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 James Alfred Bentley

James Alfred Bentley

Mand 1907 - 1964  (57 år)    Har 2 forfædre og 5 efterkommere i dette stamtræ.

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  • Navn James Alfred Bentley  [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21
    Fødsel 16 apr. 1907  Mooreland, Woodward, Oklahoma, USA Find alle personer med begivenheder på dette sted  [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 20, 21
    Køn Mand 
    Død 22 aug. 1964  Nephi, Juab, Utah, USA Find alle personer med begivenheder på dette sted  [1, 2, 16, 17, 20
    Begravelse 25 aug. 1964  Bicknell Cemetery, Bicknell, Wayne, Utah, USA Find alle personer med begivenheder på dette sted  [1, 2, 16, 17
    Person-ID I132617  AALT
    Sidst ændret 6 jan. 2021 

    Far James Edward Bentley,   f. 3 aug. 1869, St. Joseph, Buchanan, Missouri, United States Find alle personer med begivenheder på dette stedd. 1939, Mooreland, Woodward, Oklahoma, United States Find alle personer med begivenheder på dette sted (Alder 69 år) 
    Tilknytning natural 
    Mor Delia Elizabeth Stivers,   f. 29 sep. 1877, Kirksville, Adair, Missouri, USA Find alle personer med begivenheder på dette stedd. 24 nov. 1942 (Alder 65 år) 
    Tilknytning natural 
    Familie-ID F29620  Gruppeskema  |  Familietavle

    Familie 1 Evelyn Patton,   f. 1911   d. Ja, dato ukendt 
    Ægteskab 5 okt. 1926  Mooreland, Woodward, Oklahoma, United States Find alle personer med begivenheder på dette sted  [2
    Alder ved indgåelse af ægteskab Han : 19 år og 6 måneder - Hun : ~ 15 år og 10 måneder
    Familie-ID F29621  Gruppeskema  |  Familietavle
    Sidst ændret 6 jan. 2021 

    Familie 2 Lila Giles,   f. 7 jun. 1919, Caineville, Wayne, Utah, USA Find alle personer med begivenheder på dette stedd. 15 nov. 1976, Richfield, Sevier, Utah, USA Find alle personer med begivenheder på dette sted (Alder 57 år) 
      Other partners: Dwain Christensen (m. 1936) 
    Ægteskab 20 jun. 1953  Las Vegas, Clark, Nevada, USA Find alle personer med begivenheder på dette sted  [2
    Alder ved indgåelse af ægteskab Han : 46 år og 2 måneder - Hun : 34 år. 
     1. Penny Bentley,   f. 11 maj 1958, Richfield, Sevier, Utah, USA Find alle personer med begivenheder på dette stedd. 13 jun. 2011, Cedar City, Iron, Utah, USA Find alle personer med begivenheder på dette sted (Alder 53 år)  [Far: natural]  [Mor: natural]
     2. Penny Bentley,   f. 11 maj 1958, Richfield, Sevier, Utah, USA Find alle personer med begivenheder på dette stedd. 13 jun. 2011, Cedar City, Iron, Utah, United States Find alle personer med begivenheder på dette sted (Alder 53 år)  [Far: natural]  [Mor: natural]
     3. James Robert Bentley,   f. 11 maj 1958, Richfield, Sevier, Utah, USA Find alle personer med begivenheder på dette stedd. 11 maj 1958, Richfield, Sevier, Utah, USA Find alle personer med begivenheder på dette sted (Alder 0 år)  [Far: natural]  [Mor: natural]
     4. Deila Bentley,   f. 15 jan. 1954, Richfield, Sevier, Utah, USA Find alle personer med begivenheder på dette stedd. 26 maj 2019 (Alder 65 år)  [Far: natural]  [Mor: natural]
    Familie-ID F29530  Gruppeskema  |  Familietavle
    Sidst ændret 6 jan. 2021 

  • Begivenhedskort
    Link til Google MapsFødsel - 16 apr. 1907 - Mooreland, Woodward, Oklahoma, USA Link til Google Earth
    Link til Google MapsÆgteskab - 20 jun. 1953 - Las Vegas, Clark, Nevada, USA Link til Google Earth
    Link til Google MapsDød - 22 aug. 1964 - Nephi, Juab, Utah, USA Link til Google Earth
     = Link til Google Earth 

  • Kilder 
    1. [S26] The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, "FamilySearch Family Tree," database, FamilySearch, (Name: (;), accessed 23 Jul 2020), entry for Penny Bentley, person ID KWZ9-JV4. (Troværdighed: 3).

