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 Anne Dyer

Anne Dyer

Kvinde 1696 - 1764  (67 år)

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Lazarus Phelps
Mand 1741-1828
Sarah Phelps
Kvinde 1730-1757
Martha Phelps
Kvinde 1734-1743
Elijah Phelps
Mand 1724-1754
Anne Phelps
Kvinde 1728-1752
James Phelps
Mand 1732-1831
Abijah Phelps
Mand 1733-1840
Walter Rollo
Mand 1755-1803
Mary Rollo
Kvinde 1748-1771
William Rollo
Mand 1747-1799
Judeth Rollo
Kvinde 1760-1792
Mary Phelps
Kvinde 1726-1771
John Rollo
Mand 1720-1761
Hannah Phelps
Kvinde 1727-1803
Barrett Phelps
Mand 1722-1789
Asa Phelps
Mand 1736-1813
Levi Phelps
Mand 1749-1829
David Phelps
Mand 1752-1841
Sarah Phelps
Kvinde 1761-1811
Peleg Phelps
Mand 1746-1761
Mary Phelps
Kvinde 1748-1748
Lazarus Phelps
Mand 1743-1753
Noah Phelps
Mand 1754-1795
Mary Phelps
Kvinde 1757-1844
Rebecca Phelps
Kvinde 1759-1858
Elisha Phelps
Mand 1785-1856
Noah Phelps
Mand 1780-1850
Electa Phelps
Kvinde 1791-1874
Peleg Phelps
Mand 1765-1840
Sarah Phelps
Kvinde 1767-1843
James Phelps
Mand 1789-1844
John Phelps
Mand 1783-1826
 = Ny tavle
Jonah Phelps
Mand 1769-1840
Elijah Phelps
Mand 1787-1881
Polly Phelps
Kvinde 1775-1867
Jonah Phelps
Mand 1744-1826
Sarah Mack
Kvinde 1747-1826
Noah Phelps
Mand 1720-1795
Anne Dyer
Kvinde 1696-1764
Noah A Phelps
Mand 1693-1794

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