1614 - 1653 (39 år)
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Navn |
Ann Wilmot |
Fødsel |
1614 |
Evesham, Worcestershire, England |
Køn |
Kvinde |
MY7K-CM7 |
Død |
28 aug. 1653 |
New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, USA |
Begravelse |
New Haven, Connecticut, USA |
Person-ID |
I3393 |
Sidst ændret |
17 dec. 2020 |
Familie |
William Bonnel, f. 1610, England d. 18 aug. 1669, New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, USA (Alder 59 år) |
Børn |
| 1. Nathaniel Bonnel, f. 1644, New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, USA d. 12 maj 1696, Elizabeth, Union, New Jersey, USA (Alder 52 år) [Far: natural] [Mor: natural]
Familie-ID |
F806 |
Gruppeskema | Familietavle |
Sidst ændret |
17 dec. 2020 |
Begivenhedskort |
 | Fødsel - 1614 - Evesham, Worcestershire, England |
 | Død - 28 aug. 1653 - New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, USA |
 | Begravelse - - New Haven, Connecticut, USA |
Notater |
Klik på pilen til venstre for at vise noten. |
- ANN WILMOT, daughter of my immigrant ancestors,BENJAMIN & ANN (LADD) WILMOT, married WILLIAM BUNNELL about 1640 or before. Colket has her husband's immigration at 1638. In 1640, the Colony gave him (William) a home lot in Watertown but there is no indication that he lived there. In May, 1646, he had left his wife & children and returned to England leaving them indigent. Ann and the children moved to New Haven to live with her parents. Because the grandparents were unable to provide for their grandchildren, two of the children, Benjamin & LYDIA (my ancestor) were apprenticed to two families. Around 1649, William Bunnell had returned to New Haven and fathered a daughter, Ann, in 1650. That year, the Bunnells were in court being evicted for not paying their rent, and the family was receiving a weekly allowance from the court so they were able to live. After Ann's death, William requested and was given passage to England. It is believed that he either died in the West Indies during the passage or in England.
No tombstone was found for Ann, which is probably because of the poverty of the family.
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