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Farmington, Hartford, Connecticut, USA


Træ: AAP

Breddegrad: 41.7197, Længdegrad: -72.8325


Breddegrad: 41.7197, Længdegrad: -72.8325


Match 101 til 150 fra 361

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   Efternavn, Fornavn    Fødsel    Person-ID   Træ 
101 Hawley, Hannah  1655Farmington, Hartford, Connecticut, USA I66068 AALT 
102 Hooker, Abigail  25 maj 1691Farmington, Hartford, Connecticut, USA I143844 AALT 
103 Hooker, Abigail  14 jan. 1697Farmington, Hartford, Connecticut, USA I143842 AALT 
104 Hooker, Anne  27 aug. 1728Farmington, Hartford, Connecticut, USA I143802 AALT 
105 Hooker, Anson  1788Farmington, Hartford, Connecticut, USA I143663 AALT 
106 Hooker, Ashbel  18 apr. 1737Farmington, Hartford, Connecticut, USA I143666 AALT 
107 Hooker, Daniel  25 mar. 1679Farmington, Hartford, Connecticut, USA I143830 AALT 
108 Hooker, Esther  30 nov. 1702Farmington, Hartford, Connecticut, USA I143818 AALT 
109 Hooker, Esther  30 jul. 1731Farmington, Hartford, Connecticut, USA I143803 AALT 
110 Hooker, Giles  4 okt. 1690Farmington, Hartford, Connecticut, USA I143853 AALT 
111 Hooker, Hezekiah  7 nov. 1675Farmington, Hartford, Connecticut, USA I143813 AALT 
112 Hooker, Hezekiah Sr  14 okt. 1688Farmington, Hartford, Connecticut, USA I143835 AALT 
113 Hooker, James  27 okt. 1666Farmington, Hartford, Connecticut, USA I143857 AALT 
114 Hooker, John  20 feb. 1664Farmington, Hartford, Connecticut, USA I143833 AALT 
115 Hooker, John  17 dec. 1693Farmington, Hartford, Connecticut, USA I143843 AALT 
116 Hooker, John  6 mar. 1695Farmington, Hartford, Connecticut, USA I143701 AALT 
117 Hooker, John  17 apr. 1768Farmington, Hartford, Connecticut, USA I143662 AALT 
118 Hooker, Joseph  15 feb. 1704Farmington, Hartford, Connecticut, USA I143832 AALT 
119 Hooker, Lucy  13 jan. 1772Farmington, Hartford, Connecticut, USA I143658 AALT 
120 Hooker, Mary  3 jul. 1673Farmington, Hartford, Connecticut, USA I143837 AALT 
121 Hooker, Mary  11 jun. 1700Farmington, Hartford, Connecticut, USA I143841 AALT 
122 Hooker, Mehitabel  15 maj 1722Farmington, Hartford, Connecticut, USA I143804 AALT 
123 Hooker, Mehitable  30 sep. 1706Farmington, Hartford, Connecticut, USA I143819 AALT 
