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Colchester, New London, Connecticut, USA



Breddegrad: 41.5757, Længdegrad: -72.332


Match 51 til 100 fra 160

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   Efternavn, Fornavn    Fødsel    Person-ID   Træ 
51 Chamberlain, Sarah  1718Colchester, New London, Connecticut, USA I107353 AALT 
52 Chamberlain, William Jr.  Colchester, New London, Connecticut, USA I115375 AALT 
53 Coleman, Daniel  17 apr. 1741Colchester, New London, Connecticut, USA I60930 AALT 
54 Coleman, Daniel  3 nov. 1774Colchester, New London, Connecticut, USA I60780 AALT 
55 Coleman, Elizabeth  26 dec. 1776Colchester, New London, Connecticut, USA I61036 AALT 
56 Coleman, Thomas  25 jul. 1772Colchester, New London, Connecticut, USA I60910 AALT 
57 Crocker, Ephraim  21 sep. 1739Colchester, New London, Connecticut, USA I60861 AALT 
58 Crocker, Infant  26 sep. 1736Colchester, New London, Connecticut, USA I60665 AALT 
59 Crocker, James  20 apr. 1732Colchester, New London, Connecticut, USA I61020 AALT 
60 Crocker, Jonathan  16 mar. 1730Colchester, New London, Connecticut, USA I60932 AALT 
61 Crocker, Levi  11 maj 1728Colchester, New London, Connecticut, USA I61133 AALT 
62 Crocker, Lydia  14 jan. 1736Colchester, New London, Connecticut, USA I60813 AALT 
63 Crocker, Martha  3 mar. 1731Colchester, New London, Connecticut, USA I60749 AALT 
64 Crocker, Thankful  27 jan. 1734Colchester, New London, Connecticut, USA I61334 AALT 
65 Day, Mary  27 jun. 1744Colchester, New London, Connecticut, USA I60864 AALT 
66 Dibble, Grace  12 dec. 1697Colchester, New London, Connecticut, USA I61126 AALT 
67 Dodge, Abigail  23 feb. 1741Colchester, New London, Connecticut, USA I60901 AALT 
68 Dodge, Amos  31 maj 1732Colchester, New London, Connecticut, USA I115561 AALT 
69 Dodge, Ann  22 nov. 1743Colchester, New London, Connecticut, USA I60854 AALT 
70 Dodge, Anna  1770Colchester, New London, Connecticut, USA I60908 AALT 
71 Dodge, Betty  27 maj 1772Colchester, New London, Connecticut, USA I60868 AALT 
72 Dodge, David  4 jan. 1750Colchester, New London, Connecticut, USA I60752 AALT 
73 Dodge, Elisha  24 okt. 1761Colchester, New London, Connecticut, USA I61236 AALT 
74 Dodge, Eunice  10 okt. 1774Colchester, New London, Connecticut, USA I60946 AALT 
75 Dodge, George  6 aug. 1738Colchester, New London, Connecticut, USA I60924 AALT 
76 Dodge, George  20 jun. 1776Colchester, New London, Connecticut, USA I61197 AALT 
77 Dodge, James  15 sep. 1752Colchester, New London, Connecticut, USA I60809 AALT 
78 Dodge, Jemimia  20 okt. 1766Colchester, New London, Connecticut, USA I60943 AALT 
79 Dodge, Jerusha  16 jun. 1768Colchester, New London, Connecticut, USA I61110 AALT 
80 Dodge, Jonathan  3 aug. 1721Colchester, New London, Connecticut, USA I108667 AALT 
81 Dodge, Lois  23 mar. 1763Colchester, New London, Connecticut, USA I61389 AALT 
82 Dodge, Moses  8 maj 1734Colchester, New London, Connecticut, USA I60893 AALT 
83 Dodge, Nathan  14 jul. 1736Colchester, New London, Connecticut, USA I60947 AALT 
84 Dodge, Rebecah  14 okt. 1765Colchester, New London, Connecticut, USA I61138 AALT 
85 Dodge, Stephen  1 apr. 1746Colchester, New London, Connecticut, USA I60782 AALT 
86 Dodge, Stephen  23 feb. 1770Colchester, New London, Connecticut, USA I61347 AALT 
87 Dodge, Susannah  23 nov. 1755Colchester, New London, Connecticut, USA I61310 AALT 
88 Dodge, Sylvester  31 dec. 1753Colchester, New London, Connecticut, USA I61028 AALT 
89 Eaton, William W.  24 aug. 1846Colchester, New London, Connecticut, USA I63520 AALT 
90 Foote, Asa  4 maj 1726Colchester, New London, Connecticut, USA I61148 AALT 
91 Fuller, Aaron  3 jan. 1711Colchester, New London, Connecticut, USA I72899 AALT 
92 Gilbert, Mary  19 nov. 1721Colchester, New London, Connecticut, USA I60647 AALT 
93 Gilbert, Samuel  13 jan. 1723Colchester, New London, Connecticut, USA I108294 AALT 
94 Gillet, Ely Hall  6 okt. 1794Colchester, New London, Connecticut, USA I60950 AALT 
95 Gillet, Helen C.  7 mar. 1860Colchester, New London, Connecticut, USA I60890 AALT 
96 Gillett, Salmon Cone  12 jun. 1830Colchester, New London, Connecticut, USA I61019 AALT 
97 Gillette, Walter Huntington  12 nov. 1855Colchester, New London, Connecticut, USA I127110 AALT 
98 Goodspeed, Elizabeth  24 maj 1766Colchester, New London, Connecticut, USA I124224 AALT 
99 Goodspeed, Hannah  5 apr. 1759Colchester, New London, Connecticut, USA I123156 AALT 
100 Goodspeed, Nathaniell  12 sep. 1764Colchester, New London, Connecticut, USA I124225 AALT 

