålborg.  Vigh, Peder Kusk (I71710)
3629 Verehelicht in Comeise.
Knabe, Robert (I21058)
3630 Verehelicht in Karlsthal.

Besegl til forældre: @I307@ 
Weingarten, Joseph (I3445)
3631 Verheiratet in Komeise.

Besegl til forældre: @I307@ 
Lauffer, Adolf (I3096)
3632 Verheiratet mit Robert Knabe in Comeise.

Besegl til forældre: @I307@ 
Lauffer, Marie Louise (I20876)
3633 Verheiratete Satke.

Besegl til forældre: @I307@ 
Lauffer, Albertine (I20922)
3634 Verlin Mitchell Hatch, beloved husband, father, brother, grandfather, uncle and friend reunited with loved ones beyond the veil on June 5, 2004, after a long and courageous battle with cancer.

He was born on Friday the 13th of May in 1921 in Provo, Utah to William Anson Hatch and Lila Margaret Mitchell Hatch. He graduated from BY High in Provo, Utah. After graduation, he was hired to work on a survey crew where he had the opportunity to survey much of the State of Utah, walking up to 20 miles a day.

Later he joined the Spanish Fork National Guard. His unit was called into action during World War II. He was a staff sergeant in the U.S. Army, serving under General Patton's 3rd Army, and in charge of a battery and 8" Howitzers. He earned the silver star, bronze star, and twice the Purple Heart.

After the war he became an auto mechanic and moved to San Jose, CA. He had many interests, including rock collecting, coin collecting, and became a very knowledgeable antique dealer, often appraising items for others. He had a coin shop in San Jose, CA, and an antique store in Jacksonville, Oregon.

Married for 61 years to Bessie Rowena Carter, who passed from this life on January 20, 2004. They were married on March 30, 1943 in Wyoming. They were sealed in the Oakland Temple in 1971. Together they served temple missions to the Seattle, Washington Temple and the Portland, Oregon Temple. He was a wonderful father and example over the many years of his full life. His remarkable courage and endurance amazing his doctors and therapists. He never let his illness diminish his sense of humor, and he made friends wherever he went. --- Taken from his obituary
Hatch, Verlin Mitchell (I62034)
3635 Very few stories of faith exhibited along the trail exist making the story of Daniel Bigelow a treasure for his posterity. Daniel was born on March 18, 1842 in Mercer County, Illinois to Nahum and Mary Jane Gibbs Bigelow. When Daniel was just eight years old he traveled to the Utah Territory in the Edward Hunter Company.
One day a scout rode back to the wagon train and informed them that just up ahead were ripe choke cherries. Many young people grabbed containers and headed up the deep ravine. Daniel with his curly head of hair was no exception. As Daniel trudged along, too late he heard a rattlesnake. He tried to jump out of the way but was struck just below the knee. His older brother grabbed him and ran him to their mother. Mary and several others did all they could for him, but Daniel was feeling the effects of the poison in his bloodstream.
Daniel requested that he be allowed to be baptized before he died. The elders agreed and carried him over to the river and preformed the ordinance. From the moment he was baptized, his body began to strengthen and eventually he was completely healed. The members of the company knew that it was a miracle. They offered praise to Heavenly Father for answering their prayers.
Daniel went on to marry the pretty little Permelia Mecham on July 23, 1865. Together they had five children. Daniel entered into two additional polygamous marriages, having some twenty children. Daniel made many sacrifices for the education of his children as well as to have them complete temple work. His oldest daughter, Permelia Emily, wrote that she was doing endowment work at age fourteen. Daniel was gentle and affectionate and had a beautiful voice in which he sang hymns like “Who’s on the Lord’s Side, Who?” and gave lovely recitations.
Daniel’s faith was tried when he was going to be tried for polygamy. Instead of going to jail, he went into seclusion for about a year. When he returned, he had many debts and three households to manage. He began working to pay the debts and accumulated many worldly possessions. As time raged on, Daniel, with failing eyesight, at the encouragement of his children went to Glines to live with Permelia Emily and her family. The day after he arrived, on October 22, 1921, he knelt in prayer and returned to his Father in Heaven.
Bigelow, Daniel (I142433)
3636 Vidner til dåber var pige Ane Kirstine Agerholm
Agerholm, Ejnar (I111195)
3637 Viet den 25. april 1853, efter at have modtaget kongelig bevilling af 21. april 1853, til Carl Frederik Thorn i kirken i Onsbjerg.
Viet den 25. april 1853, efter at have modtaget kongelig bevilling af 21. april 1853, til Carl Frederik Thorn i kirken i Onsbjerg. 
Heegaard, Helene Sophie (I19082)
3638 viet paa Dødslejet til Borgmester i Randers Jesper Lauridsen.  Bentsdatter, Maren (I23776)
3639 Viet til Rasmus Anton Jensen den 14 maj 1901 i Onsbjerg Kirke, Samsø.

