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Hartford, Connecticut, USA


Træ: AAP

Breddegrad: 41.8071, Længdegrad: -72.735


Breddegrad: 41.8071, Længdegrad: -72.735


Match 1 til 50 fra 126

1 2 3 Næste»

   Efternavn, Fornavn    Fødsel    Person-ID   Træ 
1 Allen, Ensign John  1721Hartford, Connecticut, USA I11281 AALT 
2 Allen, Mathew  1723Hartford, Connecticut, USA I11185 AALT 
3 Anderson, Hepzibah  1764Hartford, Connecticut, USA I23606 AALT 
4 Bartlett, Deborah  8 mar. 1646Hartford, Connecticut, USA I57477 AALT 
5 Benjamin, Elisha  1744Hartford, Connecticut, USA I13283 AALT 
6 Bidwell, Cerulia  1841Hartford, Connecticut, USA I67241 AALT 
7 Bidwell, Electa or Elizla  1803Hartford, Connecticut, USA I66597 AALT 
8 Bidwell, George  1820Hartford, Connecticut, USA I67271 AALT 
9 Bidwell, Grover  1844Hartford, Connecticut, USA I69030 AALT 
10 Bidwell, Hepzibah  1796Hartford, Connecticut, USA I7549 AALT 
11 Bidwell, Col Jasper  30 aug. 1775Hartford, Connecticut, USA I66661 AALT 
12 Bidwell, Jerusha  1799Hartford, Connecticut, USA I7700 AALT 
13 Bidwell, Jerusha  1804Hartford, Connecticut, USA I7519 AALT 
14 Bidwell, Jonathan  12 jan. 1715Hartford, Connecticut, USA I59631 AALT 
15 Bidwell, Lois  1789Hartford, Connecticut, USA I70366 AALT 
16 Bidwell, Marietta  1806Hartford, Connecticut, USA I70260 AALT 
17 Bidwell, Mary  26 jun. 1814Hartford, Connecticut, USA I67287 AALT 
18 Bidwell, Mister  1 dec. 1887Hartford, Connecticut, USA I67047 AALT 
19 Bidwell, Norman  8 feb. 1768Hartford, Connecticut, USA I70445 AALT 
20 Bidwell, Sally  1790Hartford, Connecticut, USA I66620 AALT 
21 Bidwell, Sarah  30 mar. 1740Hartford, Connecticut, USA I6135 AALT 
22 Bidwell, Thomas Jr.  16 maj 1711Hartford, Connecticut, USA I68180 AALT 
23 Bidwell, Thomas  1764Hartford, Connecticut, USA I66678 AALT 
24 Brace, Louisa  21 jun. 1803Hartford, Connecticut, USA I62219 AALT 
25 Buckland, Sarah  1724Hartford, Connecticut, USA I27069 AALT 
26 Bull, Capt Joseph  9 feb. 1651Hartford, Connecticut, USA I130823 AALT 
27 Bulloch, Martha  8 jul. 1834Hartford, Connecticut, USA I22408 AALT 
28 Burnham, Ashbel  2 maj 1740Hartford, Connecticut, USA I49143 AALT 
29 Burnham, Mabel  7 maj 1734Hartford, Connecticut, USA I12749 AALT 
30 Burnham, Mary  30 dec. 1722Hartford, Connecticut, USA I12835 AALT 
31 Burnham, Silas  27 nov. 1721Hartford, Connecticut, USA I12864 AALT 
32 Burnham, Stephen  25 nov. 1724Hartford, Connecticut, USA I12766 AALT 
33 Cadwell, Elizabeth  5 dec. 1687Hartford, Connecticut, USA I60444 AALT 
34 Cadwell, Polly  1771Hartford, Connecticut, USA I41481 AALT 
35 Canino, Austino Agustus  5 aug. 1912Hartford, Connecticut, USA I1365 AAP 
36 Canino, Domenico  26 sep. 1915Hartford, Connecticut, USA I1357 AAP 
37 Canino, Rosina  14 aug. 1914Hartford, Connecticut, USA I1356 AAP 
38 Carpenter, Charlotte  1821Hartford, Connecticut, USA I11461 AALT 
39 Chatterton, Abigail  9 jun. 1689Hartford, Connecticut, USA I18150 AALT 
40 Church, Asher  1745Hartford, Connecticut, USA I16788 AALT 
41 Church, Caleb  10 jan. 1703Hartford, Connecticut, USA I27071 AALT 
42 Church, James  1749Hartford, Connecticut, USA I14382 AALT 
43 Cook, Miriam  30 sep. 1690Hartford, Connecticut, USA I43242 AALT 
44 Corbin, Andrew  10 jun. 1833Hartford, Connecticut, USA I66039 AALT 
45 Crow, Sarah  1 mar. 1646Hartford, Connecticut, USA I108117 AALT 
46 Drake, Abigail  1771Hartford, Connecticut, USA I103233 AALT 
47 Drake, Anna  eft. 1705Hartford, Connecticut, USA I55777 AALT 
48 Drake, Miss Anna  1762Hartford, Connecticut, USA I103201 AALT 
49 Drake, Asahel  24 jun. 1722Hartford, Connecticut, USA I103113 AALT 
50 Drake, Hannah  1774Hartford, Connecticut, USA I103237 AALT 

