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 Ruth Church

Ruth Church

Kvinde 1669 - 1746  (76 år)    Har 10 forfædre og 10 efterkommere i dette stamtræ.

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  • Navn Ruth Church 
    Fødsel 12 jan. 1669  Hingham, Plymouth, Massachusetts, USA Find alle personer med begivenheder på dette sted 
    Dåb 12 dec. 1697  Watertown, Middlesex, Massachusetts, USA Find alle personer med begivenheder på dette sted 
    Køn Kvinde 
    Begravelse 1746  Westfield, Hampden, Massachusetts, USA Find alle personer med begivenheder på dette sted 
    Død 10 jan. 1746  Westfield, Hampden, Massachusetts, USA Find alle personer med begivenheder på dette sted 
    Søskende 11 søskende 
    Person-ID I53470  AALT
    Sidst ændret 6 jan. 2021 

    Far Caleb Church,   f. 8 aug. 1647, Plymouth, Plymouth, Massachusetts, USA Find alle personer med begivenheder på dette stedd. 26 jun. 1722, Watertown, Middlesex, Massachusetts, USA Find alle personer med begivenheder på dette sted (Alder 74 år) 
    Tilknytning natural 
    Mor Joanna Sprague,   f. 12 dec. 1644, Hingham, Plymouth, Massachusetts, USA Find alle personer med begivenheder på dette stedd. 11 jul. 1678, Watertown, Middlesex, Massachusetts, USA Find alle personer med begivenheder på dette sted (Alder 33 år) 
    Tilknytning natural 
    Ægteskab 16 dec. 1667  Hingham, Plymouth, Massachusetts, USA Find alle personer med begivenheder på dette sted 
    Alder ved indgåelse af ægteskab Han : 20 år og 4 måneder - Hun : 23 år. 
    Familie-ID F9914  Gruppeskema  |  Familietavle

    Familie 1 Joseph Child, Jr,   f. 7 jan. 1659, Watertown, Middlesex, Massachusetts, USA Find alle personer med begivenheder på dette stedd. 3 nov. 1711, Watertown, Middlesex, Massachusetts, USA Find alle personer med begivenheder på dette sted (Alder 52 år) 
      Other partners: Sarah Norcross (m. 1680) 
    Ægteskab 25 jul. 1705  Watertown, Middlesex, Massachusetts, USA Find alle personer med begivenheder på dette sted  [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
    Alder ved indgåelse af ægteskab Hun : 36 år og 6 måneder - Han : 46 år og 6 måneder. 
     1. Lydia Child,   f. 2 jun. 1706, Watertown, Middlesex, Massachusetts, USA Find alle personer med begivenheder på dette stedd. før 9 jul. 1739 (Alder < 33 år)  [Far: natural]  [Mor: natural]
     2. Abigail Child,   f. 19 sep. 1708, Watertown, Middlesex, Massachusetts, USA Find alle personer med begivenheder på dette stedd. 27 sep. 1762, Sheffield, Berkshire, Massachusetts, USA Find alle personer med begivenheder på dette sted (Alder 54 år)  [Far: natural]  [Mor: natural]
     3. Ebenezer, Child,   f. Watertown, Middlesex, Massachusetts, USA Find alle personer med begivenheder på dette stedd. Ja, dato ukendt  [Far: natural]  [Mor: natural]
    Familie-ID F4263  Gruppeskema  |  Familietavle
    Sidst ændret 6 jan. 2021 

    Familie 2 Thomas Ingersoll, Sr,   f. 28 mar. 1668, Westfield, Hampden, Massachusetts, USA Find alle personer med begivenheder på dette stedd. 14 nov. 1732, Westfield, Hampden, Massachusetts, USA Find alle personer med begivenheder på dette sted (Alder 64 år) 
    Ægteskab 17 maj 1720  Medford, Middlesex, Massachusetts, USA Find alle personer med begivenheder på dette sted  [3, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45
    Alder ved indgåelse af ægteskab Hun : 51 år og 4 måneder - Han : 52 år og 2 måneder. 
    Familie-ID F9523  Gruppeskema  |  Familietavle
    Sidst ændret 6 jan. 2021 