Forlovere var: Købmand Anker Heegaard Hansen, Onsbjerg og Sognepræst Axel Bartholdy Møller, Onsbjerg.
Viet til Rasmus Anton Jensen den 14 maj 1901 i Onsbjerg Kirke, Samsø.

Forlovere var: Købmand Anker Heegaard Hansen, Onsbjerg og Sognepræst Axel Bartholdy Møller, Onsbjerg. 
Larsen, Ingeborg Alma Helene (I18578)
3640 VIEW BIOGRAPHICAL ITEMS IN STORIES (MEMORIES) FOR THIS RECORD, 9SSX-7D1. and biographical information below. ***PLEASE DON'T DELETE OR MERGE THIS RECORD, AS IT MAY DELETE 0R RELOCATE MEMORIES ITEMS AND SOURCES (UNLESS this record is surviving record - on left during merger). It is hoped that this will be the final surviving record once all mergers possible have been completed. THANK YOU!! . SHE APPEARS TO BE MOTHER OF 14 CHILDREN, ALTHOUGH THE YOUNGEST ONES WOULD HAVE BEEN BORN IN HER LATE 40s. Ulalia or Eulalia is found spelled in multiple records this way. Her birtdate is NOT KNOWN. Why people keep putting 28 dec 1609 or 1600 is a ERROR. How they got this is from the book page 486:, and by misreading that date for the marriage date which is really 28 dec 1619. PLEASE READ!  Marche, Eulalia (I46089)
3641 VIEW BIOGRAPHICAL ITEMS IN STORIES (MEMORIES) FOR THIS RECORD, LDP6-6Y8. and biographical information below. ***PLEASE DON'T DELETE OR MERGE THIS RECORD, AS IT MAY DELETE 0R RELOCATE MEMORIES ITEMS AND SOURCES (UNLESS this record is surviving record - on left during merger). It is hoped that this will be the final surviving record once all mergers possible have been completed. THANK YOU!! HE APPEARS TO BE FATHER OF 14 CHILDREN.  Burt, Henry (I48586)
[2) BIOGRAPHICAL INFORMATION; In the searching by Lawrence I. Shepard for records of likely parishes in Essex, England for a possible baptism (christening) date for Edward Shepard, in the parish of Elmstead, Essex, England there was located thie following entry: "Edwarde the sonne of Edward Shippheard was baptized ye xxviith of June Test----Henri Teye" (1596)."
The marriage of "Edward Shepard and Violet Charnel" [Charnould] is recorded 6 Dec 1620 in the parish of Ewarton, Suffolk, England. It is just across the Stour River estuary, the boundary between Suffolk and Essex, to Mistley, Essex, where a record showing "Elizabeth Sheeppard, daughter of Edward Sheeppard and Violett" was baptized 4 Nov 1621" and where "Violet Charnould, daughter of John Charnould," was baptized 26 Sept 1595.
Edward Shepard described himself in deeds and in his will as a mariner. In searching English records, Lawrence I. Shepard found that many of the Port Books have been lost. In a coastal Port Book for the port of Ipswich, Suffolk, England, however, entries for the period 1628-1629 were found for Edward Shepard as master of the "Samuel of Manningtree."
He settled in Cambridge, Massachusetts by 1642 and was made a freeman of the Massachusetts Bay Colony, implying church membership, on 10 May 1643. His first real estate purchase in Cambridge was made from James Herringe prior to 6 Aug 1642. He also owned, a lot of planting land, 5 acres more or less, on the south side of Charles River abutting the Boston field east,
There are "two importations of wheat from Ed Sheperd's vessel" mentioned in the records of the steward of Harvard College in 1654.
His wife Violet died in Cambridge on 9 Jan 1649/1650. He then married Mary (Ball) Pond, widow of Robert Pond of Dorchester, in about 1650. Info on Mary Ball:, page 6
Edward Shepard died, probably in Cambridge, between 18 Feb 1679/1680, when he made a deed, and the proving of his will on 20 Aug 1680. The will was dated 4 Oct 1674. In it he names wife Mary, children John, Elizabeth, Deborah, Daniel Pond in lieu of deceased dau Abigail and Sarah.