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Match 1 til 17 fra 17

   Efternavn, Fornavn    Dåb    Person-ID   Træ 
1 Barnes, Captain Ebenezer  20 aug. 1704Hartford, Connecticut, USA I2815 AAP 
2 Bidwell, Joseph  1639Hartford, Connecticut, USA I60829 AALT 
3 Birdwell, Abigail  23 feb. 1751Hartford, Connecticut, USA I27190 AALT 
4 Burnham, Ebenezer Sr  26 mar. 1700Hartford, Connecticut, USA I54932 AALT 
5 Drake, Sarah  24 aug. 1760Hartford, Connecticut, USA I103222 AALT 
6 Ensign, David Jr  10 okt. 1688Hartford, Connecticut, USA I70900 AALT 
7 Hooker, Mary  17 nov. 1754Hartford, Connecticut, USA I143728 AALT 
8 Merrill, Abigail  5 apr. 1723Hartford, Connecticut, USA I66200 AALT 
9 Merrill, Jacob  2 nov. 1712Hartford, Connecticut, USA I68997 AALT 
10 Orton, Sarah  7 feb. 1699Hartford, Connecticut, USA I66238 AALT 
11 Phelps, Abigail  10 maj 1752Hartford, Connecticut, USA I126227 AALT 
12 Smith, Elizabeth  20 maj 1653Hartford, Connecticut, USA I13864 AALT 
13 Spencer, Benjamin  9 dec. 1753Hartford, Connecticut, USA I12508 AALT 
14 Spencer, Theodore  14 jan. 1759Hartford, Connecticut, USA I12632 AALT 
15 Spencer, Timothy Hezekiah  12 feb. 1709Hartford, Connecticut, USA I26902 AALT 
16 Wadsworth, Mary  5 maj 1728Hartford, Connecticut, USA I2855 AAP 
17 Webster, Elizabeth Treat  8 feb. 1673Hartford, Connecticut, USA I98632 AALT 