    Familie 3 John Maddocks,   f. 16 maj 1663, Watertown, Middlesex, Massachusetts, USA Find alle personer med begivenheder på dette stedd. 1 feb. 1703, Watertown, Middlesex, Massachusetts, USA Find alle personer med begivenheder på dette sted (Alder 39 år) 
    Ægteskab 23 jun. 1689  Watertown, Middlesex, Massachusetts, USA Find alle personer med begivenheder på dette sted  [3, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45
    Alder ved indgåelse af ægteskab Hun : 20 år og 5 måneder - Han : 26 år og 1 måned. 
     1. Ruth Maddocks,   f. 13 feb. 1691, Watertown, Middlesex, Massachusetts, USA Find alle personer med begivenheder på dette stedd. Ja, dato ukendt  [Far: natural]  [Mor: natural]
     2. Joanna Maddock,   f. 4 okt. 1702, Watertown, Middlesex, Massachusetts, USA Find alle personer med begivenheder på dette stedd. 20 dec. 1786, Medford, Middlesex, Massachusetts, USA Find alle personer med begivenheder på dette sted (Alder 84 år)  [Far: natural]  [Mor: natural]
     3. John Maddocks,   f. 22 jan. 1693, Watertown, Middlesex, Massachusetts, USA Find alle personer med begivenheder på dette stedd. 1 apr. 1741, Ashford, Windham, Connecticut, USA Find alle personer med begivenheder på dette sted (Alder 48 år)  [Far: natural]  [Mor: natural]
     4. Mary Maddocks,   f. 4 dec. 1694, Watertown, Middlesex, Massachusetts, USA Find alle personer med begivenheder på dette stedd. Ja, dato ukendt  [Far: natural]  [Mor: natural]
     5. Sarah Maddocks,   f. 22 dec. 1696, Watertown, Middlesex, Massachusetts, USA Find alle personer med begivenheder på dette stedd. mar. 1733, Ashford, Windham, Connecticut, USA Find alle personer med begivenheder på dette sted (Alder 36 år)  [Far: natural]  [Mor: natural]
     6. Caleb Maddocks,   f. 1 aug. 1700, Watertown, Middlesex, Massachusetts, USA Find alle personer med begivenheder på dette stedd. 6 jun. 1746 (Alder 45 år)  [Far: natural]  [Mor: natural]
     7. Henry Maddocks,   f. 19 okt. 1698, Watertown, Middlesex, Massachusetts, USA Find alle personer med begivenheder på dette stedd. 8 okt. 1750, Kennebunkport, York, Maine, USA Find alle personer med begivenheder på dette sted (Alder 51 år)  [Far: natural]  [Mor: natural]
    Familie-ID F9972  Gruppeskema  |  Familietavle
    Sidst ændret 6 jan. 2021 

  • Begivenhedskort
    Link til Google MapsFødsel - 12 jan. 1669 - Hingham, Plymouth, Massachusetts, USA Link til Google Earth
    Link til Google MapsÆgteskab - 23 jun. 1689 - Watertown, Middlesex, Massachusetts, USA Link til Google Earth
    Link til Google MapsDåb - 12 dec. 1697 - Watertown, Middlesex, Massachusetts, USA Link til Google Earth
    Link til Google MapsÆgteskab - 25 jul. 1705 - Watertown, Middlesex, Massachusetts, USA Link til Google Earth
    Link til Google MapsÆgteskab - 17 maj 1720 - Medford, Middlesex, Massachusetts, USA Link til Google Earth
    Link til Google MapsBegravelse - 1746 - Westfield, Hampden, Massachusetts, USA Link til Google Earth
    Link til Google MapsDød - 10 jan. 1746 - Westfield, Hampden, Massachusetts, USA Link til Google Earth
     = Link til Google Earth 

  • Notater  Klik på pilen til venstre for at vise noten.

  • Kilder 
    1. [S105], FamilySearch Family Tree, Massachusetts, Town and Vital Records, 1620-1988 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Operations, Inc., 2011. Original data: Town and City Clerks of Massachusetts. Massachusetts Vital and Town Records. Provo, UT: Holbrook.
      Joseph Child in the Massachusetts, Town and Vital Records, 1620-1988

    2. [S105], FamilySearch Family Tree, "Family Tree," database, FamilySearch ( : modified 30 August 2018, 21:33), entry for Joseph Child Jr.(PID; contributed by various users. PersonID LVPQ-NLP.
      Joseph Child Jr.