«Forrige 1 2 3 4 Næste»


Match 51 til 100 fra 112

«Forrige 1 2 3 Næste»

   Efternavn, Fornavn    Død    Person-ID   Træ 
51 Dodge, Nathan  12 sep. 1793Colchester, New London, Connecticut, USA I60947 AALT 
52 Dodge, Susannah  10 dec. 1785Colchester, New London, Connecticut, USA I61310 AALT 
53 Foote, Jerusha  30 maj 1793Colchester, New London, Connecticut, USA I73845 AALT 
54 Foote, Joel  12 jul. 1846Colchester, New London, Connecticut, USA I61516 AALT 
55 Foote, Roger  10 jun. 1823Colchester, New London, Connecticut, USA I61522 AALT 
56 Fuller, Deborah  30 jan. 1752Colchester, New London, Connecticut, USA I102268 AALT 
57 Fuller, Elizabeth  26 sep. 1736Colchester, New London, Connecticut, USA I60691 AALT 
58 Fuller, Mehitable  17 maj 1738Colchester, New London, Connecticut, USA I60970 AALT 
59 Gillet, Ely Hall  1863Colchester, New London, Connecticut, USA I60950 AALT 
60 Gillet, Helen C.  19 apr. 1897Colchester, New London, Connecticut, USA I60890 AALT 
61 Gillett, Salmon Cone  5 jun. 1890Colchester, New London, Connecticut, USA I61019 AALT 
62 Goodrich, Hezekiah Esq  21 apr. 1814Colchester, New London, Connecticut, USA I91822 AALT 
63 Hinckley, Hannah  9 jun. 1732Colchester, New London, Connecticut, USA I60862 AALT 
64 Huntington, Delia Adelaide  19 nov. 1868Colchester, New London, Connecticut, USA I60904 AALT 
65 Kellogg, Abigail  23 aug. 1802Colchester, New London, Connecticut, USA I60836 AALT 
66 Kellogg, Ebenezer  22 aug. 1746Colchester, New London, Connecticut, USA I115424 AALT 
67 Kellogg, Ebenezer  9 feb. 1788Colchester, New London, Connecticut, USA I60838 AALT 
68 Kellogg, Jonathan  7 aug. 1771Colchester, New London, Connecticut, USA I65819 AALT 
69 Kellogg, Prudence  3 nov. 1791Colchester, New London, Connecticut, USA I60659 AALT 
70 Kneeland, Benjamin  20 jun. 1746Colchester, New London, Connecticut, USA I63019 AALT 
71 Kneeland, Dorothy  16 jan. 1764Colchester, New London, Connecticut, USA I61106 AALT 
72 Kneeland, Hezekiah  1779Colchester, New London, Connecticut, USA I60914 AALT 
73 Kneeland, Jabez  27 apr. 1738Colchester, New London, Connecticut, USA I108651 AALT 
74 Kneeland, Jonathan  6 jan. 1740Colchester, New London, Connecticut, USA I61336 AALT 
