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East Hartford, Hartford, Connecticut, USA


Træ: AAP

Breddegrad: 41.7823, Længdegrad: -72.612


Breddegrad: 41.7823, Længdegrad: -72.612


Match 1 til 50 fra 88

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   Efternavn, Fornavn    Fødsel    Person-ID   Træ 
1 Anderson, Timothy  22 nov. 1788East Hartford, Hartford, Connecticut, USA I62184 AALT 
2 Beckwith, Penelope  1744East Hartford, Hartford, Connecticut, USA I72740 AALT 
3 Benjamin, Amy  1747East Hartford, Hartford, Connecticut, USA I13071 AALT 
4 Benjamin, Gideon  1740East Hartford, Hartford, Connecticut, USA I12963 AALT 
5 Benjamin, Hannah  1738East Hartford, Hartford, Connecticut, USA I13026 AALT 
6 Benjamin, James  1759East Hartford, Hartford, Connecticut, USA I12558 AALT 
7 Bidwell, Emily  1784East Hartford, Hartford, Connecticut, USA I7923 AALT 
8 Bidwell, Esther  6 okt. 1786East Hartford, Hartford, Connecticut, USA I66640 AALT 
9 Bidwell, Hannah  31 mar. 1750East Hartford, Hartford, Connecticut, USA I11436 AALT 
10 Bidwell, Hepzibah  1804East Hartford, Hartford, Connecticut, USA I7626 AALT 
11 Bidwell, Jerusha  1765East Hartford, Hartford, Connecticut, USA I7775 AALT 
12 Bidwell, Jerusha  1806East Hartford, Hartford, Connecticut, USA I7781 AALT 
13 Bidwell, John  1740East Hartford, Hartford, Connecticut, USA I24012 AALT 
14 Bidwell, Sarah  19 aug. 1681East Hartford, Hartford, Connecticut, USA I72256 AALT 
15 Bidwell, Sarah  19 aug. 1681East Hartford, Hartford, Connecticut, USA I61737 AALT 
16 Bidwell, Sarah  20 feb. 1767East Hartford, Hartford, Connecticut, USA I7883 AALT 
17 Bidwell, Sarah  1771East Hartford, Hartford, Connecticut, USA I7745 AALT 
18 Bidwell, Sybil  1 aug. 1743East Hartford, Hartford, Connecticut, USA I11429 AALT 
19 Bidwell, Zebulon  1736East Hartford, Hartford, Connecticut, USA I5547 AALT 
20 Burnham, Daniel  4 nov. 1730East Hartford, Hartford, Connecticut, USA I12756 AALT 
21 Burnham, Elizabeth  4 okt. 1778East Hartford, Hartford, Connecticut, USA I46138 AALT 
22 Burnham, Justus  1775East Hartford, Hartford, Connecticut, USA I46215 AALT 
23 Burnham, Martin  1769East Hartford, Hartford, Connecticut, USA I46156 AALT 
24 Burnham, Mary S.  1866East Hartford, Hartford, Connecticut, USA I65946 AALT 
25 Burnham, Naomi  20 jul. 1743East Hartford, Hartford, Connecticut, USA I46297 AALT 
26 Burnham, Porter  3 maj 1864East Hartford, Hartford, Connecticut, USA I66106 AALT 
27 Burnham, Samuel Porter  12 aug. 1820East Hartford, Hartford, Connecticut, USA I65914 AALT 
28 Burnham, Thankful  1766East Hartford, Hartford, Connecticut, USA I46290 AALT 
29 Burnham, Timothy  1771East Hartford, Hartford, Connecticut, USA I46341 AALT 
30 Burnham, Wilbur S.  3 maj 1864East Hartford, Hartford, Connecticut, USA I65978 AALT 
31 Church, Abigail  11 feb. 1728East Hartford, Hartford, Connecticut, USA I110088 AALT 
32 Church, Daniel  1758East Hartford, Hartford, Connecticut, USA I17159 AALT 
33 Church, Joseph  21 apr. 1724East Hartford, Hartford, Connecticut, USA I110084 AALT 
34 Cowles, William  1 sep. 1690East Hartford, Hartford, Connecticut, USA I27049 AALT 
35 Damon, Sarah  10 okt. 1737East Hartford, Hartford, Connecticut, USA I12711 AALT 
36 Gilman, Solomon  1720East Hartford, Hartford, Connecticut, USA I26896 AALT 
37 Gilman, Tabitha  27 nov. 1745East Hartford, Hartford, Connecticut, USA I25738 AALT 
38 Goodwin, Ann A.  5 maj 1834East Hartford, Hartford, Connecticut, USA I65971 AALT 
39 Hills, Esther  1 sep. 1754East Hartford, Hartford, Connecticut, USA I31645 AALT 
40 Kilbourn, Delia Jerusha  5 jul. 1812East Hartford, Hartford, Connecticut, USA I40483 AALT 
41 Kilbourn, George Spencer  20 apr. 1815East Hartford, Hartford, Connecticut, USA I40466 AALT 
42 Kilbourn, George Spencer  13 mar. 1819East Hartford, Hartford, Connecticut, USA I125891 AALT 
43 Kilbourn, Jeremiah  10 maj 1780East Hartford, Hartford, Connecticut, USA I40318 AALT 
44 Kilbourn, Jeremiah  7 mar. 1811East Hartford, Hartford, Connecticut, USA I40326 AALT 
45 Kilbourn, Mary S  1810East Hartford, Hartford, Connecticut, USA I40395 AALT 
46 Lyman, Daniel Brewster  26 jan. 1800East Hartford, Hartford, Connecticut, USA I135145 AALT 
47 Lyman, Joseph Waksworth  8 jan. 1798East Hartford, Hartford, Connecticut, USA I135146 AALT 
48 Marsh  12 nov. 1753East Hartford, Hartford, Connecticut, USA I8033 AALT 
49 Marsh, Allan  9 mar. 1762East Hartford, Hartford, Connecticut, USA I96224 AALT 
50 Marsh, Anna  31 maj 1755East Hartford, Hartford, Connecticut, USA I96237 AALT 