124 Hooker, Nathaniel  18 sep. 1671Farmington, Hartford, Connecticut, USA I143856 AALT 
125 Hooker, Polly  24 mar. 1791Farmington, Hartford, Connecticut, USA I143660 AALT 
126 Hooker, Richard  okt. 1700Farmington, Hartford, Connecticut, USA I143850 AALT 
127 Hooker, Roger  aug. 1698Farmington, Hartford, Connecticut, USA I143851 AALT 
128 Hooker, Roger  17 apr. 1710Farmington, Hartford, Connecticut, USA I143839 AALT 
129 Hooker, Cpt Samuel II  29 maj 1661Farmington, Hartford, Connecticut, USA I143859 AALT 
130 Hooker, Samuel III  6 apr. 1688Farmington, Hartford, Connecticut, USA I143812 AALT 
131 Hooker, Sarah  5 maj 1681Farmington, Hartford, Connecticut, USA I143855 AALT 
132 Hooker, Sarah  11 sep. 1702Farmington, Hartford, Connecticut, USA I143823 AALT 
133 Hooker, Saxa  10 feb. 1774Farmington, Hartford, Connecticut, USA I143419 AALT 
134 Hooker, Pastor Seth  8 dec. 1731Farmington, Hartford, Connecticut, USA I143665 AALT 
135 Hooker, Seth  18 jan. 1783Farmington, Hartford, Connecticut, USA I143655 AALT 
136 Hooker, Sibel  29 maj 1724Farmington, Hartford, Connecticut, USA I143806 AALT 
137 Hooker, Susanna  28 mar. 1776Farmington, Hartford, Connecticut, USA I143656 AALT 
138 Hooker, Dr Thomas  1 feb. 1693Farmington, Hartford, Connecticut, USA I143852 AALT 
139 Hooker, Thomas  16 aug. 1734Farmington, Hartford, Connecticut, USA I143805 AALT 
140 Hooker, William  11 maj 1663Farmington, Hartford, Connecticut, USA I143858 AALT 
141 Hooker, William  16 feb. 1694Farmington, Hartford, Connecticut, USA I143834 AALT 
142 Hooker, William G.  1 sep. 1782Farmington, Hartford, Connecticut, USA I143730 AALT 
143 Hunn, Deborah  2 jul. 1711Farmington, Hartford, Connecticut, USA I3410 AAP 
144 Hunn, Hannah  14 okt. 1705Farmington, Hartford, Connecticut, USA I3407 AAP 
145 Judd, Abigail  5 sep. 1703Farmington, Hartford, Connecticut, USA I17386 AALT 
146 Judd, Azubah  apr. 1745Farmington, Hartford, Connecticut, USA I32040 AALT 
147 Judd, Bathsheba  20 aug. 1707Farmington, Hartford, Connecticut, USA I17227 AALT 
148 Judd, Benjamin  17 mar. 1642Farmington, Hartford, Connecticut, USA I45399 AALT 
149 Judd, Benjamin Jr  1671Farmington, Hartford, Connecticut, USA I24886 AALT 
150 Judd, Bortiva  10 okt. 1767Farmington, Hartford, Connecticut, USA I35246 AALT 