    3. [S105], FamilySearch Family Tree, Massachusetts Vital Records to 1850 (Online Database:, New England Historic Genealogical Society, 2001-2010).
      Massachusetts Vital Records to 1850

    4. [S105], FamilySearch Family Tree, Middlesex County, MA: Probate File Papers, 1648-1871.Online database. New England Historic Genealogical Society, 2014. (From records supplied by the Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court Archives.).
      Middlesex County, MA: Probate File Papers, 1648-1871

    5. [S105], FamilySearch Family Tree, Pennsylvania, Society of Mayflower Descendants Applications, 1911-1929 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Operations, Inc., 2014. This collection was indexed by Ancestry World Archives Project contributors. Original data:.
      Joseph Child in the Pennsylvania, Society of Mayflower Descendants Applications, 1911-1929

    6. [S105], FamilySearch Family Tree.
      Legacy NFS Source: joseph child - Published information: birth: 7 January 1658; Massachusetts, United States

    7. [S105], FamilySearch Family Tree, "Massachusetts Births and Christenings, 1639-1915," database, FamilySearch ( : 10 February 2018), Joseph Child in entry for Saml. Child, 07 Jan 1694; citing WATERTOWN,MIDDLESEX,MASSACHUSETTS, ; FHL mi.
      Joseph Child in entry for Saml. Child, "Massachusetts Births and Christenings, 1639-1915"

    8. [S105], FamilySearch Family Tree, "Massachusetts Births and Christenings, 1639-1915," database, FamilySearch ( : 10 February 2018), Joseph Child in entry for Ebenezer Child, 19 Jan 1711; citing WATERTOWN,MIDDLESEX,MASSACHUSETTS, ; FHL.
      Joseph Child in entry for Ebenezer Child, "Massachusetts Births and Christenings, 1639-1915"

    9. [S105], FamilySearch Family Tree, "Massachusetts Births and Christenings, 1639-1915," database, FamilySearch ( : 10 February 2018), Joseph Child in entry for Abigail Child, 19 Sep 1708; citing WATERTOWN,MIDDLESEX,MASSACHUSETTS, ; FHL.
      Joseph Child in entry for Abigail Child, "Massachusetts Births and Christenings, 1639-1915"

    10. [S105], FamilySearch Family Tree.
      Web: Netherlands, GenealogieOnline Trees Index, 1000-2015

    11. [S105], FamilySearch Family Tree, U.S., Find A Grave Index, 1600s-Current [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Operations, Inc., 2012. Original data: Find A Grave. Find A Grave.
      Ruth Ingersoll in the U.S., Find A Grave Index, 1600s-Current

    12. [S105], FamilySearch Family Tree, Book Title: Genealogy of the Child, Childs and Childe Families, of the Past and Present in the United States and the Canadas, From 1630 to 1881.
      North America, Family Histories, 1500-2000

    13. [S105], FamilySearch Family Tree.
      Mayflower Births and Deaths, Vol. 1 and 2

    14. [S105], FamilySearch Family Tree, Source number: 70.000; Source type: Electronic Database; Number of Pages: 1; Submitter Code: RDI Source Information Yates Publishing. U.S. and International Marriage Records, 1560-1900 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Operations In.
      Ruth Church in the U.S. and International Marriage Records, 1560-1900

    15. [S105], FamilySearch Family Tree, "Massachusetts Births and Christenings, 1639-1915," database, FamilySearch ( : 10 February 2018), Ruth in entry for Ruth Maddocke, 13 Feb 1691; citing Watertown, Middlesex, Massachusetts, United State.
      Ruth in entry for Ruth Maddocke, "Massachusetts Births and Christenings, 1639-1915"

    16. [S105], FamilySearch Family Tree, Massachusetts, Town and Vital Records, 1620-1988 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Operations, Inc., 2011. Original data: Town and City Clerks of Massachusetts. Massachusetts Vital and Town Records. Provo, UT: Holbrook.
      Ruth Church in the Massachusetts, Town and Vital Records, 1620-1988

    17. [S105], FamilySearch Family Tree, "Massachusetts Births and Christenings, 1639-1915," database, FamilySearch ( : 10 February 2018), Ruth in entry for Henry Maddock, 19 Oct 1698; citing WATERTOWN,MIDDLESEX,MASSACHUSETTS, ; FHL microfil.
      Ruth in entry for Henry Maddock, "Massachusetts Births and Christenings, 1639-1915"

