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Hebron, Tolland, Connecticut, USA



Breddegrad: 41.6579, Længdegrad: -72.3659


Match 1 til 50 fra 142

1 2 3 Næste»

   Efternavn, Fornavn    Fødsel    Person-ID   Træ 
1 Baxter, Francis  14 jan. 1717Hebron, Tolland, Connecticut, USA I25925 AALT 
2 Brown, Demaris  1750Hebron, Tolland, Connecticut, USA I25468 AALT 
3 Calkins, Daniel  8 mar. 1721Hebron, Tolland, Connecticut, USA I84818 AALT 
4 Calkins, Mary  8 sep. 1720Hebron, Tolland, Connecticut, USA I84806 AALT 
5 Curtis, Abigail  13 feb. 1746Hebron, Tolland, Connecticut, USA I107415 AALT 
6 Deane, Esther  1696Hebron, Tolland, Connecticut, USA I21938 AALT 
7 Dyer, Anne  3 sep. 1696Hebron, Tolland, Connecticut, USA I104308 AALT 
8 Ellis, Rebeckah Rebecca  10 dec. 1755Hebron, Tolland, Connecticut, USA I113005 AALT 
9 English, Alexander  6 feb. 1792Hebron, Tolland, Connecticut, USA I6973 AALT 
10 Ford, Abigail  29 okt. 1765Hebron, Tolland, Connecticut, USA I107424 AALT 
11 Ford, Benjamin  7 maj 1748Hebron, Tolland, Connecticut, USA I107693 AALT 
12 Ford, Benoni  17 maj 1758Hebron, Tolland, Connecticut, USA I107565 AALT 
13 Ford, Isaac  23 maj 1778Hebron, Tolland, Connecticut, USA I109747 AALT 
14 Ford, Jacob  22 apr. 1744Hebron, Tolland, Connecticut, USA I110007 AALT 
15 Ford, Levina  21 jan. 1768Hebron, Tolland, Connecticut, USA I107426 AALT 
16 Ford, Mary  11 mar. 1750Hebron, Tolland, Connecticut, USA I107697 AALT 
17 Ford, Olive  2 jun. 1776Hebron, Tolland, Connecticut, USA I107428 AALT 
18 Ford, Rachel  20 dec. 1752Hebron, Tolland, Connecticut, USA I107334 AALT 
19 Ford, (Deacon) Zadock  28 dec. 1745Hebron, Tolland, Connecticut, USA I107671 AALT 
20 Gilbert, Mary  24 aug. 1719Hebron, Tolland, Connecticut, USA I107417 AALT 
21 Kellogg, Adonijah  2 sep. 1766Hebron, Tolland, Connecticut, USA I108987 AALT 
22 Kellogg, Beulah  2 jan. 1731Hebron, Tolland, Connecticut, USA I79912 AALT 
23 Kellogg, Elizabeth  31 jan. 1734Hebron, Tolland, Connecticut, USA I79312 AALT 
24 Kellogg, Eunice  28 maj 1764Hebron, Tolland, Connecticut, USA I108982 AALT 
25 Kellogg, Ezekiel  18 jul. 1758Hebron, Tolland, Connecticut, USA I108977 AALT 
26 Kellogg, Jacob  28 maj 1768Hebron, Tolland, Connecticut, USA I108856 AALT 
27 Kellogg, Joseph  19 feb. 1770Hebron, Tolland, Connecticut, USA I108864 AALT 
28 Kellogg, Olive  12 sep. 1762Hebron, Tolland, Connecticut, USA I108749 AALT 
29 Kellogg, Sarah  22 feb. 1757Hebron, Tolland, Connecticut, USA I108973 AALT 
30 Kellogg, William  28 jan. 1756Hebron, Tolland, Connecticut, USA I108967 AALT 
31 Kneeland, Abigail  1736Hebron, Tolland, Connecticut, USA I60871 AALT 
32 Kneeland, Alice  19 mar. 1762Hebron, Tolland, Connecticut, USA I94388 AALT 
33 Kneeland, Anna  29 maj 1776Hebron, Tolland, Connecticut, USA I94288 AALT 
34 Kneeland, Benjamin  5 jan. 1731Hebron, Tolland, Connecticut, USA I61337 AALT 
35 Kneeland, Benjamin  24 nov. 1746Hebron, Tolland, Connecticut, USA I94325 AALT 
36 Kneeland, Content  25 aug. 1743Hebron, Tolland, Connecticut, USA I94383 AALT 
37 Kneeland, David  23 apr. 1752Hebron, Tolland, Connecticut, USA I94372 AALT 
38 Kneeland, David Jr  23 aug. 1772Hebron, Tolland, Connecticut, USA I94397 AALT 
39 Kneeland, Deborah  9 dec. 1719Hebron, Tolland, Connecticut, USA I61276 AALT 
40 Kneeland, Ebenezer  14 maj 1741Hebron, Tolland, Connecticut, USA I60891 AALT 
41 Kneeland, Edward  23 feb. 1724Hebron, Tolland, Connecticut, USA I58944 AALT 
42 Kneeland, Elizabeth  8 okt. 1739Hebron, Tolland, Connecticut, USA I61143 AALT 
43 Kneeland, Hezekiah  26 jun. 1722Hebron, Tolland, Connecticut, USA I60914 AALT 
44 Kneeland, Isaac  15 maj 1716Hebron, Tolland, Connecticut, USA I59044 AALT 
45 Kneeland, Isaac  13 okt. 1741Hebron, Tolland, Connecticut, USA I94387 AALT 
46 Kneeland, Jesse  16 jun. 1755Hebron, Tolland, Connecticut, USA I94343 AALT 
47 Kneeland, Joseph  13 aug. 1749Hebron, Tolland, Connecticut, USA I94312 AALT 
48 Kneeland, Mehitable  15 jun. 1734Hebron, Tolland, Connecticut, USA I60853 AALT 
49 Kneeland, Mindwell  4 maj 1753Hebron, Tolland, Connecticut, USA I94305 AALT 
50 Kneeland, Phebe  15 jan. 1730Hebron, Tolland, Connecticut, USA I61031 AALT 