75 Kneeland, Mercy  30 aug. 1748Colchester, New London, Connecticut, USA I60913 AALT 
76 Leach, Elizabeth  1729Colchester, New London, Connecticut, USA I142678 AALT 
77 Lewis, Benjamin  6 sep. 1753Colchester, New London, Connecticut, USA I61065 AALT 
78 Lewis, Benjamin  6 sep. 1753Colchester, New London, Connecticut, USA I60754 AALT 
79 Loomis, Azariah  9 feb. 1758Colchester, New London, Connecticut, USA I61316 AALT 
80 Loomis, Daniel  28 mar. 1784Colchester, New London, Connecticut, USA I60789 AALT 
81 Loomis, Elizabeth  3 dec. 1789Colchester, New London, Connecticut, USA I61044 AALT 
82 Loomis, Jacob  27 jun. 1757Colchester, New London, Connecticut, USA I61049 AALT 
83 Loomis, Mary  1729Colchester, New London, Connecticut, USA I60907 AALT 
84 Loomis, Samuel  10 jul. 1753Colchester, New London, Connecticut, USA I60963 AALT 
85 Loomis, Deacon Samuel  20 maj 1754Colchester, New London, Connecticut, USA I110015 AALT 
86 Loomis, Sarah  8 apr. 1780Colchester, New London, Connecticut, USA I61041 AALT 
87 Lord, Nathaniel  12 jun. 1740Colchester, New London, Connecticut, USA I60928 AALT 
88 Noble, Elizabeth  10 aug. 1751Colchester, New London, Connecticut, USA I110012 AALT 
89 Pendleton, Caleb  15 maj 1740Colchester, New London, Connecticut, USA I75974 AALT 
90 Pendleton, Sarah  14 aug. 1749Colchester, New London, Connecticut, USA I60965 AALT 
91 Pratt, Mary  26 mar. 1704Colchester, New London, Connecticut, USA I100933 AALT 
92 Randall, Keturah  6 mar. 1833Colchester, New London, Connecticut, USA I61311 AALT 
93 Randall, Mary  1741Colchester, New London, Connecticut, USA I75724 AALT 
94 Randall, Sylvester  7 aug. 1808Colchester, New London, Connecticut, USA I60831 AALT 
95 Rowley, Content  21 jul. 1799Colchester, New London, Connecticut, USA I94327 AALT 
96 Rowley, Ensign John Jr.  23 jan. 1762Colchester, New London, Connecticut, USA I97635 AALT 
97 Rowley, Joseph  1748Colchester, New London, Connecticut, USA I101849 AALT 
98 Rowley, Mindwell  1750Colchester, New London, Connecticut, USA I101712 AALT 
99 Rowley, Sarah  1818Colchester, New London, Connecticut, USA I101766 AALT 
100 Rowley, Seth  24 sep. 1751Colchester, New London, Connecticut, USA I101717 AALT 

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