    18. [S105], FamilySearch Family Tree, Compiled by Lillian Drake Avery of Pontiac, Michigan, A Genealogy of the Ingersoll Family in America 1629-1925 comprising descendants of Richard Ingersoll of Salem, Massachus, Frederick H. Hitchcock, The Grafton Press, Genealogical Publishers, New York,.
      A Genealogy of the Ingersoll Family in America 1629-1925 comprising descendants of Richard Ingersoll of Salem, Massachus

    19. [S105], FamilySearch Family Tree, "Family Tree," database, FamilySearch ( : modified 16 September 2018, 14:23), entry for Ruth Church(PID; contributed by various users. PersonID LVPQ-N4L.
      Ruth Church

    20. [S105], FamilySearch Family Tree, International Genealogical Index(R), The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Copyright (c) 1980, 2002, Page number: downloaded 18 Oct 2009.
      Legacy NFS Source: Ruth Church - death:

    21. [S105], FamilySearch Family Tree, "Massachusetts Births and Christenings, 1639-1915," database, FamilySearch ( : 10 February 2018), Ruth in entry for Abigail Child, 19 Sep 1708; citing WATERTOWN,MIDDLESEX,MASSACHUSETTS, ; FHL microfil.
      Ruth in entry for Abigail Child, "Massachusetts Births and Christenings, 1639-1915"

    22. [S105], FamilySearch Family Tree, The Ingersolls of Hampshire: A Genealogical History of the Family . . ., Charles Stedman Ripley, Alfred Mudge & Son, Printers, Boston, 1893, New England Historic Genealogical Library, Boston, Mass., Page number: p. 21.
      Legacy NFS Source: Ruth Church - death: 10 January 1747;

    23. [S105], FamilySearch Family Tree, Birth year: 1670; Birth city: Dedham; Birth state: MA.
      Family Data Collection - Individual Records

    24. [S105], FamilySearch Family Tree.
      Massachusetts, Town and Vital Records, 1620-1988

    25. [S105], FamilySearch Family Tree, "Massachusetts Births and Christenings, 1639-1915," database, FamilySearch ( : 10 February 2018), Ruth in entry for John Maddocks, 22 Jan 1693; citing WATERTOWN,MIDDLESEX,MASSACHUSETTS, ; FHL microfil.
      Ruth in entry for John Maddocks, "Massachusetts Births and Christenings, 1639-1915"

    26. [S105], FamilySearch Family Tree.
      U.S., New England Marriages Prior to 1700

    27. [S105], FamilySearch Family Tree, Source number: 72.000; Source type: Electronic Database; Number of Pages: 1; Submitter Code: RDI.
      U.S. and International Marriage Records, 1560-1900

    28. [S105], FamilySearch Family Tree, Birth year: 1670; Birth city: Topsham; Birth state: MA.
      Family Data Collection - Individual Records

    29. [S105], FamilySearch Family Tree, "Massachusetts Births and Christenings, 1639-1915," database, FamilySearch ( : 10 February 2018), Ruth in entry for Ebenezer Child, 19 Jan 1711; citing WATERTOWN,MIDDLESEX,MASSACHUSETTS, ; FHL microfi.
      Ruth in entry for Ebenezer Child, "Massachusetts Births and Christenings, 1639-1915"

    30. [S105], FamilySearch Family Tree, "Massachusetts Births and Christenings, 1639-1915," database, FamilySearch ( : 10 February 2018), Ruth in entry for Sarah Maddock, 22 Dec 1696; citing WATERTOWN,MIDDLESEX,MASSACHUSETTS, ; FHL microfil.
      Ruth in entry for Sarah Maddock, "Massachusetts Births and Christenings, 1639-1915"

    31. [S105], FamilySearch Family Tree, "Massachusetts Births and Christenings, 1639-1915," database, FamilySearch ( : 10 February 2018), Ruth in entry for Lydia Child, 02 Jun 1706; citing WATERTOWN,MIDDLESEX,MASSACHUSETTS, ; FHL microfilm.
      Ruth in entry for Lydia Child, "Massachusetts Births and Christenings, 1639-1915"

