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 Sarah Miller

Sarah Miller

Kvinde 1624 - 1666  (42 år)

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Mary Curtis
Kvinde 1677-1736
Hannah Curtis
Kvinde 1685-1712
John Curtis
Mand 1673-1733
Abigail Curtis
Kvinde 1683-1729
Samuel Curtis
Mand 1698-1733
Phoebe Curtis
Kvinde 1689-1762
Thomas Curtis
Mand 1681-Ja, dato ukendt
Eleazer Gould
Mand 1720-1798
Susanna Gould
Kvinde 1722-1773
Mary Gould
Kvinde 1704-1789
Zaccheus Gould
Mand 1717-1793
John Gould
Mand 1710-1778
Sarah Gould
Kvinde 1711-1743
Samuel Smith
Mand 1714-1785
 = Ny tavle
Abigail Gould
Kvinde 1715-1737
Zaccheus Gould
Mand 1672-1739
Susanna Smith
Kvinde 1726-1741
Rebecca Smith
Kvinde 1715-1794
Mary Smith
Kvinde 1711-1785
Robert Smith
Mand 1724-1795
Hannah Smith
Kvinde 1729-1764
John Smith
Mand 1738-1760
Rebecca Smith
Kvinde 1718-1790
Samuel Smith
Mand 1714-1785
 = Ny tavle
Rebecca Curtis
Kvinde 1688-1753
Samuel Smith
Mand 1666-1748
Hannah Smith
Kvinde 1704-1729
Sarah Smith
Kvinde 1697-Ja, dato ukendt
Mary Smith
Kvinde 1702-1711
Sarah Curtis
Kvinde 1675-1748
Samuel Smith
Mand 1666-1748
Ephraim Curtis
Mand 1692-1764
Mary Looke
Kvinde 1654-1745
John Curtis
Mand 1649-1718
Sarah Miller
Kvinde 1624-1666
Thomas Look
Mand 1622-1674

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