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Familie: John Fillmore, I / Abigail Tilton (F1952)

g. 19 jun. 1701

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 Eliza Eliza
Kvinde (1650-1676)
 Daniel Tilton Daniel Tilton
Mand (1680-1722)
 Abigail Tilton Abigail Tilton
Kvinde (1670-1759)
 David Tilton David Tilton
Mand (1682-1729)
 Samuel Tilton Samuel Tilton
Mand (1680-1709)
 Joseph Tilton Joseph Tilton
Mand (1676-1744)
 Daniel Tilton Daniel Tilton
Mand (1687- )
 Isaac Tilton Isaac Tilton
Mand (1695-1764)
 Sarah Tilton Sarah Tilton
Kvinde (1678-1740)
 Jacob Tilton Jacob Tilton
Mand (1694-1695)
 Samuel Tilton Samuel Tilton
Mand (1672-1722)
 John Fillmore, I John Fillmore, I
Mand (1676-1711)
 Abigail Tilton Abigail Tilton
Kvinde (1679-1727)
 Ebenezer Fillmore Ebenezer Fillmore
Mand (1706-1780)
 Abigail Fillmore Abigail Fillmore
Kvinde (1708-1728)
 Capt John Fillmore Capt John Fillmore
Mand (1702-1777)
 Ruth Fillmore Ruth Fillmore
Kvinde (1712-1736)

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