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Match 1 til 35 fra 35

   Efternavn, Fornavn    Dåb    Person-ID   Træ 
1 Bidwell, Daniel  10 jul. 1748East Hartford, Hartford, Connecticut, USA I11354 AALT 
2 Bidwell, Hannah  1 apr. 1750East Hartford, Hartford, Connecticut, USA I11436 AALT 
3 Bidwell, Jonathan  19 feb. 1738East Hartford, Hartford, Connecticut, USA I11503 AALT 
4 Bidwell, Lucy  4 nov. 1739East Hartford, Hartford, Connecticut, USA I11373 AALT 
5 Bidwell, Mary  4 jul. 1736East Hartford, Hartford, Connecticut, USA I11510 AALT 
6 Burnham, Joshua Porter  2 jul. 1775East Hartford, Hartford, Connecticut, USA I35736 AALT 
7 Easton, Johathan  14 mar. 1680East Hartford, Hartford, Connecticut, USA I53220 AALT 
8 Hills, Esther  1 sep. 1754East Hartford, Hartford, Connecticut, USA I31645 AALT 
9 Judson, Anna  4 feb. 1773East Hartford, Hartford, Connecticut, USA I65361 AALT 
10 Marsh, Allan  14 mar. 1762East Hartford, Hartford, Connecticut, USA I96224 AALT 
11 Marsh, Anna  15 jun. 1755East Hartford, Hartford, Connecticut, USA I96237 AALT 
12 Marsh, Mary  22 maj 1779East Hartford, Hartford, Connecticut, USA I24339 AALT 
13 Spencer, Anne  27 jun. 1779East Hartford, Hartford, Connecticut, USA I7934 AALT 
14 Spencer, David  7 mar. 1756East Hartford, Hartford, Connecticut, USA I7677 AALT 
15 Spencer, David  27 okt. 1776East Hartford, Hartford, Connecticut, USA I7840 AALT 
16 Spencer, Fanny  12 jun. 1785East Hartford, Hartford, Connecticut, USA I7902 AALT 
17 Spencer, Deacon Gideon  19 jun. 1768East Hartford, Hartford, Connecticut, USA I23906 AALT 
18 Spencer, Harriet  7 aug. 1791East Hartford, Hartford, Connecticut, USA I7868 AALT 
19 Spencer, Jedediah  17 apr. 1720East Hartford, Hartford, Connecticut, USA I26873 AALT 
20 Spencer, Jerusha  4 aug. 1723East Hartford, Hartford, Connecticut, USA I7905 AALT 
21 Spencer, Joel  9 aug. 1772East Hartford, Hartford, Connecticut, USA I7826 AALT 
22 Spencer, Joseph  20 jan. 1751East Hartford, Hartford, Connecticut, USA I12850 AALT 
23 Spencer, Lucia  16 sep. 1787East Hartford, Hartford, Connecticut, USA I8022 AALT 
24 Spencer, Mabel  14 aug. 1748East Hartford, Hartford, Connecticut, USA I12775 AALT 
25 Spencer, Margaret  19 feb. 1750East Hartford, Hartford, Connecticut, USA I57063 AALT 
26 Spencer, Mary  28 sep. 1766East Hartford, Hartford, Connecticut, USA I7915 AALT 
27 Spencer, Solomon  5 jan. 1777East Hartford, Hartford, Connecticut, USA I7884 AALT 
28 Spencer, Stephen  3 mar. 1782East Hartford, Hartford, Connecticut, USA I8249 AALT 
29 Spencer, Tabitha  11 mar. 1770East Hartford, Hartford, Connecticut, USA I7616 AALT 
30 Stanley, Anna  20 jan. 1740East Hartford, Hartford, Connecticut, USA I57133 AALT 
31 Trill, Jerusha  17 feb. 1738East Hartford, Hartford, Connecticut, USA I13258 AALT 
32 Trill, Ruth  28 jun. 1752East Hartford, Hartford, Connecticut, USA I13102 AALT 
33 Trill, Sabra  21 sep. 1755East Hartford, Hartford, Connecticut, USA I13200 AALT 
34 Webster, Ezeekel  30 jun. 1765East Hartford, Hartford, Connecticut, USA I25944 AALT 
35 Williams, Sarah  ca. 19 aug. 1781East Hartford, Hartford, Connecticut, USA I35735 AALT 