Edward and his first wife, Violet, had six children.
1. Elizabeth Shepard 1621-1684, m. Thwait Strickland
2. John Shepard 1623-1707, m. Rebecca Greenhill
3. Abigail Shepard 1627- 1661, m. Daniel Pond
4. Susan Shepard 1629-d. early
5. Deborah Shepard 1631-1707, m. Jonathan Fairbanks
6. Sarah Shepard 1636-1679/1680, m. Samuel Thomson 
Shepard, Mariner Edward (I139154)
3643 VIEW BIOGRAPHICAL ITEMS IN STORY (MEMORIES) FOR THIS RECORD, KWJ4-XV1. See also Stories attached to record of her husband, KWJ4-XVY ​ ***PLEASE DON'T DELETE OR MERGE THIS RECORD, AS IT MAY DELETE 0R RELOCATE MEMORIES ITEMS AND SOURCES (UNLESS this record is surviving record - on left during merger). It is hoped that this will be the final surviving record once all mergers possible have been completed. THANK YOU!!. ,  Rowley, Jerusha Jane (I74500)
3644 VIEW BIOGRAPHICAL ITEMS IN STORY (MEMORIES) FOR THIS RECORD, KWJ4-XVY. ***PLEASE DON'T DELETE OR MERGE THIS RECORD, AS IT MAY DELETE 0R RELOCATE MEMORIES ITEMS AND SOURCES (UNLESS this record is surviving record - on left during merger). It is hoped that this will be the final surviving record once all mergers possible have been completed. THANK YOU!!. See also: BIOS: (1) "A History of the Town of Middlefield, Massachusetts," by Edward Church Smith and Philip Mack Smith (privately published: 1924), pg. 407: RODOLPHUS BABCOCK, s. Daniel and Jerusha (Taylor) Babcock, b. Mid. 2-26-1800; d. Spanish Fork, Utah, 3-15-1872; m. Mina, N. Y. 1821, Jerusha Rowley who d. Salt Lake City, Sept. 1850. In 1817 he took up some land there, built a cabin and kept "Batchelor's Misery" until he married four years later. About 1832 he joined the Mormons and moved to Jackson Co., Mo. Driven from there, he moved to Hancock Co., Ill., moved in 1847 to Winterquarters, Nebraska, joining the great Mormon migration under Brigham Young in the spring of that year arriving in Salt Lake Valley in October. Went to California and found gold in 1849. Lived later at Plymira [Palmyra] and Spanish Fork, Utah. (Information furnished by A. Rowley Babcock.) (2) CROSSING THE PLAINS:
Babcock family members were in the Fifth Ten (led by Thomas Orr, Sr.) of the First Fifty (led by Joseph Horne) of the Second Hundred (led by Edward Hunter) of the 1847 pioneers, departing 17 Jun 1847 and arriving in Salt Lake City on 29 Sep 1847. (3) "Pioneers of 1847: A Sesquicentennial Remembrance," compiled by Susan Ward Easton-Black. (4) View biographical items attached as Memories to this record 
Babcock, Adolphus (I74596)
3645 Viggo Oddershede er uddannet i landbruget. På Krabbesholm 1910-1911.
Ejer af Gammel Ullerupgaard, Sennels Sogn fra 1916 og til datter og svigersøn overtager gården i 1966.
Viggo sad i sognerådet i 13 år, og var sognerådsformand i 5 år.
Sad i skolekomissionen i 7 år, og var i bestyrelsen for Landmandsbanken i Thisted.
Han har også været amtsrådsmedlem, siddet i Skoledirektionen for Thisted Amt, og været i bestyrelsen for Thisted Amts of By's Sygehus.
Havde stor interesse for jydsk hesteavl."
Blev udnævnt til Ridder af Dannebro. 
Oddershede, Viggo (I106496)
3646 viii. EZEKIEL (4) PEASE, b. June 25, 1710, ENFIELD, CONNECTICUT; d. June 19, 1799, ENFIELD, CONNECTICUT; m. HANNAH CHANDLER, February 10, 1731/32, ENFIELD, CONNECTICUT; b. Abt. 1712, ENFIELD, CONNECTICUT; d. May 23, 1756, ENFIELD, CONNECTICUT; 44 YRS..

