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Suffield, Hartford, Connecticut, USA


Træ: AAP

Breddegrad: 41.9817, Længdegrad: -72.6511


Breddegrad: 41.9817, Længdegrad: -72.6511


Match 1 til 50 fra 97

1 2 Næste»

   Efternavn, Fornavn    Fødsel    Person-ID   Træ 
1 Hephzibah  1749Suffield, Hartford, Connecticut, USA I109169 AALT 
2 Adams, Daniel  ml. 1682 og 1683Suffield, Hartford, Connecticut, USA I19148 AALT 
3 Adams, Mary  17 feb. 1717Suffield, Hartford, Connecticut, USA I18916 AALT 
4 Allen, Abigail  12 mar. 1775Suffield, Hartford, Connecticut, USA I117858 AALT 
5 Allen, Alvin  28 jan. 1804Suffield, Hartford, Connecticut, USA I117483 AALT 
6 Allen, Capt. Benjamin Jaque Jr.  23 jan. 1807Suffield, Hartford, Connecticut, USA I117959 AALT 
7 Allen, Benjamin Jaques  26 sep. 1778Suffield, Hartford, Connecticut, USA I117458 AALT 
8 Allen, Esther  17 jan. 1761Suffield, Hartford, Connecticut, USA I117490 AALT 
9 Allen, Gaius  24 dec. 1765Suffield, Hartford, Connecticut, USA I117487 AALT 
10 Allen, Gaius  1 feb. 1772Suffield, Hartford, Connecticut, USA I117495 AALT 
11 Allen, Grace  4 aug. 1762Suffield, Hartford, Connecticut, USA I117506 AALT 
12 Allen, Joseph  27 aug. 1747Suffield, Hartford, Connecticut, USA I122069 AALT 
13 Allen, Olive  9 apr. 1773Suffield, Hartford, Connecticut, USA I117476 AALT 
14 Allen, Polly  15 aug. 1801Suffield, Hartford, Connecticut, USA I117485 AALT 
15 Allen, Reuben  22 sep. 1734Suffield, Hartford, Connecticut, USA I117492 AALT 
16 Allen, Reuben  10 maj 1764Suffield, Hartford, Connecticut, USA I117501 AALT 
17 Allen, Sarah  27 jun. 1769Suffield, Hartford, Connecticut, USA I117482 AALT 
18 Allen, Sarah  5 nov. 1770Suffield, Hartford, Connecticut, USA I117499 AALT 
19 Allen, Tabatha  15 maj 1782Suffield, Hartford, Connecticut, USA I117521 AALT 
20 Allen, Tabitha  15 okt. 1776Suffield, Hartford, Connecticut, USA I117473 AALT 
21 Austin, Aaron M.  25 feb. 1716Suffield, Hartford, Connecticut, USA I82109 AALT 
22 Austin, Abigail  13 jun. 1714Suffield, Hartford, Connecticut, USA I82123 AALT 
23 Austin, Daniel  9 maj 1720Suffield, Hartford, Connecticut, USA I82101 AALT 
24 Austin, Hannah  5 jun. 1725Suffield, Hartford, Connecticut, USA I82138 AALT 
25 Austin, Miriam  21 feb. 1710Suffield, Hartford, Connecticut, USA I82232 AALT 
26 Austin, Rachel  13 feb. 1708Suffield, Hartford, Connecticut, USA I82135 AALT 
27 Austin, Samuel  24 jun. 1722Suffield, Hartford, Connecticut, USA I82158 AALT 
28 Austin, Thomas  21 sep. 1705Suffield, Hartford, Connecticut, USA I82124 AALT 
29 Bissell, Ezekiel  6 sep. 1705Suffield, Hartford, Connecticut, USA I108268 AALT 
30 Brewster, Eugenia Juliet  12 mar. 1853Suffield, Hartford, Connecticut, USA I17087 AALT 
31 Brewster, Frank Kendall  8 aug. 1862Suffield, Hartford, Connecticut, USA I54487 AALT 
32 Burbank, Lucy A.  10 jan. 1771Suffield, Hartford, Connecticut, USA I62282 AALT 
33 Burbank, Thomas ( Shem)  21 maj 1736Suffield, Hartford, Connecticut, USA I62093 AALT 
34 Dickinson, Sarah Foote  1655Suffield, Hartford, Connecticut, USA I19107 AALT 
35 Ellis, Anna  1680Suffield, Hartford, Connecticut, USA I26150 AALT 
36 Fitch, Anna  1740Suffield, Hartford, Connecticut, USA I63032 AALT 
37 Gleason, Ephraim  7 mar. 1758Suffield, Hartford, Connecticut, USA I7659 AALT 
38 Halladay, Amy  6 maj 1703Suffield, Hartford, Connecticut, USA I31438 AALT 
39 Hodge, William  20 apr. 1678Suffield, Hartford, Connecticut, USA I1120 AALT 
40 Jeffers, Abigail  18 jul. 1772Suffield, Hartford, Connecticut, USA I104591 AALT 
41 Kellogg, Daniel  31 okt. 1787Suffield, Hartford, Connecticut, USA I98965 AALT 
42 Kellogg, Johannah  26 dec. 1726Suffield, Hartford, Connecticut, USA I92025 AALT 
43 Kellogg, Jonathan  24 sep. 1759Suffield, Hartford, Connecticut, USA I79150 AALT 
44 Kellogg, Jonathan Ens  23 aug. 1721Suffield, Hartford, Connecticut, USA I92026 AALT 
45 Kellogg, Joseph  14 okt. 1742Suffield, Hartford, Connecticut, USA I109135 AALT 
46 Kellogg, Joseph  14 okt. 1742Suffield, Hartford, Connecticut, USA I79243 AALT 
47 Kellogg, Lucy  28 aug. 1744Suffield, Hartford, Connecticut, USA I91805 AALT 
48 Kellogg, Lucy  21 jan. 1777Suffield, Hartford, Connecticut, USA I91824 AALT 
49 Kellogg, Martin  20 maj 1733Suffield, Hartford, Connecticut, USA I91809 AALT 
50 Kellogg, Rachel  14 jul. 1724Suffield, Hartford, Connecticut, USA I91829 AALT 