Match 1 til 50 fra 63

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   Efternavn, Fornavn    Død    Person-ID   Træ 
1 Baker, Herman Jr  21 jan. 1777East Hartford, Hartford, Connecticut, USA I53007 AALT 
2 Beckwith, Penelope  East Hartford, Hartford, Connecticut, USA I72740 AALT 
3 Benjamin, John Sr.  6 nov. 1753East Hartford, Hartford, Connecticut, USA I54196 AALT 
4 Bidwell, Abigail  1810East Hartford, Hartford, Connecticut, USA I72279 AALT 
5 Bidwell, Daniel  29 nov. 1719East Hartford, Hartford, Connecticut, USA I59659 AALT 
6 Bidwell, Daniel  4 dec. 1777East Hartford, Hartford, Connecticut, USA I26000 AALT 
7 Bidwell, Sarah  20 dec. 1768East Hartford, Hartford, Connecticut, USA I7883 AALT 
8 Bigelow, Irena  27 mar. 1790East Hartford, Hartford, Connecticut, USA I96215 AALT 
9 Blossom, Alice May  17 feb. 1959East Hartford, Hartford, Connecticut, USA I39369 AALT 
10 Brainerd, Naomi  1 feb. 1820East Hartford, Hartford, Connecticut, USA I27106 AALT 
11 Burnham, John  18 apr. 1776East Hartford, Hartford, Connecticut, USA I26685 AALT 
12 Burnham, Joshua G  1895East Hartford, Hartford, Connecticut, USA I46225 AALT 
13 Burnham, Joshua Porter  29 mar. 1849East Hartford, Hartford, Connecticut, USA I35736 AALT 
14 Burnham, Samuel  25 jun. 1819East Hartford, Hartford, Connecticut, USA I46179 AALT 
15 Burnham, Samuel Porter  1901East Hartford, Hartford, Connecticut, USA I65914 AALT 
16 Burnham, Sarah A  18 aug. 1901East Hartford, Hartford, Connecticut, USA I46233 AALT 
17 Burnham, Thankful  19 sep. 1819East Hartford, Hartford, Connecticut, USA I46290 AALT 
18 Burnham, Timothy Jr  27 sep. 1816East Hartford, Hartford, Connecticut, USA I125904 AALT 
19 Church, Jerusha  5 okt. 1811East Hartford, Hartford, Connecticut, USA I110090 AALT 
20 Cowles, Timothy  30 aug. 1736East Hartford, Hartford, Connecticut, USA I38750 AALT 
21 Cowles, William  12 apr. 1771East Hartford, Hartford, Connecticut, USA I27049 AALT 
22 Drake, Jerusha  26 mar. 1832East Hartford, Hartford, Connecticut, USA I51025 AALT 
23 Elmer, Delcena  28 feb. 1919East Hartford, Hartford, Connecticut, USA I65910 AALT 
24 Gilman, Solomon  21 okt. 1792East Hartford, Hartford, Connecticut, USA I26896 AALT 
25 Higgins Burnham, Thankful  22 maj 1824East Hartford, Hartford, Connecticut, USA I46104 AALT 
26 Hubbard, Clarency  East Hartford, Hartford, Connecticut, USA I94579 AALT 
27 Hubbard, Dana  East Hartford, Hartford, Connecticut, USA I94690 AALT 
28 Hubbard, Elijah  East Hartford, Hartford, Connecticut, USA I94571 AALT 
29 Hubbard, Elizabeth  24 mar. 1779East Hartford, Hartford, Connecticut, USA I26655 AALT 
30 Hubbard, Martha  East Hartford, Hartford, Connecticut, USA I94565 AALT 
31 Kilbourn, Delia Jerusha  16 feb. 1888East Hartford, Hartford, Connecticut, USA I40483 AALT 
32 Kilbourn, George Spencer  21 dec. 1815East Hartford, Hartford, Connecticut, USA I40466 AALT 
33 Kilbourn, George Spencer  26 feb. 1831East Hartford, Hartford, Connecticut, USA I125891 AALT 
34 Kilbourn, Jeremiah  20 apr. 1811East Hartford, Hartford, Connecticut, USA I40326 AALT 
35 Kilbourn, Jeremiah  19 okt. 1850East Hartford, Hartford, Connecticut, USA I40318 AALT 
36 Kilbourn, Mary S  14 aug. 1882East Hartford, Hartford, Connecticut, USA I40395 AALT 
37 Lanzano, Dora  25 feb. 2007East Hartford, Hartford, Connecticut, USA I913 AAP 
38 Lyman, Daniel Brewster  28 okt. 1846East Hartford, Hartford, Connecticut, USA I135145 AALT 
39 Marsh  12 nov. 1753East Hartford, Hartford, Connecticut, USA I8033 AALT 
40 Marsh, Catherine  27 okt. 1759East Hartford, Hartford, Connecticut, USA I57021 AALT 
41 Marsh, Ensign Daniel  6 okt. 1793East Hartford, Hartford, Connecticut, USA I96168 AALT 
42 Marsh, Captain Daniel  28 sep. 1818East Hartford, Hartford, Connecticut, USA I57064 AALT 
43 Marsh, Emily  14 apr. 1851East Hartford, Hartford, Connecticut, USA I53248 AALT 
44 Marsh, George  17 okt. 1778East Hartford, Hartford, Connecticut, USA I57260 AALT 
45 Marsh, Jared  1 nov. 1757East Hartford, Hartford, Connecticut, USA I53453 AALT 
46 Marsh, Susannah  1754East Hartford, Hartford, Connecticut, USA I8238 AALT 
47 McKee, Mariam  15 feb. 1823East Hartford, Hartford, Connecticut, USA I23604 AALT 
48 Morrison, Anna  29 mar. 1770East Hartford, Hartford, Connecticut, USA I56963 AALT 
49 Smith, Gideon  25 jul. 1772East Hartford, Hartford, Connecticut, USA I51734 AALT 
50 Smith, Hannah  9 okt. 1778East Hartford, Hartford, Connecticut, USA I57103 AALT 

