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Colchester, New London, Connecticut, USA



Breddegrad: 41.5757, Længdegrad: -72.332


Match 101 til 150 fra 160

«Forrige 1 2 3 4 Næste»

   Efternavn, Fornavn    Fødsel    Person-ID   Træ 
101 Kellogg, Abigail  25 jun. 1707Colchester, New London, Connecticut, USA I60836 AALT 
102 Kellogg, Daniel  6 maj 1720Colchester, New London, Connecticut, USA I108838 AALT 
103 Kellogg, Ebenezer  30 jan. 1710Colchester, New London, Connecticut, USA I60838 AALT 
104 Kellogg, Elizabeth  25 sep. 1712Colchester, New London, Connecticut, USA I61302 AALT 
105 Kellogg, Joseph  8 aug. 1718Colchester, New London, Connecticut, USA I108867 AALT 
106 Kellogg, Martin Moses  10 maj 1725Colchester, New London, Connecticut, USA I114095 AALT 
107 Kellogg, Mary  3 jun. 1715Colchester, New London, Connecticut, USA I63014 AALT 
108 Kellogg, Mary  27 apr. 1745Colchester, New London, Connecticut, USA I123055 AALT 
109 Kellogg, Mercy  20 maj 1723Colchester, New London, Connecticut, USA I108969 AALT 
110 Kellogg, Prudence  24 dec. 1717Colchester, New London, Connecticut, USA I60659 AALT 
111 Kneeland, Dorothy  3 dec. 1753Colchester, New London, Connecticut, USA I61106 AALT 
112 Kneeland, Jabez  14 apr. 1738Colchester, New London, Connecticut, USA I108651 AALT 
113 Kneeland, John  4 jan. 1739Colchester, New London, Connecticut, USA I60786 AALT 
114 Kneeland, Jonathan  4 mar. 1737Colchester, New London, Connecticut, USA I61336 AALT 
115 Kneeland, Mehitable  6 feb. 1742Colchester, New London, Connecticut, USA I60801 AALT 
116 Kneeland, Mercy  17 aug. 1748Colchester, New London, Connecticut, USA I60913 AALT 
117 Kneeland, Mercy Pepoon  25 nov. 1751Colchester, New London, Connecticut, USA I94382 AALT 
118 Kneeland, Rachel  27 dec. 1749Colchester, New London, Connecticut, USA I60925 AALT 
119 Kneeland, Samuel  16 maj 1755Colchester, New London, Connecticut, USA I60867 AALT 
120 Lewis, Benjamin  1668Colchester, New London, Connecticut, USA I60754 AALT 
121 Lewis, Elisabeth  21 apr. 1743Colchester, New London, Connecticut, USA I60732 AALT 
122 Lewis, Hannah  7 apr. 1717Colchester, New London, Connecticut, USA I60912 AALT 
123 Little, Elizabeth  26 jan. 1739Colchester, New London, Connecticut, USA I60934 AALT 
124 Loomis, Azariah  2 maj 1700Colchester, New London, Connecticut, USA I61316 AALT 
125 Loomis, Daniel  20 feb. 1709Colchester, New London, Connecticut, USA I60789 AALT 
126 Lord, Benjamin  aug. 1727Colchester, New London, Connecticut, USA I60929 AALT 
127 Lord, Deborah  maj 1718Colchester, New London, Connecticut, USA I60839 AALT 
128 Lord, Dorothy  okt. 1710Colchester, New London, Connecticut, USA I60900 AALT 
129 Lord, Elizabeth  dec. 1711Colchester, New London, Connecticut, USA I60895 AALT 
130 Lord, Jonathan  1686Colchester, New London, Connecticut, USA I61312 AALT 
131 Lord, Jonathan  13 mar. 1712Colchester, New London, Connecticut, USA I61118 AALT 
132 Lord, Lydia  maj 1714Colchester, New London, Connecticut, USA I60632 AALT 
133 Lord, Mary  1725Colchester, New London, Connecticut, USA I60600 AALT 
134 Lord, Mehitabel  15 apr. 1716Colchester, New London, Connecticut, USA I61190 AALT 
135 Lord, Mehitabel  15 apr. 1716Colchester, New London, Connecticut, USA I60927 AALT 
136 Lord, Nathaniel  1687Colchester, New London, Connecticut, USA I60928 AALT 
137 Lord, Sarah  18 mar. 1722Colchester, New London, Connecticut, USA I71615 AALT 
138 Pendleton, Elizabeth  1740Colchester, New London, Connecticut, USA I60819 AALT 
139 Pepoon, Mercy  26 sep. 1727Colchester, New London, Connecticut, USA I61120 AALT 
140 Pratt, Ruth  16 mar. 1705Colchester, New London, Connecticut, USA I74608 AALT 
141 Randall, Abel  18 apr. 1765Colchester, New London, Connecticut, USA I108662 AALT 
142 Randall, Abraham  6 dec. 1758Colchester, New London, Connecticut, USA I60883 AALT 
143 Randall, Anna  1760Colchester, New London, Connecticut, USA I60847 AALT 
144 Randall, Benjamin  1 maj 1778Colchester, New London, Connecticut, USA I60834 AALT 
145 Randall, Charles  10 dec. 1770Colchester, New London, Connecticut, USA I61314 AALT 
146 Randall, Ira  jun. 1783Colchester, New London, Connecticut, USA I60896 AALT 
147 Randall, Keturah  28 okt. 1765Colchester, New London, Connecticut, USA I61311 AALT 
148 Randall, Lucy  29 jul. 1760Colchester, New London, Connecticut, USA I60808 AALT 
149 Randall, Mary  4 aug. 1775Colchester, New London, Connecticut, USA I61324 AALT 
150 Roberts, Alice  1720Colchester, New London, Connecticut, USA I61040 AALT 

«Forrige 1 2 3 4 Næste»


Match 101 til 112 fra 112

«Forrige 1 2 3

   Efternavn, Fornavn    Død    Person-ID   Træ 
101 Smith, Caleb  22 dec. 1740Colchester, New London, Connecticut, USA I60873 AALT 
102 Smith, John  17 aug. 1752Colchester, New London, Connecticut, USA I60804 AALT 
103 Smith, Shubell  18 maj 1736Colchester, New London, Connecticut, USA I108656 AALT 
104 Stark, Susannah  jun. 1813Colchester, New London, Connecticut, USA I60779 AALT 
105 Swift, Alice  15 jan. 1783Colchester, New London, Connecticut, USA I61064 AALT 
106 Wells, Ephraim  30 sep. 1748Colchester, New London, Connecticut, USA I61319 AALT 
107 White, Elizabeth  18 feb. 1736Colchester, New London, Connecticut, USA I109946 AALT 
108 Wightman, Martha  15 jun. 1819Colchester, New London, Connecticut, USA I60816 AALT 
109 Willard, Mary G.  11 nov. 1905Colchester, New London, Connecticut, USA I61237 AALT 
110 Williams, Mary  10 nov. 1864Colchester, New London, Connecticut, USA I60936 AALT 
111 Wise, Jemimia  20 jun. 1776Colchester, New London, Connecticut, USA I60859 AALT 
112 Yeomans, Rebecca  22 mar. 1743Colchester, New London, Connecticut, USA I60877 AALT 

«Forrige 1 2 3

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