1 2 3 Næste»


Match 1 til 1 fra 1

   Efternavn, Fornavn    Dåb    Person-ID   Træ 
1 Sandford, Elizabeth  feb. 1645Hebron, Tolland, Connecticut, USA I63771 AALT 


Match 1 til 50 fra 87

1 2 Næste»

   Efternavn, Fornavn    Død    Person-ID   Træ 
1 Barber, David  7 nov. 1729Hebron, Tolland, Connecticut, USA I2893 AALT 
2 Barber, Temperance  15 aug. 1798Hebron, Tolland, Connecticut, USA I103481 AALT 
3 Beach, Richard  1745Hebron, Tolland, Connecticut, USA I94302 AALT 
4 Bissell, Hannah  24 feb. 1717Hebron, Tolland, Connecticut, USA I104310 AALT 
5 Bull, Mary  27 feb. 1751Hebron, Tolland, Connecticut, USA I130467 AALT 
6 Butler, Mary Goodrich  1725Hebron, Tolland, Connecticut, USA I20323 AALT 
7 Calkins, Hannah  29 dec. 1755Hebron, Tolland, Connecticut, USA I34091 AALT 
8 Calkins, Ruth  1731Hebron, Tolland, Connecticut, USA I33980 AALT 
9 Carrier, Amos  26 apr. 1793Hebron, Tolland, Connecticut, USA I60670 AALT 
10 Carter, Thomas  18 nov. 1772Hebron, Tolland, Connecticut, USA I130465 AALT 
11 Chamberland, Abigail  1726Hebron, Tolland, Connecticut, USA I60814 AALT 
12 Crow, Martha  ml. 1708 og 1765Hebron, Tolland, Connecticut, USA I104342 AALT 
13 Deane, Esther  10 jul. 1726Hebron, Tolland, Connecticut, USA I21938 AALT 
14 Dutton, Damaris  17 jan. 1774Hebron, Tolland, Connecticut, USA I87774 AALT 
15 Dyer, Ann Jane  1764Hebron, Tolland, Connecticut, USA I51235 AALT 
16 Eno, Susannah  12 dec. 1773Hebron, Tolland, Connecticut, USA I112242 AALT 
17 Foote, Hannah  8 jul. 1799Hebron, Tolland, Connecticut, USA I94346 AALT 
18 Ford, Mathew  6 okt. 1769Hebron, Tolland, Connecticut, USA I110027 AALT 
19 Foster, Mary  16 feb. 1770Hebron, Tolland, Connecticut, USA I110023 AALT 
20 Heaton, Sarah  1734Hebron, Tolland, Connecticut, USA I20497 AALT 
21 House, John  4 jul. 1805Hebron, Tolland, Connecticut, USA I28078 AALT 
22 Kellogg, Joseph  Hebron, Tolland, Connecticut, USA I108867 AALT 
23 Kellogg, Joseph Deacon  20 aug. 1765Hebron, Tolland, Connecticut, USA I108833 AALT 
24 Kellogg, Zerniah  1827Hebron, Tolland, Connecticut, USA I79318 AALT 
25 Kneeland, Benjamin  27 nov. 1741Hebron, Tolland, Connecticut, USA I61337 AALT 
