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ED 132 Joseph, Monroe Precincts Monroe town, Sevier, Utah, United States



Match 1 til 8 fra 8

   Efternavn, Fornavn    Bopæl    Person-ID   Træ 
1 Larsen, Daniel Jones  1900ED 132 Joseph, Monroe Precincts Monroe town, Sevier, Utah, United States I35320 AALT 
2 Nilsson, Alma Frederick  1900ED 132 Joseph, Monroe Precincts Monroe town, Sevier, Utah, United States I118120 AALT 
3 Nilsson, James Niels  1900ED 132 Joseph, Monroe Precincts Monroe town, Sevier, Utah, United States I116290 AALT 
4 Nilsson, Jeppa  1900ED 132 Joseph, Monroe Precincts Monroe town, Sevier, Utah, United States I116556 AALT 
5 Nilsson, Joseph Andrew  1900ED 132 Joseph, Monroe Precincts Monroe town, Sevier, Utah, United States I116255 AALT 
6 Nilsson, Ralph Franklin  1900ED 132 Joseph, Monroe Precincts Monroe town, Sevier, Utah, United States I118118 AALT 
7 Nilsson, Sarah Elizabeth  1900ED 132 Joseph, Monroe Precincts Monroe town, Sevier, Utah, United States I116266 AALT 
8 Tuft, Gladys Eola  1900ED 132 Joseph, Monroe Precincts Monroe town, Sevier, Utah, United States I35506 AALT 

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