    2. [S950], FamilySearch Family Tree, "Family Tree," database, FamilySearch ( : modified 30 April 2020, 22:20), entry for James Alfred Bentley(PID; contributed by various users. PersonID KLYX-JNR.
      James Alfred Bentley

    3. [S950], FamilySearch Family Tree, "Oklahoma, School Records, 1895-1936," database with images, FamilySearch ( : 8 May 2019), Alfred Bentley, 1926-1928; citing School Enrollment, Woodward, Oklahoma, United States, multiple County Clerk offices, Oklahoma school district offices, Oklahoma; FHL microfilm 1,651,182.
      Alfred Bentley, "Oklahoma, School Records, 1895-1936"

    4. [S950], FamilySearch Family Tree, "Oklahoma, County Marriages, 1890-1995." Database with images. FamilySearch. "Oklahoma, County Marriages, 1890-1995," database with images, FamilySearch ( : 23 March 2020), James Alfred Bentley and Evelyn Patton, 05 Oct 1926; citing Oklahoma, various county courthouses, Oklahoma; FHL microfilm.
      James Alfred Bentley, "Oklahoma, County Marriages, 1890-1995"

    5. [S950], FamilySearch Family Tree, "Oklahoma, School Records, 1895-1936," database with images, FamilySearch ( : 8 May 2019), Lafred Bently, 1912-1915; citing School Enrollment, Mooreland, Woodward, Oklahoma, United States, multiple County Clerk offices, Oklahoma school district offices, Oklahoma; FHL microfilm 1,650,952.
      Lafred Bently, "Oklahoma, School Records, 1895-1936"

    6. [S950], FamilySearch Family Tree, "Oklahoma, School Records, 1895-1936," database with images, FamilySearch ( : 8 May 2019), Alfored Bently, 1912-1915; citing School Enrollment, Mooreland, Woodward, Oklahoma, United States, multiple County Clerk offices, Oklahoma school district offices, Oklahoma; FHL microfilm 1,650,952.
      Alfored Bently, "Oklahoma, School Records, 1895-1936"

    7. [S950], FamilySearch Family Tree, "Oklahoma, School Records, 1895-1936," database with images, FamilySearch ( : 8 May 2019), Alfred Bently, 1924-1926; citing School Enrollment, Mooreland, Woodward, Oklahoma, United States, multiple County Clerk offices, Oklahoma school district offices, Oklahoma; FHL microfilm 1,651,181.
      Alfred Bently, "Oklahoma, School Records, 1895-1936"

    8. [S950], FamilySearch Family Tree, "Oklahoma, School Records, 1895-1936," database with images, FamilySearch ( : 8 May 2019), Alfred Bently, 1918-1920; citing School Enrollment, Mooreland, Woodward, Oklahoma, United States, multiple County Clerk offices, Oklahoma school district offices, Oklahoma; FHL microfilm 1,650,955.
      Alfred Bently, "Oklahoma, School Records, 1895-1936"

    9. [S950], FamilySearch Family Tree, "Oklahoma, School Records, 1895-1936," database with images, FamilySearch ( : 8 May 2019), Alfred Bently, 1912-1915; citing School Enrollment, Mooreland, Woodward, Oklahoma, United States, multiple County Clerk offices, Oklahoma school district offices, Oklahoma; FHL microfilm 1,650,952.
      Alfred Bently, "Oklahoma, School Records, 1895-1936"

    10. [S950], FamilySearch Family Tree, "Oklahoma, School Records, 1895-1936," database with images, FamilySearch ( : 8 May 2019), Alfred Bently, 1921-1924; citing School Enrollment, Mooreland, Woodward, Oklahoma, United States, multiple County Clerk offices, Oklahoma school district offices, Oklahoma; FHL microfilm 1,651,180.
      Alfred Bently, "Oklahoma, School Records, 1895-1936"