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Match 101 til 150 fra 173

«Forrige 1 2 3 4 Næste»

   Efternavn, Fornavn    Død    Person-ID   Træ 
101 Orvis, George  27 apr. 1664Farmington, Hartford, Connecticut, USA I2859 AAP 
102 Orvis, Hannah  nov. 1694Farmington, Hartford, Connecticut, USA I77855 AALT 
103 Orvis, Samuel Sr.  apr. 1709Farmington, Hartford, Connecticut, USA I2813 AAP 
104 Phelps, Abigail  28 okt. 1733Farmington, Hartford, Connecticut, USA I102712 AALT 
105 Porter, Lois  15 sep. 1783Farmington, Hartford, Connecticut, USA I5373 AALT 
106 Porter, Robert  17 sep. 1689Farmington, Hartford, Connecticut, USA I59244 AALT 
107 Roosevelt, Anna Bamie  25 aug. 1931Farmington, Hartford, Connecticut, USA I5285 AALT 
108 Sanford, Mary  22 mar. 1722Farmington, Hartford, Connecticut, USA I70905 AALT 
109 Scott, Sarah  26 jun. 1661Farmington, Hartford, Connecticut, USA I143464 AALT 
110 Sedgwick, Isabel  1804Farmington, Hartford, Connecticut, USA I75834 AALT 
111 Sedgwick, Mary  12 aug. 1759Farmington, Hartford, Connecticut, USA I62171 AALT 
112 Smith, Elizabeth  1692Farmington, Hartford, Connecticut, USA I13864 AALT 
113 Smith, Jobanah  25 apr. 1721Farmington, Hartford, Connecticut, USA I16271 AALT 
114 Smith, Margaret  ml. 1 mar. 1693 og 1694Farmington, Hartford, Connecticut, USA I34785 AALT 
115 Smith, Samuel  6 jan. 1724Farmington, Hartford, Connecticut, USA I13898 AALT 
116 Smith, Susanah  9 dec. 1779Farmington, Hartford, Connecticut, USA I14038 AALT 
117 Stanley, Abigail  20 okt. 1736Farmington, Hartford, Connecticut, USA I38897 AALT 
118 Stanley, Abigail  21 feb. 1743Farmington, Hartford, Connecticut, USA I143574 AALT 
119 Stanley, Elizabeth  4 dec. 1678Farmington, Hartford, Connecticut, USA I27688 AALT 
120 Stanley, Elizabeth  25 okt. 1713Farmington, Hartford, Connecticut, USA I143538 AALT 
121 Stanley, Isaac  9 jul. 1732Farmington, Hartford, Connecticut, USA I143535 AALT 
122 Stanley, John III  16 maj 1729Farmington, Hartford, Connecticut, USA I143465 AALT 
123 Stanley, Thomas Sr.  14 apr. 1713Farmington, Hartford, Connecticut, USA I143534 AALT 
124 Steele, Sarah  22 maj 1695Farmington, Hartford, Connecticut, USA I24846 AALT 
125 Thompson, Beulah  11 jun. 1808Farmington, Hartford, Connecticut, USA I54333 AALT 
126 Thompson, Elizabeth  17 aug. 1743Farmington, Hartford, Connecticut, USA I74834 AALT 
127 Thompson, John Jr.  9 aug. 1741Farmington, Hartford, Connecticut, USA I66428 AALT 
128 Thompson, Lott  3 mar. 1836Farmington, Hartford, Connecticut, USA I78756 AALT 
129 Thompson, Samuel Richard Sr.  17 jan. 1739Farmington, Hartford, Connecticut, USA I74821 AALT 
130 Thompson, Sarah  9 feb. 1787Farmington, Hartford, Connecticut, USA I77041 AALT 
131 Thomson, Samuel  1793Farmington, Hartford, Connecticut, USA I74751 AALT 
132 Thomson, Susanah  3 sep. 1751Farmington, Hartford, Connecticut, USA I74772 AALT 
133 Ward, Mary  Farmington, Hartford, Connecticut, USA I143338 AALT 
134 Warner, Thomas II  9 mar. 1783Farmington, Hartford, Connecticut, USA I2721 AAP 
135 Welbourne, Elizabeth  14 apr. 1694Farmington, Hartford, Connecticut, USA I2858 AAP 
136 White, Elizabeth  17 maj 1667Farmington, Hartford, Connecticut, USA I2526 AALT 
137 Woodford, Dinah  12 jun. 1825Farmington, Hartford, Connecticut, USA I79586 AALT 
138 Woodford, Joseph  1 nov. 1822Farmington, Hartford, Connecticut, USA I74778 AALT 
139 Woodruff BABY BOY  27 mar. 1784Farmington, Hartford, Connecticut, USA I74805 AALT 
140 Woodruff  14 jan. 1790Farmington, Hartford, Connecticut, USA I74897 AALT 
141 Woodruff  8 feb. 1795Farmington, Hartford, Connecticut, USA I74829 AALT 
142 Woodruff, Abigail  6 aug. 1720Farmington, Hartford, Connecticut, USA I76924 AALT 
143 Woodruff, Abigail  1751Farmington, Hartford, Connecticut, USA I55721 AALT 
144 Woodruff, Abigail  21 okt. 1754Farmington, Hartford, Connecticut, USA I78762 AALT 
145 Woodruff, Appleton  13 apr. 1807Farmington, Hartford, Connecticut, USA I76919 AALT 
146 Woodruff, Asahel  10 feb. 1777Farmington, Hartford, Connecticut, USA I56682 AALT 
147 Woodruff, Captain Joseph  7 okt. 1799Farmington, Hartford, Connecticut, USA I76870 AALT 
148 Woodruff, Captain Judah  17 dec. 1799Farmington, Hartford, Connecticut, USA I76913 AALT 
149 Woodruff, Eldad  3 aug. 1827Farmington, Hartford, Connecticut, USA I74947 AALT 
150 Woodruff, Elizabeth  9 feb. 1806Farmington, Hartford, Connecticut, USA I74819 AALT 

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