Match 1 til 50 fra 69

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   Efternavn, Fornavn    Død    Person-ID   Træ 
1 Allen, Josiah  4 feb. 1735Hartford, Connecticut, USA I26243 AALT 
2 Andrews, Mary  feb. 1662Hartford, Connecticut, USA I3120 AAP 
3 Beckwith, Baruch  15 sep. 1778Hartford, Connecticut, USA I72550 AALT 
4 Beckwith, Oliver Allyn  14 sep. 1909Hartford, Connecticut, USA I72534 AALT 
5 Beckwith, Samuel J  16 okt. 1872Hartford, Connecticut, USA I72537 AALT 
6 Bell, Elizabeth  27 okt. 1776Hartford, Connecticut, USA I25883 AALT 
7 Bidwell, Marriett  4 nov. 1855Hartford, Connecticut, USA I67159 AALT 
8 Bidwell, Mister  15 jan. 1888Hartford, Connecticut, USA I67047 AALT 
9 Bidwell, Norman  30 okt. 1846Hartford, Connecticut, USA I70445 AALT 
10 Bidwell, Thomas  5 sep. 1848Hartford, Connecticut, USA I66678 AALT 
11 Booth, Simeon  28 feb. 1703Hartford, Connecticut, USA I26693 AALT 
12 Brace, Phebe  maj 1775Hartford, Connecticut, USA I63696 AALT 
13 Brewster, Scearle Mainard  nov. 1970Hartford, Connecticut, USA I136262 AALT 
14 Bronson, Mary  1669Hartford, Connecticut, USA I26965 AALT 
15 Butler, Nathaniel  Hartford, Connecticut, USA I31720 AALT 
16 Canino, Samuel Salvatore  2 feb. 1976Hartford, Connecticut, USA I1368 AAP 
17 Church, Mabel  9 feb. 1780Hartford, Connecticut, USA I26702 AALT 
18 Church, Russell  1778Hartford, Connecticut, USA I16800 AALT 
19 Cook, Emily  25 nov. 1864Hartford, Connecticut, USA I63338 AALT 
20 Dimock, Harriet Alice  28 okt. 1959Hartford, Connecticut, USA I91095 AALT 
21 Dodge, Stephen  5 feb. 1827Hartford, Connecticut, USA I61347 AALT 
22 Drake, Noadiah  8 jan. 1815Hartford, Connecticut, USA I57284 AALT 
23 Ellsworth, Ann  20 mar. 1783Hartford, Connecticut, USA I108085 AALT 
24 Ellsworth, Ann  8 nov. 1819Hartford, Connecticut, USA I98254 AALT 
25 Ensign, Hannah  19 sep. 1785Hartford, Connecticut, USA I70875 AALT 
26 Fuller, Sally  20 mar. 1823Hartford, Connecticut, USA I72700 AALT 
27 Gaylord, William  sep. 1777Hartford, Connecticut, USA I20267 AALT 
28 Gillett, Joseph Jr.  11 nov. 1764Hartford, Connecticut, USA I62156 AALT 
29 Goodwin, William III  19 maj 1774Hartford, Connecticut, USA I27068 AALT 
30 Graham, Hannah  27 okt. 1836Hartford, Connecticut, USA I67175 AALT 
31 Grant, Ebenezer  19 mar. 1797Hartford, Connecticut, USA I105927 AALT 
32 Grayham, George  før 1713Hartford, Connecticut, USA I88896 AALT 
33 Hallock, Mary Clarissa  1904Hartford, Connecticut, USA I100252 AALT 
34 Hancock, Jonathan  før 1698Hartford, Connecticut, USA I2944 AAP 
35 Henderson, John  eft. 1688Hartford, Connecticut, USA I3237 AAP 
36 Henderson, Miriam  Hartford, Connecticut, USA I3236 AAP 
37 Hills, Phalla  22 nov. 1844Hartford, Connecticut, USA I70358 AALT 
38 Hooker, Abigail  24 okt. 1758Hartford, Connecticut, USA I143842 AALT 
39 Hooker, Mary  22 nov. 1780Hartford, Connecticut, USA I143841 AALT 
40 Hooker, Saxa  9 feb. 1857Hartford, Connecticut, USA I143419 AALT 
41 Humphrey, Levina  25 sep. 1848Hartford, Connecticut, USA I66767 AALT 
42 Humphrey, Sylvester  5 nov. 1863Hartford, Connecticut, USA I68848 AALT 
43 Huntington, Helen Maria  23 sep. 1862Hartford, Connecticut, USA I13812 AALT 
44 Judd, Philip Sedgwick  30 sep. 1956Hartford, Connecticut, USA I66162 AALT 
45 Kellogg, Jonathan Ens  1745Hartford, Connecticut, USA I92026 AALT 
46 Loomis, Joseph  1681Hartford, Connecticut, USA I124819 AALT 
47 Markham, Jane  9 nov. 1858Hartford, Connecticut, USA I31950 AALT 
48 Matson, Lucy  1805Hartford, Connecticut, USA I11544 AALT 
49 Mygatt, Sabra  1727Hartford, Connecticut, USA I79465 AALT 
50 Mygatt, Thomas  16 maj 1727Hartford, Connecticut, USA I79351 AALT 

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Match 1 til 9 fra 9

   Efternavn, Fornavn    Begravelse    Person-ID   Træ 
1 Ellsworth, Ann  23 mar. 1783Hartford, Connecticut, USA I108085 AALT 
2 Grant, Ebenezer  21 mar. 1797Hartford, Connecticut, USA I105927 AALT 
3 Hancock, Jonathan  før 1698Hartford, Connecticut, USA I2944 AAP 
4 Henderson, James  maj 1746Hartford, Connecticut, USA I3228 AAP 
5 Hooker, Reverend Horace  Hartford, Connecticut, USA I143657 AALT 
6 Judd, Mary  aug. 1684Hartford, Connecticut, USA I8803 AALT 
7 Matson, Lucy  Hartford, Connecticut, USA I11544 AALT 
8 Spencer, Thomas  Hartford, Connecticut, USA I23782 AALT 
9 Woodford, Sarah  1790Hartford, Connecticut, USA I76978 AALT 


Match 1 til 1 fra 1

   Efternavn, Fornavn    Arrival    Person-ID   Træ 
1 Pratt, William Joseph  1636Hartford, Connecticut, USA I21500 AALT 