    32. [S105], FamilySearch Family Tree.
      Massachusetts, Town Marriage Records, 1620-1850

    33. [S105], FamilySearch Family Tree, Source number: 69.000; Source type: Electronic Database; Number of Pages: 1; Submitter Code: RDI.
      U.S. and International Marriage Records, 1560-1900

    34. [S105], FamilySearch Family Tree, Massachusetts, Town and Vital Records, 1620-1988 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Operations, Inc., 2011. Original data: Town and City Clerks of Massachusetts. Massachusetts Vital and Town Records. Provo, UT: Holbrook.
      Lydia Child in the Massachusetts, Town and Vital Records, 1620-1988

    35. [S105], FamilySearch Family Tree.
      Pennsylvania, Society of Mayflower Descendants Applications, 1911-1929

    36. [S105], FamilySearch Family Tree, "Massachusetts Births and Christenings, 1639-1915," database, FamilySearch ( : 10 February 2018), Ruth in entry for Mary Maddock, 04 Dec 1694; citing WATERTOWN,MIDDLESEX,MASSACHUSETTS, ; FHL microfilm.
      Ruth in entry for Mary Maddock, "Massachusetts Births and Christenings, 1639-1915"

    37. [S105], FamilySearch Family Tree, Pennsylvania, Society of Mayflower Descendants Applications, 1911-1929 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Operations, Inc., 2014. This collection was indexed by Ancestry World Archives Project contributors. Original data:.
      Lydia Child in the Pennsylvania, Society of Mayflower Descendants Applications, 1911-1929

    38. [S105], FamilySearch Family Tree, Massachusetts, Town and Vital Records, 1620-1988 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Operations, Inc., 2011. Original data: Town and City Clerks of Massachusetts. Massachusetts Vital and Town Records. Provo, UT: Holbrook.
      Ruth Maddocks in the Massachusetts, Town and Vital Records, 1620-1988

    39. [S105], FamilySearch Family Tree, Massachusetts, Town and Vital Records, 1620-1988 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Operations, Inc., 2011. Original data: Town and City Clerks of Massachusetts. Massachusetts Vital and Town Records. Provo, UT: Holbrook.
      Thomas Ingersol in the Massachusetts, Town and Vital Records, 1620-1988

    40. [S105], FamilySearch Family Tree.
      U.S., Find A Grave Index, 1600s-Current

    41. [S105], FamilySearch Family Tree, "Massachusetts Births and Christenings, 1639-1915," database, FamilySearch ( : 10 February 2018), Ruth in entry for Ruth Maddocks, 13 Feb 1691; citing WATERTOWN,MIDDLESEX,MASSACHUSETTS, ; FHL microfil.
      Ruth in entry for Ruth Maddocks, "Massachusetts Births and Christenings, 1639-1915"

    42. [S105], FamilySearch Family Tree, Massachusetts, Town and Vital Records, 1620-1988 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Operations, Inc., 2011. Original data: Town and City Clerks of Massachusetts. Massachusetts Vital and Town Records. Provo, UT: Holbrook.
      Ruth Ingersoll in the Massachusetts, Town and Vital Records, 1620-1988

    43. [S105], FamilySearch Family Tree, "Massachusetts Births and Christenings, 1639-1915," database, FamilySearch ( : 10 February 2018), Ruth in entry for Caleb Maddock, 29 Aug 1700; citing WATERTOWN,MIDDLESEX,MASSACHUSETTS, ; FHL microfil.
      Ruth in entry for Caleb Maddock, "Massachusetts Births and Christenings, 1639-1915"

    44. [S105], FamilySearch Family Tree, "Massachusetts Births and Christenings, 1639-1915," database, FamilySearch ( : 10 February 2018), Ruth Church, 12 Jan 1669; citing HINGHAM,PLYMOUTH,MASSACHUSETTS, ; FHL microfilm 426,570.
      Ruth Church, "Massachusetts Births and Christenings, 1639-1915"

    45. [S105], FamilySearch Family Tree, "Massachusetts Marriages, 1695-1910," database, FamilySearch ( : 9 February 2018), John Maddacke and Ruth Church, 23 Jun 1689; citing reference ; FHL microfilm 745,869.
      Ruth Church, "Massachusetts Marriages, 1695-1910"

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