1775 - 1859 (83 år)
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John Theobald |
Fødsel |
8 okt. 1775 |
Sheldwich, Kent, England |
Dåb |
8 okt. 1775 |
Faversham, Kent, England |
Køn |
Mand |
LL9S-PM5 |
Bopæl |
Middleton |
Bopæl |
1841 |
Freshwater, Hampshire, England |
Død |
30 jan. 1859 |
Freshwater, Hampshire, England |
Begravelse |
5 feb. 1859 |
Freshwater, Hampshire, England |
Person-ID |
I93316 |
Sidst ændret |
6 jan. 2021 |
Familie |
Elizabeth Dore, f. 2 dec. 1776, Freshwater, Hampshire, England d. 31 dec. 1825, Freshwater, Hampshire, England (Alder 49 år) |
Børn |
| 1. William Theobald, f. 31 mar. 1813, Freshwater, Hampshire, England d. 28 feb. 1895, Toquerville, Washington, Utah, USA (Alder 81 år) [Far: natural] [Mor: natural]
Familie-ID |
F18960 |
Gruppeskema | Familietavle |
Sidst ændret |
6 jan. 2021 |
Begivenhedskort |
 | Fødsel - 8 okt. 1775 - Sheldwich, Kent, England |
 | Dåb - 8 okt. 1775 - Faversham, Kent, England |
 | Bopæl - 1841 - Freshwater, Hampshire, England |
 | Død - 30 jan. 1859 - Freshwater, Hampshire, England |
 | Begravelse - 5 feb. 1859 - Freshwater, Hampshire, England |
Notater |
Klik på pilen til venstre for at vise noten. |
JOHN THEOBALD-KNSP-BQH -he married Hannah Baker
JOHN THEOBALD- LYLV-T1P - He married Sarah Argent
JOHN THEOBALD-KCBK-G2P- He married Susan Layton
JOHN THEOBALDS-L4SB-CL9- He married Ann Wallis
JOHN THEOBALDS-L437-VF3 -MaryAnn Smith
JOHN THEOBALDS-LHK5-CVM - Julianna Salloway
There are more than I can possibly put on here but I think you get my drift.
Hampshire Telegraph - Saturday 17 September 1859
Announcement of auction for the Hookhill and Soak Farms of John Theobald deceased on the premises of Soak Farm Wednesday September 28th, 1859, at twelve o'clock
Dorset County Chronicle - Thursday 10 February 1859
Theobald - Jan. 30, at his residence, Freshwater, Isle of Wight, John Theobald, esq. after a long and painful illness, much respected by all who knew him, aged 85.
WILL information from the registered will *see memories tab for the will John Theobald, yeoman of Freshwater, isle of Wight = written 11 Sep 1858 - daughter Mary Stevens - almost all goes to David Way of Afton his son in law, Isaac Barnett and testators son Thomas Theobald to settle his affairs - sons John Baldwin Theobald, Charles Theobald, Thomas Theobald and Wm Theobald - daughter Ann the wife of Isaac Barnett - probated 28 April 1869 under the oaths of Isaac Barnett & Thomas Theobald
Baptism was in Faversham but stated he was born in Sheldwich, Kent
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