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Match 1 til 8 fra 8

   Efternavn, Fornavn    Dåb    Person-ID   Træ 
1 Allen, Grace  19 dec. 1762Suffield, Hartford, Connecticut, USA I117506 AALT 
2 Austin, Abigail  20 jun. 1714Suffield, Hartford, Connecticut, USA I82123 AALT 
3 Burbank, Thomas ( Shem)  23 maj 1736Suffield, Hartford, Connecticut, USA I62093 AALT 
4 Halladay, Amy  12 mar. 1715Suffield, Hartford, Connecticut, USA I31438 AALT 
5 Kellogg, Joseph  7 nov. 1742Suffield, Hartford, Connecticut, USA I109135 AALT 
6 Kent, Esther  2 jun. 1734Suffield, Hartford, Connecticut, USA I117452 AALT 
7 Kent, Salome  28 nov. 1773Suffield, Hartford, Connecticut, USA I63582 AALT 
8 Pease, Calvin  16 mar. 1777Suffield, Hartford, Connecticut, USA I125876 AALT 


Match 1 til 50 fra 93

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   Efternavn, Fornavn    Død    Person-ID   Træ 
1 Adams, Mary  18 mar. 1758Suffield, Hartford, Connecticut, USA I18916 AALT 
2 Adams, Susan  8 jun. 1885Suffield, Hartford, Connecticut, USA I29446 AALT 
3 Allen, Benjamin  23 feb. 1742Suffield, Hartford, Connecticut, USA I117481 AALT 
4 Allen, Edward I  21 nov. 1696Suffield, Hartford, Connecticut, USA I29149 AALT 
5 Allen, Elizabeth  16 jun. 1694Suffield, Hartford, Connecticut, USA I17233 AALT 
6 Allen, Gaius  24 nov. 1769Suffield, Hartford, Connecticut, USA I117487 AALT 
7 Allen, Gaius  13 sep. 1785Suffield, Hartford, Connecticut, USA I117495 AALT 
8 Allen, Martha  23 feb. 1698Suffield, Hartford, Connecticut, USA I17300 AALT 
9 Allen, Patience  1750Suffield, Hartford, Connecticut, USA I54130 AALT 
10 Allen, Reuben  4 feb. 1810Suffield, Hartford, Connecticut, USA I117492 AALT 
11 Allen, Reuben  13 maj 1822Suffield, Hartford, Connecticut, USA I117501 AALT 
12 Allen, Sarah  18 okt. 1699Suffield, Hartford, Connecticut, USA I17412 AALT 
13 Allen, Tabatha  11 sep. 1849Suffield, Hartford, Connecticut, USA I117521 AALT 
14 Allen, Tabitha  15 maj 1778Suffield, Hartford, Connecticut, USA I117473 AALT 
15 Allen, William  15 nov. 1711Suffield, Hartford, Connecticut, USA I17372 AALT 
16 Austin, Aaron M.  9 feb. 1801Suffield, Hartford, Connecticut, USA I82109 AALT 
17 Austin, Abigail  13 jun. 1765Suffield, Hartford, Connecticut, USA I82123 AALT 
18 Austin, Anthony  22 aug. 1708Suffield, Hartford, Connecticut, USA I82141 AALT 
19 Austin, Nathaniel  12 dec. 1760Suffield, Hartford, Connecticut, USA I99007 AALT 
20 Austin, Rachel  Suffield, Hartford, Connecticut, USA I82135 AALT 
