1769 - 1859 (90 år)
Has ingen forfædre men 13 efterkommere i dette stamtræ.
Navn |
Richard Wood |
Fødsel |
1769 |
Bedford, Virginia, British Colonial America |
Køn |
Mand |
Land |
7 jul. 1827 |
Patrick, Virginia, USA |
Richard Wood, 100 acres on the head waters of Poplar Camp Creek (Land Office Grant Book 76:152) |
Navn |
Dickey |
Død |
12 jan. 1859 |
Patrick, Virginia, USA |
Begravelse |
Wood Cemetery, Patrick, Virginia, United States |
Person-ID |
I123494 |
Sidst ændret |
6 jan. 2021 |
Familie |
Rachel Cockram, f. 1783, Glasgow, Barren, Kentucky, United States d. 13 dec. 1822, Woods Gap, Patrick, Virginia, United States (Alder 39 år) |
Børn |
| 1. Henry Wood, Sr., f. 4 maj 1798, Franklin, Virginia, USA d. 26 nov. 1883, Merom, Sullivan, Indiana, USA (Alder 85 år) [Far: natural] [Mor: natural]
Familie-ID |
F26093 |
Gruppeskema | Familietavle |
Sidst ændret |
6 jan. 2021 |
Begivenhedskort |
 | Land - Richard Wood, 100 acres on the head waters of Poplar Camp Creek (Land Office Grant Book 76:152) - 7 jul. 1827 - Patrick, Virginia, USA |
 | Død - 12 jan. 1859 - Patrick, Virginia, USA |
Notater |
Klik på pilen til venstre for at vise noten. |
- Biography
Richard Wood ... He passed away in 1859. he is Buried in a Cemetery in Floyd Co VA surrounded by his four wives, he was a farmer and a trader in Woods Gap VA now Blairs Park in Pulaski Co along the Indian trail which was a route used by rival tribes to raid one another, his birth record has yet to be found and confirmed but he is definitely part of this pedigree. A long sought after mystery to many family trees as to his parents and orgin. It appears his death record recorded by his son list his older brother and sister as his parents, which is because Richard's son had no idea about his grandparents, Richard may have had no known recollection of his father John who was a frontiersman and indian fighter and was killed when he was 7 years old. Sometime between his father's death and reappearing in Bedford VA orphan records at age 15 His mother, Agnes, relocated to what is now Tennessee during it's settling of the whiteman. She was also killed by indians, Richard Wood settled in Woods Gap but has no relation to the area this is where he had 4 wives and sired many family trees of Wood/s in that area. Many confusions arose over the years by his land deed witnessed by John Woods (unrelated) and by John Woods' son also named Richard. Many genelogies contribute the John and Micheal Woods of Scottish Irish Woods' as his lineage due to copy and paste ancestry.com trees taken from records referencing back to Neander Woods' book which most believed to be correct even my Grandmother followed that theory, both John's were in Lord Dunmore's War and fought at the battle of Pleasant Creek. But in different regiments. We now have access to better data to separate the two as well as my DNA debunks that ,and even though both lines can be connected it is quite distant. Richard's father John is from the Peaks of Otter Wood family as the fist settlers of that area they came from New Jersey via England.
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