Match 1 til 4 fra 4

   Efternavn, Fornavn    Bopæl    Person-ID   Træ 
1 Benton, Mary Stanley  Hartford, Connecticut, USA I35944 AALT 
2 Lanzano, Theresa  1920Hartford, Connecticut, USA I760 AAP 
3 Stannis, William Henry  1933Hartford, Connecticut, USA I113768 AALT 
4 Woodruff, Truman  1830Hartford, Connecticut, USA I35240 AALT 


Match 1 til 1 fra 1

   Efternavn, Fornavn    Folketælling    Person-ID   Træ 
1 Wood, Eli Jr  1850Hartford, Connecticut, USA I2868 AAP 


Match 1 til 1 fra 1

   Efternavn, Fornavn    Skifte    Person-ID   Træ 
1 Alling, John  25 jun. 1717Hartford, Connecticut, USA I137628 AALT 


Match 1 til 37 fra 37

   Familie    Ægteskab    Familie-ID   Træ 
1 Allen / Ellsworth  1717Hartford, Connecticut, USA F4269 AALT 
2 Beckwith / Thompson  20 mar. 1849Hartford, Connecticut, USA F15476 AALT 
3 Bidwell / Kasson  1863Hartford, Connecticut, USA F15455 AALT 
4 Bidwell / Orton  1759Hartford, Connecticut, USA F13146 AALT 
5 Bidwell / Pitkin  1702Hartford, Connecticut, USA F11737 AALT 
6 Bidwell / Shaw  25 nov. 1809Hartford, Connecticut, USA F13415 AALT 
7 Brace / Cadwell  15 sep. 1792Hartford, Connecticut, USA F20083 AALT 
8 Burnham / Moore  17 okt. 1899Hartford, Connecticut, USA F13145 AALT 
9 Burnham / Spencer  17 okt. 1720Hartford, Connecticut, USA F4512 AALT 
10 Cadwell / Hooker  4 apr. 1774Hartford, Connecticut, USA F8294 AALT 
11 Corbin / Moore  8 nov. 1854Hartford, Connecticut, USA F13174 AALT 
12 Curtis / Sedgwick  1 jan. 1805Hartford, Connecticut, USA F13049 AALT 
13 Ellsworth / Ashley  1790Hartford, Connecticut, USA F4293 AALT 
14 Gleason / Smith  1752Hartford, Connecticut, USA F3065 AALT 
15 Goodwin / Sedgwick  18 mar. 1832Hartford, Connecticut, USA F13092 AALT 
16 Graves / Andews  1632Hartford, Connecticut, USA F8174 AALT 
17 Grayham / Blanchard  før 1713Hartford, Connecticut, USA F18396 AALT 
18 Higley / Bidwell  14 apr. 1819Hartford, Connecticut, USA F20420 AALT 
19 Higley / Woodford  21 nov. 1842Hartford, Connecticut, USA F13507 AALT 
20 Hooker / Leete  ca. 1718Hartford, Connecticut, USA F32172 AALT 
21 Judd / Stanley  26 mar. 1789Hartford, Connecticut, USA F7385 AALT 
22 Loomis / Lyman  1762Hartford, Connecticut, USA F4090 AALT 
23 Morcus / Brandt  16 maj 1987Hartford, Connecticut, USA F350 AAP 
24 Orton / Russell  15 jan. 1844Hartford, Connecticut, USA F13182 AALT 
25 Pease / Spencer  1707Hartford, Connecticut, USA F18071 AALT 
26 Porter / Stanley  1650Hartford, Connecticut, USA F2317 AALT 
27 Sage / Ellsworth  1792Hartford, Connecticut, USA F4225 AALT 
28 Schuetz / Brandt  5 aug. 1939Hartford, Connecticut, USA F202 AAP 
29 Schuetz / Tomasino  30 aug. 1941Hartford, Connecticut, USA F502 AAP 
30 Schuetz / Veillette  21 maj 1949Hartford, Connecticut, USA F501 AAP 
31 Sedgwick / Brace  20 mar. 1828Hartford, Connecticut, USA F11857 AALT 
32 Sedgwick / Thompson  1 mar. 1855Hartford, Connecticut, USA F11856 AALT 
33 Wadsworth / Bidwell  ca. 1783Hartford, Connecticut, USA F751 AAP 
34 Wadsworth / Nichols  10 jul. 1813Hartford, Connecticut, USA F752 AAP 
35 Ward / Burnham  28 aug. 1707Hartford, Connecticut, USA F8312 AALT 
36 Webster / Ellsworth  1793Hartford, Connecticut, USA F4115 AALT 
37 Woodman / Ellsworth  1778Hartford, Connecticut, USA F3955 AALT 

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