21 Austin, Samuel  30 dec. 1744Suffield, Hartford, Connecticut, USA I82158 AALT 
22 Austin, Thomas  12 dec. 1760Suffield, Hartford, Connecticut, USA I82124 AALT 
23 Bissell, Ann  12 sep. 1768Suffield, Hartford, Connecticut, USA I108483 AALT 
24 Brewster, Rouse Kendall  25 jun. 1953Suffield, Hartford, Connecticut, USA I54582 AALT 
25 Brownson, Abigail  27 mar. 1710Suffield, Hartford, Connecticut, USA I3294 AAP 
26 Burt, Elizabeth  24 okt. 1683Suffield, Hartford, Connecticut, USA I18967 AALT 
27 Devotion, Hannah  24 nov. 1726Suffield, Hartford, Connecticut, USA I139047 AALT 
28 Devotion, John  25 okt. 1732Suffield, Hartford, Connecticut, USA I91951 AALT 
29 Devotion, Rachel  24 nov. 1726Suffield, Hartford, Connecticut, USA I92010 AALT 
30 Dickinson, Sarah  11 feb. 1732Suffield, Hartford, Connecticut, USA I91819 AALT 
31 Dickinson, Sarah Foote  11 feb. 1732Suffield, Hartford, Connecticut, USA I19107 AALT 
32 Gleason, John  23 aug. 1717Suffield, Hartford, Connecticut, USA I92212 AALT 
33 Granger, Elizabeth  20 mar. 1692Suffield, Hartford, Connecticut, USA I19038 AALT 
34 Halladay, William  11 apr. 1764Suffield, Hartford, Connecticut, USA I26155 AALT 
35 Halliday, Walter  21 sep. 1709Suffield, Hartford, Connecticut, USA I49012 AALT 
36 Hanchett, Deacon John  22 okt. 1744Suffield, Hartford, Connecticut, USA I49718 AALT 
37 Hanchett, Deacon Thomas  11 jun. 1686Suffield, Hartford, Connecticut, USA I45998 AALT 
38 Hathaway, Mr Jacob Jr.  14 nov. 1774Suffield, Hartford, Connecticut, USA I94219 AALT 
39 Hathaway, Mr. Joseph  14 nov. 1777Suffield, Hartford, Connecticut, USA I94252 AALT 
40 Hodge, Elizabeth  10 dec. 1682Suffield, Hartford, Connecticut, USA I5490 AALT 
41 Hodge, John  1737Suffield, Hartford, Connecticut, USA I381 AALT 
42 Hovey, Abigail  9 jan. 1764Suffield, Hartford, Connecticut, USA I99024 AALT 
43 Huggins, Esther  7 mar. 1698Suffield, Hartford, Connecticut, USA I98932 AALT 
44 Huxley, Sarah  18 aug. 1749Suffield, Hartford, Connecticut, USA I92175 AALT 
45 Jacques, Abigail  okt. 1746Suffield, Hartford, Connecticut, USA I117498 AALT 
46 Kellogg, Lucy  5 mar. 1810Suffield, Hartford, Connecticut, USA I91805 AALT 
47 Kellogg, Captain Martin  5 okt. 1732Suffield, Hartford, Connecticut, USA I65528 AALT 
48 Kellogg, Martin  1 maj 1786Suffield, Hartford, Connecticut, USA I91809 AALT 
49 Kellogg, Rachel  17 jul. 1754Suffield, Hartford, Connecticut, USA I91829 AALT 
50 Kellogg, Rebecca  27 aug. 1761Suffield, Hartford, Connecticut, USA I92048 AALT 