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Match 1 til 5 fra 5

   Efternavn, Fornavn    Begravelse    Person-ID   Træ 
1 Bidwell, Daniel  East Hartford, Hartford, Connecticut, USA I26000 AALT 
2 Bidwell, Daniel  East Hartford, Hartford, Connecticut, USA I11354 AALT 
3 Goodwin, Ann A.  1921East Hartford, Hartford, Connecticut, USA I65971 AALT 
4 Lyman, Daniel Brewster  1846East Hartford, Hartford, Connecticut, USA I135145 AALT 
5 Spencer, Sarah  East Hartford, Hartford, Connecticut, USA I23565 AALT 


Match 1 til 1 fra 1

   Efternavn, Fornavn    Bopæl    Person-ID   Træ 
1 Kilbourn, Delia Jerusha  1850East Hartford, Hartford, Connecticut, USA I40483 AALT 


Match 1 til 11 fra 11

   Familie    Ægteskab    Familie-ID   Træ 
1 Bidwell / Anderson  30 dec. 1788East Hartford, Hartford, Connecticut, USA F3022 AALT 
2 Bidwell / Roberts  8 sep. 1782East Hartford, Hartford, Connecticut, USA F14849 AALT 
3 Bidwell / Spencer  1764East Hartford, Hartford, Connecticut, USA F3087 AALT 
4 Burnham / Goodwin  17 feb. 1863East Hartford, Hartford, Connecticut, USA F13126 AALT 
5 Burnham / Porter  15 apr. 1773East Hartford, Hartford, Connecticut, USA F8835 AALT 
6 Marsh / Morrison  2 jun. 1752East Hartford, Hartford, Connecticut, USA F10729 AALT 
7 Marsh / Smith  27 jun. 1771East Hartford, Hartford, Connecticut, USA F10728 AALT 
8 Marsh / Spencer  4 jul. 1798East Hartford, Hartford, Connecticut, USA F10727 AALT 
9 Marsh / Stanley  2 dec. 1779East Hartford, Hartford, Connecticut, USA F10726 AALT 
10 Spencer / Marsh  1794East Hartford, Hartford, Connecticut, USA F3023 AALT 
11 Williams / Drake  12 aug. 1802East Hartford, Hartford, Connecticut, USA F7854 AALT 

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