1948 - 2014 (65 år)
Har 21 forfædre men ingen efterkommere i dette stamtræ.
Navn |
Anne Jensen |
Fødsel |
19 nov. 1948 |
New York, New York, New York, USA |
Køn |
Kvinde |
Død |
7 maj 2014 |
Ogden, Weber, Utah, USA |
Begravelse |
Cremated. |
Søskende |
Person-ID |
I90202 |
Sidst ændret |
6 jan. 2021 |
Far |
Cleleo Lund Jensen, f. 1 aug. 1924, Sandy City, Salt Lake, Utah, USA d. 23 dec. 2009, Orem, Utah, Utah, USA (Alder 85 år) |
Tilknytning |
natural |
Mor |
Jeanne Elizabeth Jack, f. 24 maj 1926, Salt Lake City, Salt Lake, Utah, USA d. 18 nov. 1990, Salt Lake City, Salt Lake, Utah, USA (Alder 64 år) |
Tilknytning |
natural |
Ægteskab |
10 sep. 1947 |
Salt Lake City, Salt Lake, Utah, USA [1, 2] |
Alder ved indgåelse af ægteskab |
Han : 23 år og 1 måned - Hun : 21 år og 4 måneder. |
Familie-ID |
F17527 |
Gruppeskema | Familietavle |
Begivenhedskort |
 | Fødsel - 19 nov. 1948 - New York, New York, New York, USA |
 | Død - 7 maj 2014 - Ogden, Weber, Utah, USA |
Notater |
Klik på pilen til venstre for at vise noten. |
- Born: 19 November 1948 on Staten Island, New York. Her father (Cleleo) was an intern at the Staten Island Hospital. After training, Clel moved his family to Japan, as he served with the US Air Force post WWII. Anne remembered many things about Japan: smells, having Japanese children coming up to her and touching her very blond hair(!), the maid. Her sister, Eve, was born in Tachekowa, Japan, during this time. Afterward, they moved to Boise, Idaho. Anne had many wonderful memories of this phase in her life as well: friends, neighbors, home, school.
She then moved to Salt Lake City. She was always a cute, young woman, but by the time she hit high school, she was truly beautiful, and it is no wonder I fell in love with her...she was beautiful inside and out. She became a wonderful mother, Registered Nurse, partner, companion. She loved her family, immediate and extended...a very wonderful person, very forgiving. Her motto: Practice random kindness and senseless acts of beauty.
She died on May 7th, 2014, from inherited early onset dementia. Her mother died from this and her brother (Jack) currently is suffering from this awful disease. We found a mutation on her pre-senilin 1 gene. Her brother, Jack, shares that same gene mutation.
We all miss her so much.
Kilder |
- [S164] FamilySearch.org, FamilySearch Family Tree, "Family Tree," database, FamilySearch (http://familysearch.org : modified 21 July 2019, 23:20), entry for Cleleo Lund Jensen(PID https://familysearch.org/ark:/61903/4:1:KWCJ-G1K); contributed by various users. PersonID KWCJ-G1K.
Cleleo Lund Jensen
- [S164] FamilySearch.org, FamilySearch Family Tree, "United States Census, 1940," database with images, FamilySearch (https://familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:VT47-C35 : 26 July 2019), Cleleo Jensen in household of Clarence C Jensen, Sandy City, Election Precinct 7, Salt Lake, Utah, United States; ci.
Cleleo Jensen in household of Clarence C Jensen, "United States Census, 1940"
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