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Match 1 til 8 fra 8

   Efternavn, Fornavn    Begravelse    Person-ID   Træ 
1 Allen, Edward I  22 nov. 1696Suffield, Hartford, Connecticut, USA I29149 AALT 
2 Austin, Aaron  1712Suffield, Hartford, Connecticut, USA I82147 AALT 
3 Austin, Nathaniel  dec. 1760Suffield, Hartford, Connecticut, USA I99007 AALT 
4 Brewster, Eugenia Juliet  1883Suffield, Hartford, Connecticut, USA I17087 AALT 
5 Brownson, Abigail  1710Suffield, Hartford, Connecticut, USA I3294 AAP 
6 Dickinson, Sarah  12 feb. 1732Suffield, Hartford, Connecticut, USA I91819 AALT 
7 Hathaway, Mr Jacob Jr.  14 feb. 1774Suffield, Hartford, Connecticut, USA I94219 AALT 
8 Kellogg, Captain Martin  Suffield, Hartford, Connecticut, USA I65528 AALT 


Match 1 til 1 fra 1

   Efternavn, Fornavn    Bopæl    Person-ID   Træ 
1 Brewster, Rouse Kendall  apr. 1940Suffield, Hartford, Connecticut, USA I54582 AALT 


Match 1 til 1 fra 1

   Efternavn, Fornavn    Fødsel    Person-ID   Træ 
1 Sikes, Mary  1688Suffield, Hartford, Connecticut, USA I46019 AALT 


Match 1 til 16 fra 16

   Familie    Ægteskab    Familie-ID   Træ 
1 Adams / Lane  24 dec. 1712Suffield, Hartford, Connecticut, USA F654 AALT 
2 Allen / Kent  20 mar. 1760Suffield, Hartford, Connecticut, USA F24828 AALT 
3 Allen / Remmington  12 nov. 1767Suffield, Hartford, Connecticut, USA F24827 AALT 
4 Allen / Wilcox  10 jun. 1800Suffield, Hartford, Connecticut, USA F24817 AALT 
5 Austin / Hovey  27 jan. 1701Suffield, Hartford, Connecticut, USA F20220 AALT 
6 Burt / Langton  14 dec. 1686Suffield, Hartford, Connecticut, USA F8820 AALT 
7 Drake / Sheldon  ca. 1744Suffield, Hartford, Connecticut, USA F21067 AALT 
8 Ellsworth / Leavitt  8 jul. 1740Suffield, Hartford, Connecticut, USA F21325 AALT 
9 Hanchett / Langton  22 sep. 1647Suffield, Hartford, Connecticut, USA F8814 AALT 
10 Kellogg / Huxley  15 sep. 1732Suffield, Hartford, Connecticut, USA F12995 AALT 
11 Kellogg / Kent  13 jan. 1741Suffield, Hartford, Connecticut, USA F18805 AALT 
12 Pease / Risley  22 jun. 1804Suffield, Hartford, Connecticut, USA F26554 AALT 
13 Smith / Brewster  24 dec. 1839Suffield, Hartford, Connecticut, USA F30289 AALT 
14 Sykes / Granger  16 jul. 1684Suffield, Hartford, Connecticut, USA F2198 AALT 
15 Sykes / Trumbull  22 dec. 1692Suffield, Hartford, Connecticut, USA F2196 AALT 
16 Williams / Barron  29 mar. 1801Suffield, Hartford, Connecticut, USA F23766 AALT 

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