Notes for EZEKIEL (4) PEASE:

Ezekiel was a tailor and a school teacher. He was town clerk of Enfield for 15 years. They settled in the eastern part of the town near the Seantic River.

More About EZEKIEL (4) PEASE:

Burial: ENFIELD STREET CEMETERY; 11 children



Pease, Ezekiel (I86249)
3647 Vilate Ellen Douglass was born 19 November 1840 in Clitheroe, Lancashire, England to George Douglass and Ellen Briggs. She emigrated to Nauvoo with her parents in 1842. At the age of 11 she came to Utah and in 1857 she married George Romney. Vilate and George had 12 children, 6 boys and 6 girls. She died 9 December 1917 in Salt Lake City, Utah and buried 12 December 1917 in the Salt Lake City Cemetery.

When word came to Johnston’s Army entering the Valley the saints were advised by Brigham Young to go south. When on their way Vilate was taken sick at the point of the mountain. She sat on the wagon tongue while others cleared out a dugout so she might enter and someone held an umbrella over her to keep off the rain while her first baby was born. His name was Heber John and he took great delight as he grew older in saying he was born on a wagon tongue. 
Douglas, Vilate Ellen (I107501)
3648 Vilate Murray Kimball
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Birth: Jun. 1, 1806
Orange County
New York, USA
Death: Oct. 22, 1867
Salt Lake City
Salt Lake County
Utah, USA

Daughter of Roswell Murray and Susannah Fitch

Married Heber Chase Kimball, 7 Nov 1822, Mendon, Monroe, New York

Children - Charles Spaulding Kimball, Murray Gould Kimball, Brigham Willard Kimball, Solomon Farnham Kimball, Jedediah Heber Chase Grant Kimball, William Henry Kimball, Heber Parley Kimball, Augusta Kimball, Roswell Heber Kimball, Judith Narvin Kimball, Helen Mar Kimball, David Patten Kimball, Rosalia Kimball

Death - On the 22nd of October, 1867, died Vilate Murray Kimball, as noble a wife and mother, and as unselfish and devoted a Saint, as ever drew breath. Her loss was a heavy blow to her sorrowing husband. "I shall not be long after her," was the sad prophecy that fell from his quivering lips, as he followed the remains of his beloved partner to the tomb. In less than a twelve-month his words were fulfilled.

On the morning of the 22nd of June, 1868, death again entered the household, leveling his fatal shaft at the mighty heart of its patriarchal head. At the age of sixty-seven years, his mind yet unimpaired, his iron frame unbent by age, but with health shattered by toil and trial in the service of his Maker, Heber C. Kimball, the Apostle of Jesus Christ, the tried and trusted friend of God passed peacefully from earth away. Freed from his mortal prison-house, of sorrow and of pain, his mission here completed, he sought once more the scenes and society of his spirit youth in the realms of eternal rest.

Family links:
Heber Chase Kimball (1801 - 1868)

William Henry Kimball (1826 - 1907)*
Helen Mar Kimball Whitney (1828 - 1896)*
Heber Parley Kimball (1835 - 1885)*
David Patten Kimball (1839 - 1883)*
Charles Spaulding Kimball (1843 - 1925)*
Solomon Farnham Kimball (1847 - 1920)*
Murray Gould Kimball (1850 - 1852)*

*Calculated relationship

Kimball-Whitney Cemetery
Salt Lake City
Salt Lake County
Utah, USA

Created by: SMSmith
Record added: Feb 02, 2000
Find A Grave Memorial# 65831
Murray, Vilate (I97547)
3649 Village Cemetery  Hannaford, James B. (I115092)
3650 Violet was born to the late S.J. and Zella Decker McGuire. He had worked for 10 years at the National Casket Company in Lancaster KY and was a member of the Bryantsville Baptist Church. Survivors include her husband of 36 years, Hubert L. Hawkins of Lancaster KY; children Charles Adams of Las Vegas NV, Charlotte Kennedy Ives (Michael) of Lakeland FL and Sheila Grigsby (Ted) of Stanford KY and grandson Scottie Kennedy. She was preceeded in death by a son Ronald Walker Kennedy, a daughter Jane Adams and a grandson Chad Prewitt, four brothers and three sisters. Pallbearers will be Stanley Joe Duggins, Anthony Saylor, Robert Brown, Wayne Yocum, David Dennis and Austin Grigsby. Honorary bearers will be Mike Ives, Ted Grigsby, Roger Yates, Scott Kennedy and Lonnie Allen.  McGuire, Violet (I140232)

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