    11. [S950], FamilySearch Family Tree, "Oklahoma, School Records, 1895-1936," database with images, FamilySearch ( : 8 May 2019), Alfred Bently, 1924-1926; citing School Enrollment, Curtis, Woodward, Oklahoma, United States, multiple County Clerk offices, Oklahoma school district offices, Oklahoma; FHL microfilm 1,651,181.
      Alfred Bently, "Oklahoma, School Records, 1895-1936"

    12. [S950], FamilySearch Family Tree, "Oklahoma, School Records, 1895-1936," database with images, FamilySearch ( : 8 May 2019), Alfred Bentley, 1917-1918; citing School Enrollment, Mooreland, Woodward, Oklahoma, United States, multiple County Clerk offices, Oklahoma school district offices, Oklahoma; FHL microfilm 1,650,954.
      Alfred Bentley, "Oklahoma, School Records, 1895-1936"

    13. [S950], FamilySearch Family Tree, "United States Census, 1920," database with images, FamilySearch ( : accessed 19 August 2020), James A Bently in household of James E Bently, Union, Woodward, Oklahoma, United States; citing ED 233, sheet 4B, line 94, family 54, NARA microfilm publication T625 (Washington D.C.: National Archives and Records Administration, 1992), roll 1489; FHL microfilm 1,821,489.
      James A Bently in household of James E Bently, "United States Census, 1920"

    14. [S950], FamilySearch Family Tree, "United States Census, 1930," database with images, FamilySearch ( : accessed 19 August 2020), James A Bently in household of James E Bently, Union, Woodward, Oklahoma, United States; citing enumeration district (ED) ED 18, sheet 4A, line 38, family 78, NARA microfilm publication T626 (Washington D.C.: National Archives and Records Administration, 2002), roll 1929; FHL microfilm 2,341,663.
      James A Bently in household of James E Bently, "United States Census, 1930"

    15. [S950], FamilySearch Family Tree, "United States Census, 1910," database with images, FamilySearch ( : accessed 19 August 2020), James A Bentley in household of James Bentley, Union, Woodward, Oklahoma, United States; citing enumeration district (ED) ED 289, sheet 3A, family 56, NARA microfilm publication T624 (Washington D.C.: National Archives and Records Administration, 1982), roll 1276; FHL microfilm 1,375,289.
      James A Bentley in household of James Bentley, "United States Census, 1910"

    16. [S950], FamilySearch Family Tree, "Find A Grave Index," database, FamilySearch ( : 9 June 2020), James Alfred Bentley, 1964; Burial, , ; citing record ID , Find a Grave,
      James Alfred Bentley, "Find A Grave Index"

    17. [S950], FamilySearch Family Tree, "BillionGraves Index," database, FamilySearch ( : 24 June 2015), James Alfred Bentley, died 22 Aug 1964; citing BillionGraves ( : 2012), Burial at Bicknell Cemetery, Bicknell, Wayne, Utah, United States.
      James Alfred Bentley, "BillionGraves Index"

    18. [S950], FamilySearch Family Tree, "Oklahoma, School Records, 1895-1936," database with images, FamilySearch ( : 8 May 2019), Alfred Bentley, 1918-1920; citing School Enrollment, Mooreland, Woodward, Oklahoma, United States, multiple County Clerk offices, Oklahoma school district offices, Oklahoma; FHL microfilm 1,650,955.
      Alfred Bentley, "Oklahoma, School Records, 1895-1936"

    19. [S950], FamilySearch Family Tree, "Utah, ObitsUtah Obituary Index, 2010-2013," database, FamilySearch ( : 17 March 2018), James Alfred Bentley in entry for Penny Bentley Adams, 2011; citing Utah Funeral Directors Association, Utah.
      James Alfred Bentley in entry for Penny Bentley Adams, "Utah, ObitsUtah Obituary Index, 2010-2013"

    20. [S950], FamilySearch Family Tree, "Utah Death Certificates, 1904-1964," database with images, FamilySearch ( : 18 March 2018), James Alford Bentley, 22 Aug 1964; citing Nephi, Juab, Utah, United States, certificate , series 81448; Utah State Archives Research Center, Salt Lake City, Utah; FHL microfilm.
      James Alford Bentley, "Utah Death Certificates, 1904-1964"

    21. [S950], FamilySearch Family Tree, Transcription of headstone image from Image taken at Bicknell Cemetery (Bicknell, Wayne, Utah, United States) on 18 August 2014.
      Headstone image of James Alfred Bentley from

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