26 Kneeland, Benjamin Edward  18 feb. 1743Hebron, Tolland, Connecticut, USA I60815 AALT 
27 Kneeland, Ebenezer  20 jul. 1758Hebron, Tolland, Connecticut, USA I58916 AALT 
28 Kneeland, Elizabeth  18 sep. 1774Hebron, Tolland, Connecticut, USA I61328 AALT 
29 Kneeland, Mehitable  27 mar. 1740Hebron, Tolland, Connecticut, USA I60853 AALT 
30 Kneeland, Sarah  6 dec. 1746Hebron, Tolland, Connecticut, USA I60850 AALT 
31 Leffingwell, Lucretia  1804Hebron, Tolland, Connecticut, USA I77721 AALT 
32 Loomis, Ann  30 sep. 1777Hebron, Tolland, Connecticut, USA I5072 AALT 
33 Mack, Elizabeth  15 mar. 1750Hebron, Tolland, Connecticut, USA I4311 AALT 
34 Mack, Josiah  21 nov. 1769Hebron, Tolland, Connecticut, USA I4349 AALT 
35 Mack, Orlando  28 jan. 1768Hebron, Tolland, Connecticut, USA I4394 AALT 
36 Mann, Mary  16 feb. 1770Hebron, Tolland, Connecticut, USA I107562 AALT 
37 Peterson, Cornelius  1658Hebron, Tolland, Connecticut, USA I118888 AALT 
38 Phelps, Abigail  28 jan. 1709Hebron, Tolland, Connecticut, USA I103613 AALT 
39 Phelps, Ann  24 jan. 1767Hebron, Tolland, Connecticut, USA I102643 AALT 
40 Phelps, Asahel  18 okt. 1787Hebron, Tolland, Connecticut, USA I108882 AALT 
41 Phelps, Asahel  18 okt. 1787Hebron, Tolland, Connecticut, USA I104288 AALT 
42 Phelps, Charles  1745Hebron, Tolland, Connecticut, USA I104345 AALT 
43 Phelps, Cornelius  16 aug. 1760Hebron, Tolland, Connecticut, USA I104285 AALT 
44 Phelps, Hannah  16 jan. 1739Hebron, Tolland, Connecticut, USA I110759 AALT 
45 Phelps, Hannah  6 okt. 1749Hebron, Tolland, Connecticut, USA I103626 AALT 
46 Phelps, Joseph  30 aug. 1716Hebron, Tolland, Connecticut, USA I103620 AALT 
47 Phelps, Joshua  1 jan. 1712Hebron, Tolland, Connecticut, USA I104320 AALT 
48 Phelps, Martha  25 jul. 1776Hebron, Tolland, Connecticut, USA I110755 AALT 
49 Phelps, Mary  22 dec. 1748Hebron, Tolland, Connecticut, USA I104340 AALT 
50 Phelps, Mary  31 dec. 1771Hebron, Tolland, Connecticut, USA I104311 AALT 

1 2 Næste»


Match 1 til 1 fra 1

   Efternavn, Fornavn    Begravelse    Person-ID   Træ 
1 Sandford, Elizabeth  1694Hebron, Tolland, Connecticut, USA I63771 AALT 


Match 1 til 18 fra 18

   Efternavn, Fornavn    Bopæl    Person-ID   Træ 
1 Curtice, Hosea  1716Hebron, Tolland, Connecticut, USA I107418 AALT 
2 Curtis, Abigail  1745Hebron, Tolland, Connecticut, USA I107415 AALT 
3 Ford, Abigail  1765Hebron, Tolland, Connecticut, USA I107424 AALT 
4 Ford, Benjamin  1748Hebron, Tolland, Connecticut, USA I107693 AALT 
5 Ford, Jacob  1744Hebron, Tolland, Connecticut, USA I110007 AALT 
6 Ford, Jacob  1744Hebron, Tolland, Connecticut, USA I110007 AALT 
7 Ford, Jacob  1744Hebron, Tolland, Connecticut, USA I110007 AALT 
8 Ford, (Deacon) Zadock  1745Hebron, Tolland, Connecticut, USA I107671 AALT 
9 Gilbert, Mary  1719Hebron, Tolland, Connecticut, USA I107417 AALT 
10 Kneeland, Alice  1762Hebron, Tolland, Connecticut, USA I94388 AALT 
11 Kneeland, Anna  1776Hebron, Tolland, Connecticut, USA I94288 AALT 
12 Kneeland, Benjamin  1746Hebron, Tolland, Connecticut, USA I94325 AALT 
13 Kneeland, Content  1743Hebron, Tolland, Connecticut, USA I94383 AALT 
14 Kneeland, David  1752Hebron, Tolland, Connecticut, USA I94372 AALT 
15 Kneeland, Jerusha  1774Hebron, Tolland, Connecticut, USA I94279 AALT 
16 Kneeland, Jesse  1755Hebron, Tolland, Connecticut, USA I94343 AALT 
17 Kneeland, Mindwell  1753Hebron, Tolland, Connecticut, USA I94305 AALT 
18 Rollo, William  1790Hebron, Tolland, Connecticut, USA I102855 AALT 


Match 1 til 23 fra 23

   Familie    Ægteskab    Familie-ID   Træ 
1 Bush / House  12 apr. 1759Hebron, Tolland, Connecticut, USA F5273 AALT 
2 Ford / Curtis  5 mar. 1765Hebron, Tolland, Connecticut, USA F22777 AALT 
3 Ford / Mann  14 apr. 1743Hebron, Tolland, Connecticut, USA F22129 AALT 
4 Kellogg / Sears  3 sep. 1755Hebron, Tolland, Connecticut, USA F24021 AALT 
5 Kneeland / Beach  8 nov. 1739Hebron, Tolland, Connecticut, USA F11184 AALT 
6 Kneeland / Fuller  8 dec. 1725Hebron, Tolland, Connecticut, USA F12138 AALT 
7 Kneeland / Jones  8 aug. 1738Hebron, Tolland, Connecticut, USA F12139 AALT 
8 Kneeland / Kneeland  10 okt. 1771Hebron, Tolland, Connecticut, USA F19132 AALT 
9 Kneeland / Pepoon  22 okt. 1747Hebron, Tolland, Connecticut, USA F11559 AALT 
10 Kneeland / Rowley  12 nov. 1742Hebron, Tolland, Connecticut, USA F11183 AALT 
11 Phelps / Barber  10 maj 1738Hebron, Tolland, Connecticut, USA F21225 AALT 
12 Phelps / Dyer  1 okt. 1719Hebron, Tolland, Connecticut, USA F21220 AALT 
13 Phelps / Mack  nov. 1764Hebron, Tolland, Connecticut, USA F22200 AALT 
14 Phelps / Pinney  5 nov. 1719Hebron, Tolland, Connecticut, USA F20985 AALT 
15 Phelps / Stiles  17 feb. 1726Hebron, Tolland, Connecticut, USA F21226 AALT 
16 Phelps / Tillotson  1742Hebron, Tolland, Connecticut, USA F22201 AALT 
17 Porter / Deane  9 nov. 1720Hebron, Tolland, Connecticut, USA F1151 AALT 
18 Porter / Heaton  2 nov. 1727Hebron, Tolland, Connecticut, USA F1152 AALT 
19 Rollo / Phelps  12 maj 1746Hebron, Tolland, Connecticut, USA F21223 AALT 
20 Root / Porter  10 jan. 1760Hebron, Tolland, Connecticut, USA F5910 AALT 
21 Rude / Phelps  6 jun. 1764Hebron, Tolland, Connecticut, USA F24020 AALT 
22 Sawyer / Luis  14 feb. 1716Hebron, Tolland, Connecticut, USA F27729 AALT 
23 Stiles / Brown  6 jun. 1765Hebron, Tolland, Connecticut, USA F3523 AALT 


Match 1 til 4 fra 4

   Familie    Viet    Familie-ID   Træ 
1 Kneeland / Beach  8 nov. 1739Hebron, Tolland, Connecticut, USA F11184 AALT 
2 Kneeland / Rowley  12 nov. 1742Hebron, Tolland, Connecticut, USA F11183 AALT 
3 Kneeland / Rowley  12 nov. 1742Hebron, Tolland, Connecticut, USA F11183 AALT 
4 Kneeland / Rowley  12 nov. 1742Hebron, Tolland, Connecticut, USA F11183 AALT 

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